Taimanin Summoning System

Chapter 4: Meeting a Strong Opponent

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Another 4 hours had passed with the sun only just beginning to dip below the horizon. We didn't see anyone during that time, surprisingly. Though Rinko did kill a few more hornets of a smaller size, thank the gods, a weird bird with sharp claws, and a weird fruit plant that ate an unsuspecting hornet. Thus, we leveled up a bit.

[John Lv. 4 (48/400)]
[Rinko Lv. 2 (510/526)]

[Draw a card?]

I pressed yes and pulled out the card. I wonder who it is and I held it up with a frown. I know I can't summon this one. I don't want to be killed after all if word got out that I could summon these creatures.

Orc Merc (N)

For one thing, he's a demon horn dog that will willingly kidnap and rape any women he can get his hands on. Not to mention that the fact his sperm is addictive and he can get women easily pregnant which I won't allow. The second thing is that Rinko will kill him before he would try. Or he'll try to rape her and she'll kill him in retaliation. So rather than wasting my mana on a pointless summons, I can use him to empower Rinko.

[Gives 650 XP]

"Here, hold this for a second, Rinko," I said handing over the card. I was curious about how this would work.

She took it and started looking at it curiously. She frowned when she saw it was an orc and then the card transformed into a small orb of light. She blinked in surprise as the orb was then absorbed into her skin. Rinko let out a surprised moan, shuddering at the heat that entered her, feeling her power growing stronger.

[Savage Hunter] Rinko Akiyama (SR)
Lv: 4/45 (09/602)
HP: 5,400
TP: 525 + 50 = 575
ATK: 310 + 126 = 436
DEF: 200 + 59 = 259
Special Skill: Ninjutsu: Air Evasion Lv 1
Cost: 60 MP
Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 3000.
Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 17%.
Activation: 3/3

Rinko covered her burning red face with her hands as she finally regained control of herself. "Please forgive me for my momentary lapse of control."

"It's fine," I told her, trying to think of ugly things so my erection will go down. I can't think with my dick right now with all the danger around us, even if her aroused voice is enticing and the way her breasts jiggled in that suit. Fuck! I need to think of something else quickly.

*Stomach grumbles*

I blinked staring at the source of the sound who quickly tried to act nonchalant while covering her stomach in embarrassment. I coughed and simply said, "Sorry about that. I guess I'm starting to get hungry."

"T-then let's make camp a-and find something to eat," Rinko said, giving me a grateful look for not making fun of her. She disappeared for a minute before reappearing with two dead rabbits in her hands while I gathered some wood from the ground and started making a fire. It was a lot harder and took longer than it looked on tv, but I eventually got it.

[40 Xp, 40 Sp x2 Lv 1 Rabbits]

As we waited for the food to cook, I tried to use my mana to create any kind of attack, but it didn't work. I then received a message that should have been obvious to me but I wanted to make sure.

[Summoners are the people who summon a creature or spirit to fight for them. You need to manually learn how to manipulate your mana to use it for an attack.]

After reading that, I wondered if there was anyone that could teach me magic from Ninja Scroll. I could ask the shrines/temples if they do since they were believed to practice mysticism in ancient Japan and this is an anime so hopefully yes. If not, then I could try and meditate to feel my mana or something like that.

I then brought my attention to Rinko and asked her something that's been on the back of my mind since she was summoned, "Could you teach me how to use a sword?"

She didn't say anything for a few minutes while checking my muscles and body for a bit. I let out a light squawk when she poked me in the stomach.

Rinko finally spoke up, "I can teach you, but you need to gain some more muscles in your body. We first need you to have a solid foundation to learn my sword style, but without Taima Particles, you won't be able to fight against anyone who is stronger or someone who has quicker reflexes than you. So for now, I want you to give me some push-ups and sit-ups to check what I have to work with while the food is being cooked."

I did as was told and started doing the exercises. It didn't take long to do, about 15 minutes of different forms before she told me I could stop. I laid on my back exhausted, not used to working out so much.

Rinko sliced two branches off of one of the trees that sat near us. Then she tossed the limbs up into the air, and she jabbed and spun and swung with such lightning speed that I could only ever see a vague blur. By the time the branch had gone up and come back down, it had been transformed into two crude but workable wooden swords. It wasn't as polished and smooth as a regular wooden sword you could buy, but the form was unmistakable and the shape was perfectly serviceable for its intended purpose.

She gave it a few test swings and nodded to herself, apparently satisfied. "This will have to do for now," Rinko spoke to herself, as I approached, rolling her wrist as she got used to the feel of our new practice swords. She smoothed the handle down so when wielded, there wouldn't be any splinters.

She handed me one wooden sword and I gingerly took it as hers and my metal sword went into her pocket dimension. I set it down next to me as we started to eat. It tasted a little bland since it needed some salt but it's better than nothing.

After we finished eating, I stared at Rinko as she showed me the forms. "The first sword kata we all study is, Hitotsu Gachi. This is the most basic –and the most difficult to master. When an enemy cuts down at you in a straight line, you have to do the same thing at the same time displacing his sword to the side and then thrusting to your opponent's throat with the tip of your sword." She said explaining the sword katas.

"The second sword kata is Mukae Zuki. It deals with thrusts or cuts coming from the left and right angle." She said and I watched as she did the other forms before she let me start on the first sword kata.

I started on the first form and Rinko nudged me into the correct position a few times when I mess up. It was hard but I felt it was worth it. She walked around, checking my sword swings, and tapped my arms, "Relax the tension from your arms and shoulders when cutting downward, it should be loose instead."

[4 hours Later]

It's now night time and I was taking a much-needed break and saw something that made me smile.

[Draw a card?]

I pushed yes and crossed my fingers that it would be someone that I can actually summon. I pulled out the new card and I wonder if my luck had changed when I died.

Kuzu Kuroyuri (R)
Faction: Taimanin
Lv 1/35 (0/300)
HP: 1,250
TP: 400
ATK: 133
DEF: 133
Special Skill: Licentious Technique Lv 1/5
Cost: 50
Cuts damage from enemy Demon by 22%.
Activation: 3/3

I decided to summon her because why not? It would be better to have someone else here and it made me curious about her special skill. Is it only effective for her or can it be applied to others? I felt my mana being drained a little as it went into the card.



She suddenly appeared with no flash of lights this time in a seiza position with her hands on her lap. I had to blink with my head tilted to the side as I took in her appearance.

Kuroyuri Kuzu is a mature-looking woman with long dark blue hair and blue eyes. She's wearing a one-piece suit that left a huge amount of her skin exposed or is covered with leather and fish nets with little metal parts attached. She has a garter belt that holds up her thigh-high stockings and a pair of high heel on her feet.

"If you aren't serious then don't come near me. My whole body is a weapon; how much do you think you can handle?" She said knowingly, crossing her arms under her bust and intentionally pushing her cleavage up, staring at me with a raised brow. "Just leave it to me—I'll get you warmed up!"

Before I could say anything to that, there was a faint sound in the distance and we felt a slight vibration coming from the ground.

*Woosh* *...bam!* *vrrb*

"Hmm? Did you hear that?" I asked Rinko and Kurotaki wondering if there was a small earthquake that just happened. They both tensed up hearing something more clearly thanks to their enhanced senses and pretty soon, Rinko found the source of the noise.

I looked in the direction they were facing, but I couldn't see anything other than a few trees in the distance thanks to the moonlight.

Rinko's jaw clenched tightly as she witnessed something that made her blood boil. A giant rock monster of a man is killing a small group of oddly dressed people. She hesitated a moment feeling conflicted about not helping them and her main mission to protect her master.

She voiced out her concerns, "Master, a giant rock creature is attacking a small group of men. Shall I go and deal with it?"

"Are you sure we should involve ourselves?" Kuroyuri questioned before I could say anything. "If we do, can you honestly say that you can protect our master from those that will want revenge against us for interfering in this fight? Or what's stopping them from threatening him to join their group if they learn of his ability?"

Rinko looked down in anger, clenching her fists before she sighed in defeat. Kurotaki was right, they were in a precarious situation with no resources or backup if things get worse.

"On the other hand, if we saved them, they might be willing to help us out. An enemy of my enemy is a friend," Kuroyuri spoke causing Rinko to look back up in surprise as she continued to talk, "Though, it's mainly up to our master to decide." Kuroyuri and Rinko both turned their attention back to me.

I started to feel nauseous about this life and death decision I need to make. I wanted to say no and run far away from here, but at the same time, I wanted to say yes. If what Rinko said is true then it has begun.

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I closed my eyes not wanting to look at anything for a moment and took two deep breaths before I said anything. "Kuroyuri can... can your skill be applied to someone else other than yourself?" I asked, still keeping my eyes closed trying to not have a panic attack and barely succeeding.

"Yes, I can, but it would be only temporary for a few minutes at the most," She replied causing me to nod.

"Then yes Rinko. You have my permission to try and save them." I opened my eyes with my decision made and raised my hand as it glowed blue towards both women.

Activating skills x3:
[Air Evasion:
• Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 9000. • Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 51%.
[Licentious Technique:
• Cuts damage from enemy Demon by 66%.


[Rinko Attack: 15,113/Defense: 259]

"Make sure you survive the battle and bring back anyone that is still alive so we can get more information about this place," I told her trying to keep my calm. When she left I started shuddering as Kuroyuri hugged me in support.


The Koga ninja team moved silently through the trees, hopping from one branch to the next. As they made their way scouting the area, an old man's eyes trailed to the only female ninja in their group. His gaze was filled with pity.

Kagero is a young woman of average height with shoulder-length black hair, red eyes, and a pale skin complexion. She's wearing a short blue kimono that stopped at mid-thigh with a white obi with a red diamond pattern. Her most notable piece of clothing is a purple headband with a ruby in the middle. She has a pair of sandals on her feet with white tabi.

"Kagero is beautiful. Even more beautiful than before. That's why I pity her even more. It's her destiny. She must hate it."

Hanza, the leader of the Koga clan spoke up in annoyance, "That's enough! Where's Hikoza and the rest?" He looked behind himself trying to find the others since they should have been behind them.

"They were following closely behind us. I'll go look." The old man said before he jumped up from the branch he was on and went back to the previous branch. When he landed, it took a few seconds before he noticed one of his teammates sitting down facing away from him.

"Hmm?" He then jumped and landed near that guy, "You! What are you doing sitting there?" He questioned before the body bend forward letting out some creepy bone crackling sound signifying that he was dead.

He then looked at the ground finally noticing all of their members were dead on the ground. "What the..." He trailed off horrified at this shocking scene. A tread of thin wire slowly wrapped around his neck without his notice and pulled him up a few inches off the branch. He started struggling and coughing trying to free himself with his hands, forgetting that he has a sword.

A man in a white kimono with long sleeves was revealed to be the one holding the wire. His name is Yurimaru, the right-hand man of Himuro Gemma. Electricity was then formed from between his chest and traveled through the wire into the guy's neck, shocking him. He screamed in pain inadvertently alerting his comrades that they weren't alone.

Everyone looked back to where the old man was, but only Hanza heard something swooshing, flying through the air. It soon arrived and he noticed it was a fast spinning object coming towards them.

Before he could call out a warning, it killed four of their members and some sliced through the branches with ease before a hand soon caught it.

Their bodies fell to the ground with a thud, and a large amount of blood from those bodies showered on the grass and dirt. A large tree soon fell after that, creating a large dust cloud, causing the ground to shake.

Hanza finally noticed the hidden figure that attacked them. He was hiding behind a large tree branch with leaves on it. He shouted out to the other ninjas, alerting them where that person was hiding, "There!"

They all threw a fury of throwing stars, hitting the tree multiple times, tearing off the branches, and at the killer of their comrades. After several long moments of the barrage, all the branches finally fell, showing a large rock-like man without his weapon. He's wearing a green and brown kimono with his arms bandaged up to his wrist.

Hanza and two nearby ninjas tensed up at the sight of the rock man named Tessai. Hanza heard the spinning sound again and barely jumped up as the other two ninjas were nearly split in half from the waist, blood-spewing forth. Hanza threw three more throwing stars at Tessai's body as he fell, but it was ineffective. It simply bounced off much to his frustration.

Tessai ignored the thrown weapons and caught his weapon as it arrived back. It was finally shown that it's a lance with both sides ending in large sword blades that he throws like a boomerang.

Henza landed on a branch cursing at Tessai as he drew his katana. Tessai looked at him bored before his attention was shifted to the moon, noticing the bloodlust coming from above him.

Kagero suddenly appeared from thin air with her sword raised ready to take his head off. He blocked it easily enough forcing her to land on the ground on her knees. She looked up and gasped in shock as the weapon fell near her spread legs, barely piercing her.

Tessai landed on his feet causing the ground to shake. He looked at her, licking his lips in desire at the creamy white skin of her legs causing her to back up in fear.

Hanza now worried for his last surviving teammate, ran towards them before he jumped up with his katana raised to slash at Tessai's head. He knew it was pointless, but he wanted to force the rock man away from her and let her escape. Sadly he was caught by Tessai's two giant hands and grunted in pain as his arms were squeezed tight.

Tessai laughed smugly spreading his arms apart and forcing Hanza to grunt in pain as his arms were stretched to the sides. He spoke through gritted teeth, "Kagero get back and tell the Chamberlain!"

Kagero couldn't move, she was frozen in fear and she started shaking from the creepy laugh Tessai let out.

"Go now! While you still can! Aaarrggghh!!!" Hanza yelled out before his arms were ripped off of his body causing him to let out a blood-curdling scream into the forest.

Kagero screamed in fear and denial, crawling backward as Tessai started drinking the blood from the bloody appendage. She finally gathered her courage to start running and hopping, hoping to gather enough momentum to tree hop away.

She never noticed as she ran that Tessai throw his weapon and ran after her as she started jumping from the top of one tree to the next. She didn't get far before the weapon destroyed the branch she just stepped on causing her to scream in fear as she fell.

She closed her eyes hoping for a quick death before she felt herself being caught and carried off by someone. Kagero opened her hoping beyond hope that it wasn't the rock monster. Much to her surprise, it was a woman with long purple hair that caught her.

Before she could say something or give her a warning about that creature, she felt everything suddenly shift. She sucked air in quickly coughing hard as she noticed a young man and a woman standing a few feet away before she passed out from distress.


Tessai frowned and he narrowed his eyes as his prey was rescued by someone before disappearing into a black void. He didn't say anything as his weapon returned to him and used his senses to find her.

He tensed up, quickly turning around despite his huge size and weight as his weapon blocked an attack from behind. What he didn't expect was for that attack to push him back forcing him to take a few steps to stay upright.

He looked back up but he didn't see anyone there anymore. He saw something at the corner of his eye above and to the left of him in the trees. He threw his lance at her and calmly waited for it to come back.

Rinko suddenly appeared about four or so meters from him. She noticed that he was a large man covered in a rocky surface instead of skin or armor.

Tessai finally got a good look at her and he couldn't help but lick his lips at her, "Hah hee~, I can't wait to squeeze your giant breasts between my dick. I'll make you squeal under me, bitch!" He laughed creepily feeling very lucky to meet such beautiful women tonight as his dick throbbed at the image. He would enjoy them for a few days after he defeats this one and captures the other one. She shouldn't be far behind.

Rinko glared hatefully at him for commenting on her chest and soon ran at him. Her sword sheathed and she waited until she was close enough to use her one-kill attack, "Void arts: Wind slice."

Tessai simply smirked cocky that she couldn't even injure him with his rock armor and waited until she was close enough for him to grab her. What he didn't expect was that when Rinko was a few feet away, she suddenly disappeared, only to reappear in front of him slicing through his armor like it wasn't even there. If it wasn't for his instincts, she would have cut him in half, but he jumped back at the last second.

It wasn't enough though as multiple purple-colored attacks appeared out of thin air cutting into him, ignoring his armor much to his shock causing him to lose a huge of blood. When the attack ended, his head and a part of his arm fell off of his body. He died standing up and to add insult to his demise, his weapon finally returned to finish the job by slicing him in half from the waist up.

Rinko quickly left via teleportation, instantly arriving back at her master, teammate, and guest. Kurotaki carried their guest as they ran far away from the here and teleported a few times almost causing Rinko to pass out from exhaustion.

A few minutes later after she left, Yurimaru calmly walked up to Tessai. He stared down at him with a frown and kicked him hard enough to send his head flying until it almost broke against the tree. "Well well well, that was certainly interesting. Gemma needs to be informed of this new player."

Yurimaru soon walked away back to the safehouse leaving his dead comrade's body where it was. He has much to think about the strange techniques that ninjas used.

Further back was an old monk with big eyes stroking his small patch of beard with a raised eyebrow at this new development. He could use this, but the question is how?

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