System Heresy

System Heresy

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System Heresy

Review: 8.7/10 from 16 ratings

Sylvester might have been conceited, antisocial, and had anger issues. Despite it, he was able to always constraint himself. Now with a short hike into the woods, Sylvester found himself standing on a magical world. Only to be promptly killed and resurrected as an undead. With constant danger being the new normal for him, he will release his inner demons to achieve a secure future.

Will he go mad or be able to retain some sense of his humanity? Either way, all the world can see is a new threat making its mark. A creature growing beyond reasonable nature.

This is more of a test story so I can bounce ideas on monster designs, magic, style, and personalities. Don’t worry. I’ll still be putting my all into this.

Updates whenever I regain the will to live.

Cover art made using

Royal Road proof that I prefer these guys than them by posting here first.

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