Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 330: Chapter 2.48

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“Are you two alright? I heard … stuff.” Hannah mumbled after a few minutes in which I rested peacefully. All the death was still hammering onto my reasoning, so I was rather glad that she gave me a hand without asking what happened mere minutes ago.

“I´m mostly fine. It´s just that using magic is a horrendous task for me.” I explained and pointed to my bloody nose while grinning wryly. Next, I steadied myself using Hannah´s shoulder and gave Tom a knowing look. I knew he was tempted to say at least something, but I wasn’t willing to let Hannah know what stuff I liked. “It kind of hurts to use magic, but it’s going to be better with time. This body is adapting to it already ... even though it will always hurt my soul as well.”

“You used magic? What did you do?” Hannah asked while looking around half-heartedly. She already knew she wouldn’t be able to sense magic the way she usually did. 

“Necromancy.” Tom stated plainly without any hint of emotion in his voice.

“Oh, Tom, don’t put me in the same drawer as these freaks. They can rot in purgatory for all I care because they claim to be the real deal while they actually only reanimate the flesh. They are a bunch of maniacs if you ask me.”  My art was certainly more capable than mere necromancy ever could be and I definitely didn’t think death was something to be overcome. “I play with dead souls itself.”

“So that’s how you managed to turn my magical weapon against me …” Hannah muttered making me grumbled lightly. She was one step closer to figuring out how to defeat me at this point which was pretty simple to be honest. If she just wouldn’t use a weapon in which a dead soul resided, I wouldn’t have any way of turning her magic against her.

“Anyways, it´s way past midnight already, so I really need to go to bed now.” I explained while slowly staggering away from the grave we dug.

“Lucinda, you are an immortal vampire. And now you want to tell me you need to go to bed?” Tom asked and laughed healthily. Surely, he wasn’t tired at all, but he also didn’t lose a lot of blood that day. Luckily my back was hidden by the coat, otherwise Hannah would be able to see a large red patch on my back.

“Tom … my head hurts, I am thirsty and we are on a cemetery. I hope you know what that means.” I mumbled groggily and nearly fell forwards into the mud. Thankfully Hannah grabbed my shoulder at the last second and stopped the mishap from happening.

“I have a few drugs that could help with your issues.” Tom proposed and made Hannah cough violently. At first I didn’t want to accept his proposal at all, mostly because Hannah was around. But then again, I already did drugs hundreds of years ago.

“Fuck … give me all of them.” Tom took my hand a bit too violently and dragged me towards the carriage waiting for us at the gates. It was quite troublesome to get inside, especially because my legs didn’t want to do what I told them to, but thankfully Hannah was really helpful in that regard, even though it was obvious she disapproved of my acceptance of Tom´s proposal.

Surprisingly, Tom didn’t give me the normal processed Cali flowers, but took out a bottle of what I could only describe as wine. As he opened the bottle though, I immediately knew I was wrong. A tempting aroma I smelled so often already filled my nostrils and chiselled away my last resistance. Weakly, I snatched the glass bottle out of Tom´s hands and placed the lid on my lips. There was truly blood in there, but it was mixed with something I couldn’t point out right away.

The effects came right away though exactly as I gulped down the last bit of this intoxicating liquid. I giggled a bit, noticed a small elephant on the opposite bench and closed my eyes slowly. Sleep overcame me faster than ever before and took the overwhelming feeling of death a few metres away with it. Peace and calmness finally settled in my mind after I was thrown out of my home and then indulged in activities which were all incredibly intoxicating.

And with peace on my mind, I woke up, covered by a soft blanket from toes to shoulders. Birds were chirping outside the open window happily, the sun was greeting those awake with its horrifying presence, and I? I enjoyed my comfortable pillow directly below me. It was breathing, showing signs of like a usual even though it was still asleep as I woke up. Being the elf by my side was truly a tiring task which never really ended no matter the time of the day. Resting my head right above her heart, I enjoyed her warmth and the pulse radiating through her whole body.

She had something I would never possess. Life. I wasn’t exactly envious, but I still liked to feel it once in a while. This warmth.

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Maybe I would learn to perceive life in general through feeling the impact on my mood, or maybe not. That thought was secondary at that time. What mattered more was definitely how good it felt to be close to her. It calmed me down, made my issues feel less and less important and incentivised me to remain inactive which was rare for me.

And yet, it was insanely hard to lay still, especially because something was ringing quite loudly in my ears, or rather the back of my head.

Level u- Leve- Level up. You acquired the ski- Lev- Cong- Level up. You acquired the title ‘Dr- Level up.

I hated it. And yet it was always with me which wasn’t a great combination if I were entirely honest. That whole level up shit hampered my ability to enjoy this warmth after several minutes of getting louder and louder in my head. It went so far that I had to roll off Hannah, sit on the edge of the bed and hold my head in pain. I thought I had it under control since coming to this world but apparently I overdid it last night.

And feeling inwards, I could confirm my suspicions easily. My soul wasn’t in the best condition and my godly magic wasn’t at fault this time. My emotional turmoil and the over usage of drugs must have cracked my soul a little bit which resulted in quite the mess. It would take time for my soul to heal on its own and during this period, these headaches would apparently accompany me.

“Are you alright?” She asked in a concerned voice.

“I´m fine.” We both knew I wasn’t, but she also knew I wouldn’t let her help me in any way. I was way too prideful to let someone else be concerned about my health. “Have you seen my glasses somewhere?” I wasn’t dumb enough not to ask for help if it was necessary though. A few seconds later, Hannah had found the glasses somewhere and put it on my nose swiftly afterwards. Looking downwards, I noticed my skin was clean of any blood, which meant someone washed me while I was unconscious. Glancing over to Hannah, I could immediately confirm that it was her who did so.

“Look … should I comment on your clothes?” Even though I haven’t actually seen the blood on my back, it must have been quite a lot. It was certainly no amount easily overlooked.

“I´d rather have you not.” I said and finally stood up. Despite my hurting head, I didn’t feel that tired or weak which was a welcome change in my opinion.

“I just want you to know I will be there for you if you need to use your magic next. I don’t know how it works, but if you need to sacrifice blood … Tom and I can help you out.”  It was sweet of her to say that even though she knew I would decline. Well, using Tom as a blood bank had its charm but Hannah couldn’t replenish hers fast enough to make it economically feasible. Additionally, I didn’t need blood for my magic at all which did make the hypothetical plan to take their blood pointless. Thus, I left her statement uncommented and went to the window to look outside. It was truly a beautiful day by normal standards, but it also meant the streets were packed once more.

“Hannah … we have two weeks until we can proceed with my plan. I promised you a day, didn’t I? I have something better for you. Two weeks. What do you want to do? I will not accept proposals for bloodshed, hurting anyone or doing anything indecent. I just want … I want a bit of normality.” I didn’t have that in the last two hundred years, that was for sure. But even all these time, I missed it a little bit. These days of playing board games with Mary without a second thought, where nothing really mattered had truly been magical for me.

“You couldn’t find this normality at your old home, so now you seek out me? I´m not saying I don’t want to, it is just that there is too much blood on my hands.” She was right, even though it sounded a little bit mean. I directly went home again because I thought Mary and I could start anew with Luna around of course. I had hoped to find these normal times once more, but it obviously didn’t work out.

“And how is that supposed to stop us from trying to be normal once in a while? I want to eat the finest food there is, I want to watch a play and maybe even spent my time at an adventuring bar to jeer at the hostess … even though I probably have the wrong gender for that … what I wanted to say is that even we deserve feeling normal sometimes.” I claimed, even though it felt hollow coming out of my mouth. On the whole planet, I was the least normal person. But even then I thought it was the right decision to take a break from drugs, bloodshed and pain. And if we didn’t have any fun, at least I could mend my soul once more. Sure, death around me would speed up the healing process considerably, but it would also increase the chances of me getting out of control once more.

“We will never feel normal again, no matter what we try. We are too different from anyone else, but even then, maybe we should check these things out. Maybe they are fun … even for the likes of us.” She nodded, but I could see she wasn’t entirely convinced yet.

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