Tale of The Maid-Knight (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)

Chapter 9: Enemies of Eternity Part 1 – Confrontation

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Noelle gasped, and sat up finding herself in an unfamiliar Inazuman style room, with few tea tables.

"Ah, you're awake! Thank goodness!"

"Master Thoma...? What happened?"

"A Kairagi struck you with electro. The shock is enough to send you unconscious."

"I see... I was careless."

"The Kairagi are always out for blood, miss Noelle. Sparing them almost sealed your fate."

"So people like that exists... Anyway! Did you see the Honorary-- I mean, Aether?"

"Your senior, he saved me. From getting my vision stolen and all, but now there is some little restlessness near Tenshukaku. You should check it out, when you're fully recovered that is."

"No... If Aether's in danger, I can't ignore it!"

Noelle threw the blanket covering her aside, and dashed out of the teahouse. She looked around her unfamiliar surroundings, and looked towards the towering castle in the distance. She quickly deduced that it is Tenshukaku, and she ran as quickly as her legs can carry her.

Upon passing through the gates, she sees a lof of soldiers lying on the ground, and possibly servants as well.

"What's going on here? Something's not right!"

Meanwhile, Aether is struggling against Signora, her cryo shield is deflecting most of his attacks, and the sheer cold is killing him slowly. The warming bottles around the room has ran out, and Aether knelt down, both in fatigue and cold.

Signora deactivated her shield, and grabbed Aether by the throat. Large icicles begin to appear behind her, ready to impale Aether.

"I win this, Traveller. Good night--"

The doors to Tenshukaku is breached open, revealing Noelle, claymore in hand, dashing towards Aether and swung it once, which Signora dodged. The force of the claymore hits the floor, causing a crack to be created.

"What's this...? Another outlander?" A purple haired woman asked from the throne.

Noelle deduced that she is the Raiden Shogun that she heard of from Jean. Next to her, lying on the floor is a purple haired girl with a tengu mask on the side of her head, writhing in pain. She is Kujou Sara, the general of the Tenryou Commission.

"Noelle! You're supposed to be resting!" Aether shouted.

"I just can't take it if you are harmed, Aether. Leave her to me."

"Noelle, this is suicide! She's even stronger than the harbinger you fought back in Liyue!"

"Honorary Knight. I will not know of the outcome unless I try... Now, please let me sweep this mess."

Aether is then pulled away by Paimon towards a wall, and he leaned against it.

Noelle looked away from Aether, and towards the lady in white, which is Signora.

"Whatever is the problem, that you have with The Honorary Knight, you can take it up with me now." Noelle summons her claymore.

Raiden begins to squint her eyes, as she then said "I'm sure I've seen her somewhere before..."

Sara slowly opened her eyes, and her sights landed on Noelle.

"S...Shirogane... She is still alive?"

"Shirogane? But that's an Inazuman name, not an outlander's..." Raiden said, as she then took a look at Noelle again.

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She then widened her eyes in realization.

"Yes... Yes, that's it. Now I remember!"


"Shogun-Sama! Show yourself, I'm not scared of you anymore!" A woman with shoulder length, silver colored hair, wearing an armor that is obviously made in Mondstadt, and holding a debate club in her hands shouted.

She has defeated most of the guards surrounding Tenshukaku despite not having a vision.

Raiden slowly walked out of Tenshukaku, with Kujou Sara next to her. The woman then chuckled, and said "That's it... Face the music!"

"Shirogane, are you really going to do this? If you still insist, then The Shogun-Sama will not hesitate to execute you."

"Heh! Don't be afraid of her, Tengu! I'd rather be a free woman in my grave, than living as her puppet... Or her slave!"

Raiden's stern look intensified, as she pulls out her sword.

"Come on! Let's get to it!"

Raiden then took on a stance, causing Shirogane to grin even wider as she readied her Debate club.

"That's it... Now we're talking..."

She then gripped her club even tighter, as Raiden walked slowly towards her.

When she is close enough, Shirogane then, with all her might, swings the debate club, only for Raiden to parry it effortlessly.

"N...No way!"

And with a blast of electro from the skies, Shirogane screams as Raiden then strengthened her electro, enough to vaporize Shirogane, starting from her armor.

"My... Daughter... Lives on...!"

Were her last words as she then screamed whilst turning into ashes from the electro.


"Yes, that Mondstadt maid is an Inazuman native. I was in a skirmish with an Inazuman who escaped my grasp, and returned whilst ill-prepared... And she appears to look just like her. She's Shirogane's offspring; The resemblance between them are unmistakable." Raiden concluded.

Signora just grinned a little, at the little maid in front of her as she doesn't even care about every single word that Raiden just said about Shirogane.

However Noelle doesn't show any kind of fear, instead there is a stern look on her face.

"... I'm still fighting."

Signora's smile then twisted to a scowl as she sees Noelle as a stubborn fool.

"She's... Shirogane's daughter? She's tougher than her... Maybe she's even tougher than that harbinger... Ah! The Gold Knight...!" Sara widened her eyes when she noticed that Noelle's energy that is generated from her vision is geo.

"Now, shall we dance?" Signora asked Noelle, who then activated her geo shield.

The decisive fight for Aether's fate has begun.

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