Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 353: Chapter 2.70

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“Here you go. All patched up.” Taking care of others was hard. I couldn’t even count the number of dumb idiots who got hit by evadable spells. The amount of standing around and taking hits head on was staggering but especially the whining afterwards got on my nerves heavily.

And I had to apply band aid to those who Sofie didn’t want to heal because she had seen worse wounds and didn’t want to heal every bruise. I understood her reasoning, but that didn’t mean I was content with it. I had to touch smelly humans and look friendly at the same time for fucks sake!

But worst of all, I was helping others! Well, it wasn’t the first time, so whatever.

“Thank you so much.” I waved him off as he stood up and walked back to the arena where the others were still fighting. He never got there though as Hannah chose to stop the fighting by speaking up loudly.

“That’s it. I’m going to plan your personal training based on what I have seen so far.” She said drily and stared at a few students who sat on the ground exhausted. The only ones still in prime condition were Louis, Schwarz and surprisingly Ellie as well. “Any issues with that?”

“I’m going to sue … you.” Well, the boy who said so collapsed right afterwards, so at least Hannah was safe from any legal issues for … ten minutes?

“Feel free to quit.” Hannah stated drily and turned around to leave right away. Nobody made any indication to stop her, probably because Hannah would merely sneer at them in return.

“Your sister is … unique.” Sofie mentioned quietly. For Sofie, this kind of behaviour was probably never seen before as she hung out at the academy grounds most of the time, but for any soldier, this much should be normal.

“She surely is.” I still said and smiled wryly, only to notice Schwarz approaching me from the side. “How can I help?” I asked amused as he looked rather conflicted.

“Why did you help him?” He asked and frowned unhappily.

“Excuse me?” I said as if I was completely to what he meant.

“Why did you help that good for nothing?” There were several good for nothings I bandaged that day, including Schwarz himself.

“You have to be a bit more specific than that.” I said seemingly helpless.

“Louis.” He stated coldly.

“He needed help and I so I lend him a hand. Is there any problem with that?” I asked pursed my lips a little. He should notice I was unhappy with his interference in my life, at least that was my hope. This way, he would reign in his ambitions at least a little bit.

“I don’t want you to spent time with him.” Schwarz stated as if I was his underling. I really didn’t like how he talked to me and desperately wanted to stab him as a precautionary measure, but in the end, I stayed in character.

“… Schwarz, as much as I recognise your attempts to impress me and the others, it is by far not enough to stop me from meeting or helping whoever I want. So please, put your nonsensical rivalry aside and be nice to others.” I proposed and really hoped he would start behaving like a normal human being afterwards. He would be useful in the future, that was for sure, but I didn’t want to put up with his quirks until that time either.

“You …” He was surely at a loss of words for a moment there until he came up with something. “Someday I will make you mine.” He said and stomped towards the exit as well.

“… do you need any help?” Sofie asked concerned which was kind of nice of her. I never expected her to ask such a thing after all.

“Do you have experience with boys?” Maybe she could tell me how I could get out of that predicament of needing him in the future and not wanting him right then.

“I certainly don’t have any experience with his type.” Well, that was a bummer. But whatever, I would find a solution … someday.

“… the thing is, I could tell him to go away, but he would only trouble someone else then. I hope I can turn him into a better human someday.” That wasn’t my real intention, but the only reason for keeping him around I could come up with.

“That’s admirable.” She said and nodded to the approaching Louis who had seen everything, but didn’t choose to take part in the conversation so far.

“What an idiot.” He said, not realising he wasn’t much better. He could have done so much differently to ease up the tension between them, but he didn’t do any of that.

“And you fell for his provocations.” Louis was stuck by me blaming him partly and blinked a few times in confusion.

“What?” He said probably not really sure why I said something like this. Well, his eyes glowed in a light pink, so I had my doubts he would understand anything in that direction.

“… never mind. Sofie, want to grab some lunch?” I proposed happily and was immediately given a positive answer. I seriously didn’t want to deal with Louis or Ellie any longer that day, and so I didn’t extent the invitation to them. Ellie was quite happy about this, while Louis started to sulk the moment we walked away while waving.

Luckily, we did manage to find the canteen right away, which said more about Sofie than anything else though. Without her, I would have taken far, far longer to reach that place.

Luna was already waiting for us outside, waving towards us as she spotted us in the distance.

“How was it?” She asked happily and held her hands in front of her chest with excitement.

“Oh, I learned how to treat minor wounds thanks to Sofie. What she can do is on a whole other level though.” I explained amazed. Her healing capabilities were truly insane. I had seen her heal a completely broken leg within seconds which was on par with my vampiric healing speed.

“That comes with practice. I’m sure you could do that as well in the future.” Considering I was still completely incapable of using any kind of normal magic, and I didn’t have the support of the system she enjoyed … no, I would never be able to.

“I would love to.” But for the sake of my act, I had to lie to her which felt a little bit bad to be honest.

After our short conversation, we immediately headed inside as other students began to crowd the area. At the counter, I chose the best of the three dishes they offered – meat from tall demonic frogs with plenty of seasoning – and strolled towards one of the few empty tables in the room, closely followed by Luna and Sofie.

And then, as soon as we were seated, we started to chat about this and that. Nothing important if I was honest, but stuff girls our age usually talked about. At least that was my guess. I was a little bit older than both of them after all, but I guessed fashion and the news were always good topics to discuss.

In all honesty, that was the best time at that very day, especially because I enjoyed just being normal a little bit. Not too long though as someone had to interrupt us in the middle of our meal.

It wasn’t anyone I expected though like Schwarz or Louis, but rather another brat I didn’t want to bother with.

“Is this seat empty?” The second prince, Gregory Worchester asked and smiled gently. He was pointing directly to my right, which was the only empty seat at our table of four. Interestingly, he didn’t have any friends with him this time.

“It surely is, my prince.” I smiled back at him, even though I wanted to punch him really badly.

“Thanks. I suppose we had a rather rough start, am so right?” He said and placed his own plate onto the table.

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“You could say so.” Luna mumbled unhappily that he was around.

“I’m sorry for that. It’s just … I don’t want him on this school at all. He … you are his friends, right?” He asked unsure all of a sudden.

“I barely know him.” Sofie admitted readily.

“You could call Luna and me his friends, yes.” I said shortly afterwards, hoping he would spill the beans regardless of Sofie.

“You have noticed his clothing right? At best second hand, at worst ragged … what I want to say is that his standing in the royal family isn’t the best.”

“We could guess that much.” Luna mentioned casually. She really had no fear of him, but I guess that was to be expected. As the sole heiress of a duchy, she probably had a better standing than the second prince had.

“Truth to be told, it’s because father shunned him. The last time both of them met was ten years ago, shortly before Louis mother was fired.”

“The same old story …” King sleeps with maid, maid gets pregnant, king gets rid of the problem. It wasn’t the first time it happened.

“… if Louis mother didn’t steal before being thrown out.” Gregory admitted and looked towards his still untouched plate. For some reason, his demeanour was completely different from what I had observed the day before. Sure, he still did act as if the world belonged to him, but he did his the disdain for his little brother rather well.

“Ouch. That’s terrible.” I could imagine very well why she did it as nobody would want her and Louis, but still. She basically sentenced herself to death and her son to a terrible life with terrible people around.

“It truly is … but worse of all he dreams of becoming a hero who saves the world.” The second prince said, feigning to be incredibly sad while in reality … he was angry.

“And what is wrong with that?” Sofie chimes in and raised and eyebrow.

“I want to spare him of that pain. I don’t want to see him die because he got himself in danger. He suffered enough in his life already.” Lies and even more lies. I seriously wondered why he even came to us until it struck me.

“And you want us to talk him out of it?” I asked and put my index finger on my cheeks completely innocently.

“That would be the best for him.” More and more, I started to like this prince. I could kind of guess why he wanted us to keep his brother down and asking us this way was seriously an interesting move … if I wasn’t an expert liar.

“I will not stop a young man from chasing after his dreams.” I said and smiled cutely. He would need to try a little bit harder to change my mind.

“But … it will crush him when he eventually realises his goals are unreachable.” What a boring way to convince me. Couldn’t he come up with anything better?

“That is not for you to decide.” Luna chimed in unhappily. Both of my friends were pretty darn negative about his proposal.

“It isn’t … but he cannot do so either.” Defining reachable goals is hard, but not impossible. What in the world made the second prince think that Louis wasn’t capable of seeing what was reasonable and what was not?

“Pardon?” I asked and tilted my head slightly.

“He isn’t the most mentally stable … he falls in love with girls way to easily and is easily exploited. And … he thinks he had a previous life. Isn’t that crazy?”

Yeah … that was crazy. Looking over to Sofie, I realised she was quite tense all of a sudden as if she was struck by lightning. Balling my hands into fists, I thought for a second of punching the life out of the shitty prince, but discarded the thought right afterwards. The cat was out of the bag at the second day of living there.

What a glorious development … not.

“Sometimes we dream about things that never happened, actions we never took, and decisions we never made. Maybe he was talking about these dreams?” I had hoped to save everything by leading Sofie onto a wrong path, but I knew it was futile. What the second prince said afterwards made it even worse though.

“No, he seriously believes he was sent here by the gods to save the world.” For fucks sake. Someday, I would murder that Gregory guy for sure. No doubt about that.

“Hey … I think I need to talk with my medical teacher about … stuff.” Sofie said, which was obviously a lie and stood up shaking. There was no stopping her afterwards, was there? She would seek out Louis on her own, no matter what I would do.

We still looked at her a bit surprised as she said so and excused herself. I was still looking at her with worry as she walked away from us, holding the tray with shaky hands.

“… I will ask him about his apparent reincarnation, so rest assured … as long as you can answer me a single question.” He was kind of relieved to see me give way in the end and thus fell right for my trap.

“Whatever it is.” He said, somewhat sure he had convinced me with his words.

“Last time we spoke, you mentioned you two had the same starting point. Wouldn’t that mean you had a previous life as well?” I asked and tilted my head to the side even further. This conversation had already destroyed my plans of keeping these damned reincarnators apart. At least I may be able to find one more of them this way, because it didn’t seem as if Gregory didn’t believe that his brother was from another world. He just wanted to use it against Louis.

“Wha- no … I meant we were born in the same family.” Gregory said, and kind of stumbled over his own words. And if that wasn’t indication enough, then it was surely his soul giving away his lie.

“I see. I will talk with Louis about everything … but I won’t tell him we spoke. Is that alright with you?” I proposed. It would suit me very well if those two princes never got along as I could play them against each other this way.

“It’s better this way, yes. Thank you.” He said, picked up his tray and stood up from his chair. He certainly didn’t want to spent any more time with us than necessary. He quickly bid his farewell and walked towards his friends who were laughing in the distance.

“What was all this about?” Luna asked which made me sigh involuntarily. There was no use hiding it any more, that was for sure though.

“The gods have sent hundreds of people from a different world to this planet. They have powers far beyond the normal human and are probably capable of feats I am not.”

“That means … are they here to save us from the demons?”

“That … is probably the case.” Or they would destroy everything with their ignorance and stupidity. I already knew at least five of them and only one was an acceptable human being. The others were complete idiots … and idiots tended to mess every part of my plans up. “But we have to make sure they are guided in the right direction.” I said and smirked towards her, hoping I was the one to guide them, and not a certain god who wanted to meddle with this world.


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