System, I Found Love On The Ice!

Chapter 9: 9. Touche

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Ellington hadn't slept so peacefully in a long time. In his previous body, pain was his constant companion, an unwanted friend. It was always there through the good times and the bad to remind him he would never be free from his cancerous body.


It followed him everywhere, even in his dreams. Yet that was at least better than what he had to look forward to while he was conscious. Even though his sleep might have been restless, it was a better alternative to the constant agony he had to go through while he was awake. 


But now things had changed. 


As Ellington's eyes fluttered open, a bright smile crossed his features. He felt better than he had in years. Although he still felt a little tired, he was feeling good. Besides the dull ache from his leg, he had no other problems, such as the mind-numbing pain he suffered every morning in his previous life.


It was nice.


Ellington yawned, rubbing his eyes as he moved to sit up. After a long stretch, he looked around at his surroundings. It surprised him to see that his cat-like system was nowhere in sight. However, before he could wonder where it went off to, he heard his door opening.


He briefly thought maybe it was his coach who was returning to tell him that the committee approved the extra money, since they were in such a hurry to use him as a scapegoat. But he was wrong. It was just a nurse. However, it was still early. Who knows what could happen later?


'It seems it is time for breakfast,' Elli thought as he watched the blonde-haired nurse wheel over a cart with a covered dish on top of it. 


She kind of reminded him of the personal nurse who took care of him for years. It always made him feel a little bad when he saw her, since he knew she saw him as a little brother. But in his mind, the only thing he could see her as was someone who always caused him pain. Literally. 


"Good morning," the nurse smiled, as she parked the cart by his bedside. "I see you're feeling better." 


Elli smiled back at her, putting up a cordial facade. "I am," he said softly, his voice still hoarse from sleepiness.


"That's good," the nurse said cheerfully before putting the covered tray on the over-bed table near him and placing it over his lap. "Eat up! I'll go get the doctor to come and take a look at you." 


After she left, Ellington quickly pulled back the cover to reveal a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and oatmeal. His stomach growled in anticipation as he eyed everything hungrily. 


However, before he could begin eating, there was a knock on his door. After covering the food back so it wouldn't get cold, Elli called out, "Come in!"


The door opened and the nurse from before walked in with the doctor following behind her. After exchanging a few words with the nurse, the doctor turned his attention to Ellington. 


"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked kindly as he looked over his chart notes. 


"I'm doing okay," Elli said, as the nurse checked his vitals. "My leg hurts a bit, but it's still tolerable."


The doctor nodded, making a few notes on his chart. "That's good to hear," he said. After a moment, he turned back to Ellington with a smile. "It seems to be healing well." 


Ellington was glad to hear that, but he was still worried about the injury. It wasn't clear if his system would be able to heal it. He had forgotten to ask about it yesterday. Just in case he wanted to know the doctor's opinion about what could be done.


"Will I be able to ice skate again?" he asked.

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The smile on the doctor's face disappeared, and his demeanor became serious. "I will be honest with you, Mr. Frost, with the way your leg was fractured. As of right now, I would not recommend you skate on it. If you damaged it again, you could risk losing mobility altogether. You need at least three more surgeries for it to be safe and even then, I wouldn't suggest you do it."


 "I see," Elli deadpanned. He was feeling bad for the original owner. Benoit ruined his entire life. 'I will definitely revenge you.'


Seeing his expression, the doctor thought he was upset and awkwardly tried to console him. The doctor patted his arm and said, "It's going to be all right. Don't be depressed, you are still young. There are other avenues you will be able to pursue."


Deciding to play along, Ellington put on a brave smile and nodded at the man. However, he wasn't worried at all. If the doctors couldn't fix his leg, that must mean that his system would be able to.   


I'm glad to see you have so much faith in me.


Startled, Ellington glanced at Bluey, who appeared out of nowhere, and then at the doctor, sighing with relief when he realized they couldn't see the cat. That scared the dickens out of him for a minute.  


Once again, the doctor misread his expression. However, this time it would benefit him greatly. "I will check on you again in a week. If you want, I can x-ray your leg for you, so you know for sure."


"That sounds great," Elli said, nodding vigorously. By then, his system would have done whatever it was to fix his leg and he would be cleared to ice skate again.


After the doctor left, he turned to Bluey and asked, "Where were you?"


I was resting.


"Resting?" Elli asked in confusion. He never knew that systems needed to rest. He always thought they were intangible beings that didn't need to eat or sleep.


That would be a terrible existence. For future reference, I can do all those things. I just don't need to do it as much as you do.


Ellington felt as though his mind was blown. It seems systems were living organisms. Who would have thought? "Well, if you needed to rest, why didn't you do it on my bed? You could have just pretended to be a plushie." 


Sent by who.


He thought about it. Bluey was right. Besides his coach, no one came to visit him. "Touche." 


Although he found it strange that no one did. He knew from the book that the original owner's family was in another country, so he didn't expect them. But he felt like at least some of his teammates should have. If only to show their faces. Was this body completely friendless?


You have that in common.


"Damn Bluey," Elli huffed a laugh as he reopens his breakfast tray. "You sure know how to hit me where it hurts."

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