Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 360: Chapter 2.77

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Stepping out of the carriage under broad daylight, I held my straw hat in place as a sudden gust of wind threatened to blow it away. Hannah stepped out behind me, visibly worried about my safety and held her hand close to her waist, ready to draw her sword whenever needed.

Her precaution was obviously unnecessary and quite overblown, but they were needed for the show.

Gracefully, I walked through the gate right in front of me and found myself in a rather populated park. A few servants were walking their master’s pets, some mothers watched over their kids playing in a sandbox and others went on a walk in this beautiful place in the east of the noble district.

Together with Hannah, I walked through the park slowly and greeted whoever we were passing. Strolling around wasn’t our goal though and thus, I sat down on an already used bench and crossed my legs. Hannah stood a bit behind me, wary about any assailant who would never come.

“Your holiness.” A man around sixty years old sat to my side, clad in normal noble clothing completely unbefitting for his position.

“My dear pope, I hope you are doing well?” Pope Urban only glanced towards me, but luckily made no indication to throw himself onto the ground … even though it was tempting to see that as well.

“Thanks to your presence, I can feel at ease.” Sadly, it didn’t work the other way around. Smiling brightly, I quickly changed topics to something light. First, we talked about the weather, then how the church could help those in need better and afterwards about the problems the unification of the churches in the elven realm and the human realm brought with it till this day.

We went on like this for a rather long time. I usually didn’t like small talk and avoided it as much as I could, but this was my way of making sure he stayed loyal. He shouldn’t blame me for neglecting him after all.

Visitors of the park went and new came, a few children at the playground had a small fight which was quickly broken up by their mothers and a dog barked at me after sniffing my leg a little. Otherwise, not much happened during the three hours we chatted. At last though, I asked him what was on my mind.

“Do you think it is possible for a demon to get past all the screening at the royal academy? As far as I am aware, no culprit had been found concerning the explosion of the two statues.” I asked, slowly directing the conversation in the direction I wanted it to.

“Hmm … you might be too quick in blaming demons for that incident. It is far more likely a student who was pulling a prank was behind the attack.” He explained calmly. Closing my eyes a little I went over what he said. He didn’t say it was impossible, just that it was unlikely. So even he agreed to my conclusion.

“I see … in that case, I do have a few favour to ask. I want you to collect every bit we have about all the demons capable of hiding in human society. I believe the king isn’t aware of them, is he?” I asked quietly. It could have been bad if someone else overheard this part.

“I am certain he was briefed about them once or twice … but he may have ignored the warnings of his advisors.” A foolish king, still stuck in the mindset that all demons were savage beasts. And such a person was reigning over the kingdom. He could either be problematic in the future, or very useful.

“Alright … please bring up this topic whenever you see him next.” I said hopefully. That way, the king could bolster our defence against demons, but also prepare everything for the second phase.

“I will probably hide a few races from him though … like Succubi.” Even in his eyes these wretched beings were demons? I had to tell that the whore later.

“And my race … while you are at it.” We wouldn’t want to have the king searching for vampires, would we? It was way better if my race was thought of as extinct.

“Naturally.” He said and lowered his head respectfully.

“I do want you to emphasise their similarities with humans though …” I explained, hoping the pope got what I wanted to imply.

“So that he understands we can talk to them?” That was the first step. Afterwards, we maybe could have the king understand that it was possible to live with some demonic races as well.

“Precisely. Negotiations are a way to end a war … and the earlier this madness ends the better.” I explained and was tempted to give the sky a middle finger.

“As you wish.” The pope said respectfully. After a few seconds, I stood up and indicated him to follow me around.

“But … if the demons aren’t willing to negotiate, we might need to fall back to another plan altogether. We would need to fight them with everything we got, including this.” I pointed towards my head and chuckled a bit as he frowned involuntarily. “I’m not talking about my head, but rather the system we all benefit from. The gods have given it to us, so we ought to use it as much as possible, right?” I asked and looked over towards a few kids who were playing with a simple ball.

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“I cannot follow, your holiness.” He explained and watched as the ball rolled over towards us. He didn’t move to kick it back towards the kids probably due to his age, which left me no choice but to do it myself.

“I am thinking of making a book about the system. Not about its history or something like this, but rather a recollection about every skill there is. For example, I do know someone who has the skill ‘Limitless Mana X’ but I couldn’t find anything about it. Wouldn’t it be useful to find out how we can get a certain skill, what it does, and at best all its quirks as well? For example, I don’t know if ‘Iron Skin’ stacks with ‘Hardened Skin’ or not. What’s the difference between these two in the first place? It would benefit humanity and the elves massively if we could bring light into the darkness.” I explained and turned my head to look into his eyes. He didn’t understand directly what I wanted to say, but realised the benefits of such a book quite quickly.

“With knowledge, we could increase our fighting prowess and make the best out of the gift the gods bestowed us.” He explained exited.

“Precisely.” I answered and walked onwards while looked towards the leaves above our heads.

“That is a brilliant idea.” He said walking by my side.

“It wasn’t mine though. I heard a Mr. Hiernameneinfuegen started such a project ten years ago. I found one of his books at the library.” That guy already laid the foundation for what I needed, but didn’t get far enough to give me what I really, really wanted.

“I will look into working together with him.” The pope explained right away, which might have been a good decision. Or not, I didn’t care much about it to be honest.

“Great … on our search, we might stumble across some very rare skills as well, just like the one mentioned earlier. It is best to note the name and location of their bearers down as well, in case we might have some further questions or we are in desperate need of such a skill.” That was what I was after. Sofie told me she had such a special skill a little while ago after I asked her how she could heal others so long without any break. It might have been a little careless of her to reveal such a thing, but who was I to ramble? Before that, I didn’t know if their gifts would be shown in their status screen as well and only searched for the effect the skills had. But searching for the mysterious skills through the search would make things easier.

“We could improve our reactions to catastrophic events this way … we are truly blessed to have such an intelligent saint like you.” And I would know every reincarnator who didn’t manage to hide their skill in time. That was truly wonderful.

“I look forward to see the results.” We we were back at where we stated our little walk around the park and a gracefully curtsied in his direction.

“So do I. I do have the feeling we will find wonderful ways to bring peace to this continent once more.” I honestly doubted it, especially because I didn’t want to rely on their gifts if I could avoid it.

“Before I leave … the demons might attack us in unexpected ways. They might for example impersonate a god. If you ever meet someone pretending to be a god or one of their messengers … write me a letter immediately.” I warned and waved over my shoulder. I didn’t wait for his reply at all, but rather strolled back to the carriage. What I told should stop him from believing in any of these reincarnators which also worked as apostles as a side job. If they told him my actions weren’t beneficial to the gods, he might start to doubt me. Thus, it was better to leave a warning right away.

Stepping into the carriage once more, I was immediately greeted by a grinning whore. I desperately hoped she was bored of sticking around, but she apparently had bought a book with her.

“You can read?” I asked in utter amazement.

“Better than you can.” She replied with a smirk.

“Your replies are shit though.” I explained and sat down to the left, leaving enough room for the silent, but glaring Hannah to sit next to me.

“My replies are still better than yours.” She said and laughed haughtily.

“And I guess you also have less chromosomes than me?” I asked and tilted my head to the side.

“No? I got more.” Even though she realised I had laid a trap for her, she didn’t know how to not fall into it. Well, too bad she was too prideful to accept defeat beforehand.

“What’s a chromosome?” Hannah whispered into my ear while I kept grinning at the whore. It was truly the best to be the most knowledgeable around.

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