Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 354: Chapter 2.71

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“And girls remember, there is no greater honour than to host a tea party with a queen attending. Please make sure to remember this, and the steps necessary for a successful ball. You are dismissed.” These were the last words of my first class of etiquette. It was an all girls class it surprisingly didn’t go longer than one and a half hours as we were expected to socialise with the other students afterwards.

Curiously enough, this class was an all girls one, even though the course was quite easy. Maybe the contents were a bit off putting though because we seriously learned how to host a fucking tea party at the first session. Worst of all, their tea was shit. They didn’t even know how to make one and put way too much sugar in it.

But there was something else I could observe rather easily. This class was a microcosm of the hacking order in nobility. The highest ranking noble was usually the one others gathered around. They would dominate the social ladder from the first day onwards for the most part.

That didn’t happen in this class though, partly because there weren’t any daughters of a duke attending and the hierarchy was rather flat. But I also had my part in it.

From the moment I stepped into the room – five minutes late – I was already an oddity. I was wearing sunglasses which made me stood out for sure, but these girls weren’t even interested in that after I gave them my usual excuse. It was my hair.

“How do you keep them sparkling like that?” One of the girls said after the class had ended. She wasn’t the only one though as most of the girls I had met in that class chose to form a group with me.

“Oh, I wash them … sometimes.” I admitted and shuddered slightly. Luckily, none of them were that perceptive.

“Really? You must be blessed by the gods then. And having a voice similar to the saint is just unfair.” She said enviously, but without any ill intent.

“I hear that really often … but it is not a gift. At least I don’t think so. The amount of times I had to sing in my church was phenomenal, even though I rather wanted to play with others.” I said and scratched my cheek in apparent embarrassment.

“Please, you have to sing for us.” Another girl said pleadingly.

“But singing alone is making me nervous … I’m sure we will be given the opportunity to sing together one day.” I proposed and looked towards the clock on the wall. I should have scooted out of there already as I would surely come late to my philosophy class otherwise … but making some fake friends couldn’t harm either.

“I’ll definitely ask Mrs. Benimmdich next time she is here.” The same blonde haired girl said brimming with a smile on her lips. For sure though … my hair was much more reflective than hers. I really had to wonder how she damaged her hair that much … but whatever.

“Let’s do that!” I exclaimed happily and smiled to express my support of the idea. “Does anyone know how I can get to block c? I’m kind of clumsy finding my way.”

“I can bring you there.” Proposed one helpful girl, followed up by two others who then brought me there together. It was really simple to get these shallow girls on my side, but it wasn’t that hard. In a Sense, I just had to be nice to them, be funny and elegant at the same time, and they would flock around me like a swarm or starving piranhas.

Well, thanks to them I actually got there on time as I didn’t have to ask for the way every two hundred metres or so.

Philosophy class turned out a lot different from the rest of the courses. The moment I sat down on my chair next to a black haired boy who had his hair grown to his shoulders, the teacher began the lesson.

“What is a demon?” I certainly hadn’t expected that to be honest, but everyone had to answer the question, so I prepared an answer rather carefully as it was important to leave a good first impression.

“The word demon is ill defined. There are several authors who used it in regards to every race appearing since the saint left this world, but others also included races like vampires and other creatures of the night. Therefore, one can basically use the term whenever one speaks about any enemies of humankind these days.” I answered, hoping my answer was philosophical enough for the teacher.

“Next.” She said without grading my answer at all. Well, she didn’t do it for the other students either, so there was that. Afterwards, the whole lesson revolved around logic, but the teacher always left us with enough free time to chat with the others in our close proximity.

I had nothing planned afterwards and so I took a few others up on their proposal to get to know each other at a nearby cafeteria. There were a bunch of people in that group, for example Lara, who … was completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But there was also Reinhart who … okay, all of them had nothing to offer to me, but I needed to be friendly and approachable for everyone.

Thus, it was quite late as I got back into the teachers house and opened the door to our apartment. Hannah wasn’t there yet, which could only mean one thing.

Quite happily, I picked up the piece of paper on the floor and skimmed over it.

‘Meet me at the principals office.’ That was the only bit of information left behind, which wasn’t much to be honest. For once, I could feel myself at the receiving end of being left in the dark and it certainly wasn’t a good feeling.

Well, it was even worse that I had no fucking clue how to get there, especially because my trusted compass pointed to a reincarnator at this time, so there was that.

A bit disgruntled of being left alone, I left the house shortly afterwards once more and looked towards the sky with worry. A few bird species were already flying low the whole day and the horizon was filled with dark, black clouds. At least the ones above me were still grey, but that could change anytime soon.

Sighing loudly, I started to sprint in the direction I hoped was right and asked the first person I came across where I needed to go. It was fairly simple in all actuality. Just turn left at the chemistry building, right at the large tree and then left at the L-shaped building. Afterwards, I merely had to go right and then left at an old campfire spot, left at the …

The way was a bit too long and I lost my way three times, but in the end I managed to get there a mere minutes before heaven opened its gates and spewed hell onto the planet.

“Puh, I really lucked out there, didn’t I?” I asked a nearby student who stood with me underneath the canopy with me.

“Oh no, that’s gonna take ages until it stops.” He groaned, but didn’t seem to distressed by it. “Well, I guess it’s not too bad. You are Lucy, right?” He asked while I sniffed the air a bit. My vampiric powers had already returned around that time, allowing me to smell a far too familiar smell.

“Do we know each other?” I was honestly quite stunned for a second there. I knew I couldn’t remember how to get to certain places, but otherwise my memory was excellent. I should have remembered him, but I didn’t. Maybe he had something to do with the memories still locked away within me?

“I don’t think so … but I overheard a few students talking about you.” I certainly didn’t expect that reasoning, but it was way better than what I had in mind.

“I hope it was about positive stuff?” I asked and leaned forwards while smiling cutely. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and smiled wryly.

“Actually it was about the scene at the arena yesterday. But they also said you were incredibly cute and beautiful … and they certainly weren’t wrong with that.” He admitted while his cheeks got beet red.

“Thank you! I really would have liked not to be famous for that though …” I mumbled and scratched my cheek in apparent embarrassment.

“Well, it was inevitable considering your glasses. What are they for?” Raising my eyebrows a bit, I took of my glasses and turned them around for him to see through. He wasn’t very surprised at everything turned out to be incredibly dark once he looked through them even though sunglasses weren’t common at all.

“Light sensitivity. Without them, I can’t see during the day.” I explained and smiled warily.

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“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said and scratched the back of his head once more. I giggled a bit at his words and his cute behaviour, but knew I should stop this conversation rather soon. I had talked with him long enough to be considered friendly and nice, but any further was unnecessary.

“Eh, it’s not like it’s your fault … or is it? Well, I’m already late so … take care of yourself.” I said and extended my hand towards him.

“You too!” He said and shook mine with vigour. It was right then as it really started to rain and I tensed up considerably.

“You might want to borrow an umbrella for that.” I said and opened the door of the building immediately afterwards. I held the door open for him, but he shook his head while smiling brightly. Quietly, he whispered something and stepped out into the rain.

A protective barrier of air enveloped him in an egg form, blocking off any rain from reaching him in the first place. I was quite envious of this power, but still smiled and waved as he dashed off into the distance. Only as he didn’t look back anymore did I close the door behind me and strolled towards the principals’ room while pursing my lips unhappily. Whatever he did … I wanted it too.

Even though I was a bit occupied with my envy, I still heard Hannah inside the the office and thus opened the door without thinking much about it. Inside was one person I didn’t expect though. A middle aged man, wearing a rather sturdy helmet. He had stubbles on his chin and didn’t look as if he belonged into the tidy and well kept room with his dirty clothing.

“Salutations! How are you all doing?” I asked and giggled my way across the awkward atmosphere.

“Could you please make your sister understand that I cannot disable the protective circles of this school?” The principal asked me helplessly.

“We made a deal!” Hannah shouted and let her fist crash onto the desk the principle was sitting at.

“… that I would ignore the alarm bells.” He gulped loudly and shrank back a little. Shaking my head slightly, I walked past the man I didn’t know and sat down at the edge of the principals’ desk.

“What is your goddamn problem?” Hannah asked, which made me look at her intensely. She knew I didn’t like any words referencing the gods.

“I simply cannot allow my students to befall any harm. This is a prestigious school, one where nobles sent their children to study. If even one of them gets hurt, the whole faculty will be in trouble.” The headmaster said adamantly. If this was his way of renegotiating the deal we made, it was the worst attempt I had seen in a long time.

“Do you have an umbrella by any chance?” I butted in rudely, but still smiled innocently towards the principal. “You might need one to face the storm coming for you. And I guess you don’t want the promised gold as well?”

“I have thought it over … and the risks are too great.” Admittedly, the plan was quite risky for him, but that wasn’t my problem, was it?

“Did you know there were cultures that practiced pederasty in the past? I mean, such a thing would be amazing for you, wouldn’t it?” I asked out of the blue, puzzling both the bystander and Hannah completely. The headmaster though seemed to have heard about it once before and stared at me with squinted eyes.

“You already used that twice against me. It’s enough.”

“Do you do it here? At this desk?” I asked and slid my finger across the wood to smell it a little. Sadly, it smelled a bit like soap though as if it was cleaned before. “Oh, you do. Let me guess. That cute boy I met earlier lays here …” I laid down on my back, looking at the completely perplexed principal who struggled to put my words together with my innocent smile. “And you stand in between his legs … or are you more of the oral type? That’s okay as well, I’m not judging you.” I waited a little, but still got no answer from anyone except the other man who gulped uncomfortably. “I can always ask the boy who wanted to train his air barrier so desperately he waited for the rain to start. Isn’t he rather sweet? I can understand how you fell for him … those tender arms, his frail waist …”

“You have raised a devil.” How often did I need to explain everyone that devils were a race in hell? And without crossing through purgatory, there was no way they could ever hope to get there.

“… oh, yeah. Headmaster, right there. Deeper! Deeper!” Looking at his face, I couldn’t help but to laugh loudly and held my belly. I rolled on the desk onto my side and  couldn’t control myself. The headmaster’s ashen face was just a tad too much for my fun deprived self.

“You … you are aware I could expose you to the public easily?” The headmaster chose to ignore me completely as if I was crazy or something. Glaring at him for a little, I stood up and walked towards the other guy in the room while Hannah waited with her reply.

“Did you think I was funny?” I asked him while keeping a gentle smile on my lips.

“Yes, milady.” And he didn’t even lie. It was highly probable he worked with enough mentally unstable clients to know when to be respectful.

“What about you, sis?” I asked, strolling back past Hannah and the desk.

“Wasn’t my type of joke.” She said as I stopped right next to the headmaster and placed my hands onto his shoulders. “And what about you?” I gripped his shoulders a bit more, but not enough to hurt him in any way.

“I …” Sweat started to appear on his skin as I let my hands wander across his chest and hugged him from behind.

“Yes?” I whispered into his ear.

“N-now that I t-think about it … ha … haha. HAHAHA!” He began laughing like crazy , but everyone of us could hear how ingenue and nervous it was. Slowly, I tightened my hug around his throat, but he kept on laughing and laughing. He didn’t even struggle against me as I choked him a little bit. In the end though I let go of him and stood upright once more.

“That’s the spirit!” I patted his shoulders like some old friend would do. “You know it’s good to laugh when you like a joke, right? It eases up the atmosphere and tells me when my jokes land, alright?” I said cutely and finally let go of his shoulders.

“I-I’ll keep that in mind.” He said and held his throat in a little bit of pain.

“I expected nothing less from you.”






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