Tale of The Maid-Knight (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)

Chapter 10: Enemies of Eternity Part 2 – Defeat Signora!

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Signora charged forwards, her strange looking catalyst summoning a barrage of ice shards, which Noelle's shield deflected with ease.

Signora immediately stopped, and controlled her ice crystals to form a giant spear of ice which she thrusted to the floor, causing the cold to spread towards Noelle.

This made her remember the time when she went on a one-man rescue mission to Dragonspine, the cold Signora gave her is nothing compared to that snowy hell.

She swings her claymore a couple of times as Signora erected her ice shield. As quickly as she can, Noelle managed to shatter the shield, and her claymore managed to graze Signora's chest.

"You're... Doomed, Harbinger! That Maid is the thing that will defeat you... What you fear the most! The Gold Knight!" Sara shouted weakly as Raiden looked at her expressionlessly.

Sara begins to chuckle as she taunted Signora more, until an ice shard fell from the ceiling, and plunges itself through Sara's torso.

"How noisy. You know I hate such noisy fellows... Like you, puny bird."

"D...Daughter of Shirogane... You have to defeat her... Defeat the harbinger!"

"Please refrain yourself from speaking anymore! It'll make your condition worse!" Noelle shouted at Sara.

"Your mother... Signora did it! She managed to goad your mother to go on a suicide mission here to weaken the knights' ranks...! I saw her..."

Noelle shook.

"Please... Daughter of Shirogane... Defeat the Harbinger... At all costs..." Were Sara's last words before she loses consciousness.

Noelle went to her body, and removed the ice shard, before proceeding to heal her slowly. Raiden raised a brow at her actions, before Noelle begins to speak.

"I've heard of you, Madam Kujou Sara. You served your Shogun with your very life and pride. Now please, lend me some of the latter..."

Noelle stood up, and turned around to face Signora.

"Lady Signora, In the name of the deaths and suffering that you have caused, wether if it's direct or indirect, I, Noelle... Maid of the Knights of Favonius, will execute you for your crimes against Inazuma, and all the others you may have caused! And believe me... I won't hold back!"

"How cute and noble. Nobility is sorely overrated..."

Noelle charges at Signora, and swings her claymore, which the latter dodges, and tries to give a slap to the little maid, only for Noelle to duck down and did a leg sweep, which Signora evades by skipping backwards.

Signora then fires another spear of ice, which grazed Noelle's cheek causing a small bit of blood to flow out, before Noelle then charged again, this time focusing her vision's energy to her claymore.

"As a good Knight should!"

Signora activates her ice shield, which shatters instantly by the geo slash, which also conjured a cryo crystal which Noelle's vision absorbed, to form a cryo shield around her.

Signora, seeing that Noelle is open, kicks her claymore away, and attempted to grab her in the neck only for Noelle to counter by catching Signora's hand, and she flipped her over to the back with little effort. Signora lands on her feet, and took small breaths as a small grin forms on her face.

"You're strong. I would even say amazingly strong...!" Signora said, finally acknowledging the difficulty of the fight.

"Why, thank you!" Noelle bowed her head down.

"Let me ask you before we conclude our duel. How would you like to work under me?"

Aether perked up when he heard that. However the next words that escaped Noelle's lips made him give out a sigh of relief.

"You have got to be joking, Lady Signora. Do you really expect me to accept that offer of treason? My loyalty belongs to the Knights... And especially Aether!"

"I thought you would say that. You lots from the Knights of Favonius are stubborn to the point of being fools!"

The ceiling begins to freeze up, and ice shards begin to stick out of it.

"Well, there is only one route for you to take, Death."

"We shall see it, Lady Signora. But it won't be easy, as Aether believed in me!"

Aether smiled weakly.


Both Noelle and Signora then charged at each other, Noelle with her claymore, and Signora with an ice glaive she conjured. They clashed their weapons, before blinking out of view.

"Such confidence! But I am aware of what you're doing!"

Several sounds of blades colliding with ice is heard, however they are moving so fast that the naked eye can't see. Raiden just basically cleared her throat as they made their final clash, in which Noelle lands a slash to Signora, sending her down to the floor forcefully.

She stood up, and wiped the dust off her body, before speaking again.

"While you're saying you're not holding back, I can sense that there is still more power within you that you held back."

Noelle, still in the air did a plunge attack, which Signora held back using her glaive. The force from Noelle's strength and Signora's tenacious guard caused the floor to crack and break again.

"It's... It's been fun! It's been quite a long time since I've got this kind of workout...!"

Noelle widened her eyes as Signora successfully blocked her plunge attack, and was grabbed in the claymore's blunt edge to be sent down to the floor. Noelle kicked back up in a matter of seconds, taking heavy breaths as she rested her claymore down to the floor by plunging it a bit.

"T... That's it. I-I've had it! I can't win..." Noelle said to herself as she looked at Aether fearfully, as she doesn't want to disappoint him at all costs.

Raiden just took a sip of tea from her cup as she continued to watch.

"Why are you both stopping? Continue your duel."

"Oh, Almighty Shogun, it will end soon enough~!" Signora replied playfully.

"P...Paimon really think this is bad!"

However, Aether noticed something.

"Wait... Her vision... She's attempting something!?"

You are reading story Tale of The Maid-Knight (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction) at novel35.com

Aether sees that her vision is charging up, absorbing energy from the earth, which flows through even the floors.

Aether stood back up, and summoned his sword before creating a barrier of geo summoned rocks surrounding Noelle, and attacked Signora with a slash of Anemo which Signora easily slashed away.

"Paimon, give me some of my potions now!"

Paimon then summoned some potions from the inventory to Aether, to strengthen his elemental attacks.

Signora however, sees what Noelle is doing beyond the rocks.

"W...What is that!? That can't be a mass of geo energy...! Don't tell me she's been absorbing it from the ground all this time!?"

"Hehe... Looks like she noticed. Noelle, hurry and complete this new technique of yours!"

Aether ordered, as he then charged ahead, shooting 3 balls of electro which superconducted Signora's glaive that flows to her body, weakening her resistance to physical attacks.

Aether thrusted his sword forwards, hitting Signora in the chest, before kicking her off. However she manages to summon a bit of cryo to defend herself, and the blade wound never occured.

Signora then summoned a circle of cryo using her catalyst, that froze Aether on the spot.

"I...I can't move!?"

"Now, say goodnight, Outlander--"

"Get down, everyone!"

Noelle shouted, as the rocks surrounding her then cracked away due to her immense amount of geo energy gathered.

"Here it comes...!" Her claymore basically became extended, but not only in range, but size.

Noelle raised the blade up, and swung it down slowly due to the weight of energy that is given.

"W...What the!? N...No! It can't be...!" Signora shouted in disbelief, as she then sees that the ice surrounding Aether shattered from the geo energy, and he ducked down.

Signora summons another cryo shield, and tries to fend off the oncoming, Gigantic sized Downwards Geo Slash that is coming right at her.

The cryo shield chips away little by little, turning into tiny crystals.

"U....Uuuwaaaghhh! I...Impossible! I can't control it, It's too powerful!"

The shield is now no more. Signora catches the blade with her two hands to no avail, as she is then sunk down into the floor below, and a huge tremor shook the earth.

It was a miracle that Tenshukaku still survived the attack, but Signora is nowhere to be seen. Raiden gives Noelle a look of interest, before cancelling it as she sensed something.

Noelle knelt down, and raised a thumbs up at Aether's direction.

"Haha! You did it, Noelle! I knew I should've never doubted you!"

"It's... Nothing big, Aether. Really... So, dare I ask, what happened when I was out?"

Aether told her all about the Vision Hunt Decree, on how he saved Thoma, and that he faced Raiden once, then joined the resistance army. Noelle puffed her cheeks, as she is distraught by the fact that she was unable to aid Aether in the following events.

"But then again... Shouldn't we now find a way to return everyone their visions?" Paimon asked, before she froze.

"What is it, Lady Paimon?" Noelle asked.

"Ah...Ah!" Paimon pointed towards the ceiling.

The entire room, except for Raiden and the unconscious Sara, looked in shock to see Signora surviving that slash, and she is floating near the ceiling.

"There is no way Paimon could imagine that she would s-survived that size of a slash!"

"She truly is... Inhuman...!" Aether continued.

Signora laughed maniacally, before she snapped her fingers. Her catalyst then shoots out a ray of cryo, which coursed through the room in the speed of light towards Noelle, who is already too worn out to even create a shield.

"Noelle...!" Aether shouted, pushing Noelle out of the way.

A sharp pain then coursed through Aether. An enormous bit of pain that he has never felt ever since eons.

Noelle widened her eyes, as she sees the ray hits Aether straight in the chest, before he slumps down onto Noelle's lap slowly.

The room is quiet, except for Signora's evil laughter that filled the room. Noelle looked down to see Aether, not responding as she shook his body, and blood begins to seep out of the wound the ray caused.

"N...Noelle..." Paimon called out slowly.


The ground shook.

"I won't... Let you get away with this..."

Her vision begins to blink, and glow brightly, as Geo energy courses from the earth, through the foundation and the floors of Tenshukaku as she begins to grit her teeth in a fit of rage.

The shaking caused Signora to freeze as well, as it caused dust to fall off the ceiling, as well as parts of it like an earthquake would do.

For a split second, Paimon could've sworn that she saw...

...The center of Noelle's eyes...

...Were glowing in a color of gold...

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