Taimanin Summoning System

Chapter 5: Unexpected Gains

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It didn't take long to find a place to rest. It was an old temple that looked familiar for some reason, but I don't know why. Kagero was starting to stir a little and I figured it was best not to be near her when she does. She was fighting for her life and might attack us before we could explain to her that she was safe.

We went inside staring cautiously at some guy who was sleeping at the farthest corner from the entrance. When I saw him, I felt my eyes widen when I finally remembered him, but I stayed quiet.

[Ninja Sword Master Lv. 47 4957/2549]

Rinko and Kuroyuri kept their guard up at the stranger as Kuroyuri gently set down Kagero with her back on the wall near the door with her legs closed. We sat down at the opposite end, with me between Rinko and Kuroyuri. I stared at Kagero wondering what will change since Rinko saved her from being raped instead of the other guy in here with us.

'Didn't she get raped a second time, too, by someone else?' That thought popped into my head the longer I stared at her which made me question her luck. 'She got bad ended twice and was killed before... um something with the main character guy. Should I keep her as a hostage?'

A few seconds later a window appeared, blocking my vision. 

[Killed Tessai Lv. 20 One of the Eight Demons of Kimon]

[Gained 20,000 XP and 20,000 Summoning Points, and x5 Golden Tickets]

[You leveled up x15]

[Rinko leveled up x20]

[Kurotaki leveled up x32] 

I salivated at the experience and summoning points I received. I impulsively gave both of my taimanin a kiss on the lips, surprising them, especially Rinko which caused her cheeks to blush. She glowered silently at me, looking embarrassed by the spectators around her, even if it was only Kuroyuri who was awake, which I completely ignored.

This... it was so worth almost having that panic attack. Then I paid attention to the fact that she killed Tessai and from his title, we will most likely have to deal with the other 7 demons coming at us for revenge.

I realized something else and I had to blink when they didn't show any reaction to leveling up. I felt somewhat disappointed about that. I wonder if it's only when they get 'disciplined'? Hmm, yes, I need to do some... tests for... researching purposes... Wondering how big of a reaction they will get if I give them a card one by one or all six at the same time.

"Can you ladies and young man do me a favor?" The stranger asked suddenly, making me freeze up, Rinko tightened her grip on her katana as Kuroyuri palmed her hidden kunai cautiously and Kagero went still before relaxing, slowly taking out her small knife. We all waited for him to say something else before acting. 

"I'm lost and I need to find the quickest way from here to Kakio? I'm sorry to bother you, but the highway was closed and you're the only people I met today."

"I'm sorry but we don't know. We all just arrived at this place so I'm afraid we can't help you. Maybe you could ask her when she wakes up." I told him pointing at Kagero causing him to sigh.

"I see, thanks anyway. How about you miss?" Jubei then turned his attention to Kagero which also caused us to stare at her in turn.

She knew pretending to stay unconscious was pointless thanks to that guy so she opened her eyes and told him, "Kakio is west of here."

"Really? Thank you. My name is Jubei, Jubei Kibagami." He greeted, tipping his hat.

We stared at each other unsure how to address the matter at hand without the unknown individual here, but the female ninja started. "I'm Kagero," She nodded keeping an eye on everyone as a precaution. She put her legs underneath her and slowly gripped her weapon harder. 

"I'm John," I said before yawning hard and blinking trying to keep my eyes open.

"My name is Akiyama Rinko." She said a little breathless still feeling the after-effects of the teleportation she did, though she kept her guard up.

"Kuzu Kuroyuri, a pleasure to meet you both," She greeted waving her hand.

Jubei stood up, stretching his muscles. "Thanks for the information, I'll be going now." He said before he walked out of the temple. We all stared at his retreating form before staring at each other and waited until he was completely gone. 

"Can you tell us why you were being attacked?" Rinko asked her first.

"I'm grateful to you for saving me, but I have to go now. I need to report to the Chamberlain about what happened to my team." She said unsteadily standing back up, one hand on the wall.

"Are you sure you're ok? Maybe you should take a few hours of rest before leaving yet." I told her a little worried about her but I stayed seated. I knew she wouldn't listen but I had to say something.

"I'm fine now. I'm not in danger anymore and I need to leave," Kagero shook her head trying to clear it, and paused at the front door. "You should hurry up and leave if you want to keep your lives." 

"Really? You're saying that after Rinko risked herself to save your ass? Shouldn't you be more grateful than that?" Kuroyuri questioned with her eyes narrowed in displeasure.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention at all. There's a plague going around and it already killed a town full of people. I was trying to keep you safe if you didn't already know that." After that, she left taking about 30 steps, before she fell to her knees and started crying for her dead team members.

We ignored her crying, giving her some privacy until she got up and left. We soon left not long after following in the same general direction that Jubei went.


Kagero arrived back at her Chamberlain's home after an hour. She saw her lord's shadow as he was fucking a woman on her hands and knees while moaning in pleasure.

"Ah, aahn, ahm..." Yuna moaned as her lover pushed himself deeper into her body.

"Sir!" Kagero spoke up, alerting Hyobu Sakaki the chamberlain of the Mochizuki Clan, who commanded the Kōga Team.

"Who is it?" Hyobu asked sternly as he was forced to pause in his pleasure. 

"Kagero, one of the Koga ninja team, sir." She replied looking to the floor on her knees.

"What's wrong?" He asked turning his head towards Kagero's voice. His brows furrowed in confusion on why Hanza wasn't the one giving him the report.

"Twenty ninjas led by Hanza attempted to infiltrate Shimoda Village a little while ago. They were wiped out." She reported without any emotion coloring her tone.

"Really? All of them? Who killed them?"

"A very formidable opponent. Beyond that, I cannot say if there are any more involved with the village or if he was simply passing through." Kagero's eyes narrowed in anger. She waited for her lord to tell her if they should notify others of this development or the government.

"They were powerless against him, then." He says indifferently to the news as he started pumping his hips back into his lover making a loud slapping sound with each thrust. "And you're the only survivor? How did you escape?"

"Yes sir," She paused not sure if she should tell him, but in the end, she did her duty, "I was rescued by a ninja of a different clan. They were passing through and heard our battle."

"Interesting, ugh, tighten up your pussy some more you slut!" He said slapping her ass causing her to yelp out in pain and pleasure. "Until we know more, I'll hold off on contacting the government. The first task at hand is for you to go back and find out. I can't in good conscience allow more of my men to die by an unknown enemy's hand or the plague in the village. We'll figure out what to do later when you return with the news. See if you can find out more about that ninja that saved you. They can give us valuable information. Now go..."

"Ah, ahhh! Ahhnhh, nhah, ah, ah, ahhhh. Nhhhmm!" Yuna's body trembled and her pussy contracted with each thrust of his hips. A few seconds after, she came, her body shook and writhed in his grasp with him thrusting into her prolonging her orgasm.

"Yes, my lord." Kagero bowed her head closing the door. She soon left, going back to her room, gathering more supplies from the armory. She might need them for the foreseeable future. 


Yurimaru looked out of the window waiting for an owl to appear. It finally showed itself after 5 minutes and he took out the message from the owl's claw. He had a wire between his lips as he spoke, "Lord Gemma, Tessai has been unexpectedly killed by someone that used some unknown ninja art that I have never seen before. Other than that, everything is proceeding as planned. It shall arrive from the Shogun of the Dark by six tomorrow evening."

The vibrations traveled through the thin wire going up through the window, traveling through the forest, and landing in a dark space where the leader of the Devils of Kimon, Himuro Gemma is located. 

Gemma spoke back using the wire in his mouth, "Very well. Write to him in return. We will return in three days. There's nothing to worry about."

"Very well." Yurimaru agreed and waited for any additional information.

"As for the intruder, get what information you can from them, then kill them and scatter the remains far from here. We don't want any more of them to interfere with our operations." Gemma spoke before he dropped the wire.

Yurimaru felt the wire go slack and he let it fall from his lips. He frowned in annoyance when he felt two feminine hands on his shoulders, "What are you doing, Zakuro?"

"Benisato went to look for the one that killed Tessai." She said rubbing his broad back. "We're all alone in this place. We can do whatever we want without other people getting in the way."

Yurimaru frowned when Zakuro moved to stand in front of him. She's a young attractive woman with dark short black hair and has a more battle-hardened look. She's wearing red ninja garbs with feathers on her shoulders. She sports a large scar on the right side of her face and the left side of her chest, which looks stitched.

"Yurimaru... I've always loved you." She said earnestly expressing her feelings as he cupped her chin with his two fingers. She felt her heart beating faster as she closed her eyes going for a kiss. She waited so long for this and nothing could make it better. 

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"Urgh!" She grunted in pain from Yurimaru who was pulling her hair back forcing her neck to bend backward. She felt heartbroken when he spoke, "Don't push your luck, Zakuro. You're of no interest to me. Now go and stand watch."

Yurimaru pushed her back making her hit the wall. She stared in shock as he turned around and sat down in seiza position as he started making ink. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she spoke bitterly, "So it's true. May your dreams be pleasant in Gemma's arms, then." 

She was about to leave, but she wanted to have the last word in, "However, Yurimaru, Gemma makes love to both men and women. Did you know he makes love to Benisato constantly? It seems that her pussy muscles clenches his dick better than your tight ass."

Her words made him pause and she smirked in joy at that, "Apparently not. Hahaha..." She left laughing at her last remark. Yurimaru stared at nothing but when she left, his hand clenched into a fist before unclenching soon after. He stared down at his desk and pondered...


Benisato suddenly sneezed making her pause from her walk and looked around for the source. When she didn't find it, she continued to walk calmly while keeping an eye on her surroundings. 

She is a young woman with white skin and dark black hair that stops in the middle of her back. She's wearing a traditional yellow geisha robe with black lines spread out, with a straw hat and a musical instrument in her hands.

She arrived at the scene of Tessai's death and her sleeve opened up allowing multiple snakes to come out. They fell to the ground tasting the air around them hoping to find the scent of the killer. It took some time to find it with all the metallic smell of blood in the air amongst other bodily fluids, but she did. Though it might take some time to find the source, but she will. No one kills one of the Demons of Kimon and gets away with it.


We decided to stay in a small abandoned house for the night after they secured it as best as they could. I was too tired to go anywhere else and Rinko needed some time to regain her stamina. Thankfully we found some clothes that somewhat fit to help my companions to blend in, though they had to be washed and dried first since they smelled a little.

"Gah! That's cold." I said pouring the cold water on my body using a bucket. I quickly cleaned my body before setting my clothes down to dry off. I went under the blanket naked and Instantly fell asleep.


(Rinko's POV)

Rinko walked up to the bedroom after finishing her bath and hesitated with her hand on the door. Her hair was still damp, draped across her shoulder as she was only wearing a simple grey towel that could barely wrap around her body. It barely stopped at her thighs and only just covered all of her womanly parts.

She knew that a part of her job as a Taimanin, it's sometimes required to act as an escort so the "client" can spill all their secrets when they pleasured him; the name of his associates, his demonic patrons, and any blackmail he has, yet it's different this time. She also heard stories about how the "client" they protected from demons that wanted to kill them can get quite handsy on missions. 

Thankfully, she had never done something like that before. She had always planned on giving herself to... well, it doesn't matter anymore. She should be happy that she going to lose her virginity to someone closer to her age and is actually human, not many taimanin could say that. Rinko gathered her courage and after another 5 minutes of standing there, she was about to go in when Kurotaki opened it instead. 

"Why are you hesitating for? It's not like we're going to have sex tonight." Kuroyuri questioned completely naked and then she gained a teasing look on her face. "Oh ho~, what's this? Were you preparing yourself? I never knew you have it in you, but now isn't the right time, my dear."

Rinko's cheeks began to blush with embarrassment that she hoped the ground would swallow her whole. She wasn't sure since their master kissed them both and she noticed his eyes were focused on her ass and breasts when he thought she wouldn't notice. Not to mention with him being a guy with two very attractive women in one room... she just assumed...

When they looked inside they found him sleeping. Rinko didn't know whether to be relieved by that development or disappointed.

Kuroyuri simply shrugged walking in naked taking her weapons with her, making sure to keep them sharp. She's taking the first 4 and the last third-hour watch, just in case someone arrives. 

Rinko took off the towel and put on the small kimono she found which didn't cover much, allowing most of her body to be seen, especially her long legs.

After that, she placed her katana next to her side of the bed within easy reach before reluctantly scooching closer to her master to keep warm and within the blanket itself. Even if a small part of herself thought it felt nice when he hugged her, she ignored it. It's a part of her mission, that's all.


Jubei was relaxing in a hot spring enjoying the hot water before he frowned in annoyance, "You can come out now. I know you're there."

He waited for a few seconds as a wrinkly old man wearing a monk's robe spoke up, "You have sharp senses, that's excellent. You'll need them."

"What do you want old man?" Jubei asked, katana in hand as he turned around to stare at him.

"How would you like to make a hundred pieces of gold?" He asked jumping down until he was closer to Jubei.

"No thanks, I don't want to have sex with a wrinkly old man like you, your ugly wife, or your son/daughter." Jubei instantly spoke annoyed at being hit on.

"W-what!? No, I want to hire you for a very important job that could cost you your life, you fool!" Dakuan sputtered in surprise before yelling in anger.

"Why would I do that? Thanks but no thanks," Jubei waved his hand. "Go find someone else that's suicidal enough to follow you."

"You will be targeted by the Demons of Kimon thanks to your relationship with the four people you met at the temple," Dakuan spoke rubbing his beard hoping to get Jubei to change his mind.

"What are you talking about, old man? I just met them for the first time and I haven't seen them since." Jubei turned around to stare at him.

"They won't care about that because you will be hunted regardless," Dakuan said hoping that this next information would change his mind or he'll have to resort to more drastic measures.

"Why is that exactly?" Jubei asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion with his hand on his sword.

"Genma Himuro is the leader of the Eight Demons of Kimon," Dakuan spoke staring straight into Jubei's eyes.


John McClain

World: Ninja Scroll

Lv. 19 [1,648/1,900]

Class: The Summoner

Alignment: Neutral

HP: 17,000 {Regen 17 per min}

MP: 10,500 {Regen 28 per minute}

Deck: 8

Summoning Points: 20,750

Cards in Storage: 0

Available Draw: 0

Graveyard: 1

(Gain +500 HP and MP per Level up)

(Gain +1 to Regen every 2 Levels)


[Savage Hunter] Rinko Akiyama (SR)

Lv: 24/45 (520/1450)

Faction: Taimanin

HP: 5,200 + 2,000 = 7,200

TP: 525 + 600 = 1,100

ATK: 310 + 1724 = 2034

DEF: 200 + 813 = 1013

Special Skill: Ninjutsu: Air Evasion Lv 1

Cost: 60 MP

Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 3000.

Increases ATK of all Taimanin by 17%.

Activation: 3/3


Kuzu Kuroyuri (R)

Faction: Taimanin

Lv 32/35 (1670/2460)

HP: 1250 + 3200 = 4450

TP: 400 + 800 = 1,200

ATK: 133 + 1754 = 1887

DEF: 133 + 1680 = 1813

Special Skill: Licentious Technique Lv 1/5

Cost: 50

Cuts damage from enemy Demon by 22%.

Activation: 3/3

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