Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chương 431: Chapter 2.150

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“Oh my … is I morning already?” I asked while listening to the snoring sounds resounding through the whole room.

“And you are finally drug free again?” The whore asked, looking from the bed over to me with a mixture of disgust and horror visible all over her face.

“Drug, alcohol and happier than ever before.” I said, clapped once and looked after the blood which flew off my hands longingly.

That made you happy?” She asked, pointing all through the gory room and stopped especially whenever her finger found the remains of a servant.

“It surely did? Their screams as they tried to flee were music in my eyes, their resignation after noting that they just had their last orgasm … beautiful.” I got a little horny just from remembering that scene and directly dug my fingers into the open chest right next to me go attain his heart.

“Why the heck have I agreed to this …” The whore asked while I squeezed it above my open mouth, drinking his blood eagerly.

“You enjoyed it though?” I asked afterwards, remembering very well that she had indeed a great time.

“In the beginning! When we had normal intercourse with each other …. but not this fucked up shit. And I still can’t believe Tom actually joined.” She shouted out loudly, not exactly angry at me, but rather herself.

“Why are you complaining then? You got screwed by three at the same time, Tom had fun with the maid and I … well, I like it bloody. So what?” I asked and smiled innocently which probably stood in stark contrast to my bloodied hairs and the fresh blood flowing down my chest.

“I’m never going to forget this fucked up shit …” She muttered, pressing her face into the last non drenched part of the bed.

“I do hope so? It’s hard to forget your first after all.” I said happily and rolled over to my side, kissing the last lover which limbs were still attached onto his cold forehead.

“First and last time I had sex while you actively tortured someone.” She said, throwing the best weapon she could find at me. Catching the pillow out of the air, I cleaned my face with it and stood up leisurely.

“Yup, yup. We all know you’ll give it a chance.” I said while grinning happily. Disregarding her mumbling completely, I stepped over several corpses to get towards the door and kicked the maid in front of it out of the way.

Stepping out of the room butt naked, I was pleasantly surprised as a butler handed me a bathrobe right away.

“I assume the night has been refreshing?” He said, not even bothering to look inside. Well, the connection between him and the servants inside was apparently rather thin, especially because those didn’t even know our races while he had no problem as I showed him my teeth.

“Very refreshing. Thank you.” I said and pressed my upper body against him, rubbing off a bit of blood while staring into his panicking eyes which seemed to look ahead stoically. “But I would like to continue it with you.”

“I am nothing but a lowly servant, not worthy of such honour.” And he said that while fear crept into his very being. I had to admit he was properly raised by Tom.

“Well said. Bring me to the nearest bathroom.” I said while waking around the head butler and swung myself on his back.

“At once.” He said after he stabilised himself and directly walked ahead. I didn’t want to make it that easy through and started nibbling on his nape slowly. I could feel him tensing up in my hug and his hairs stood up, but he still continued to bring me into the nearest bathroom which was already steaming from the hot water.

“Clean me.” I demanded and jumped off his back, but not without giving him one last playful bite.

“I can fetch a maid who is more skilled than me.” He said, finally for searching ways out of this situation while I strolled over to a stool and sat down my legs crossed over each other.

Clean me.”  I repeated, this time a bit angry until he picked up an already towel and started going through my hairs.

“You might need to use a bit more water for that … but don’t use too much.” I said while enjoying how he massaged my scalp in an attempt to get all the bits and pieces of flesh out of them.

“Since when are you serving him?” I asked after he had cleaned my hairs by dipping them into a bucket.

“Since my sixth birthday, milady.” He admitted while carefully going over my back.

“That’s a long time … did Tom ever gift you anything?” I asked, turning around abruptly and faced him directly.

“My life, milady. He had found me in the forest after my parents threw me out and gave me everything I could ever dream of.” He said, a bit hesitant to clean my front as well, but did so as I raised my eyebrows demandingly.

“But there has to be something you desire?” I asked with interest. Surely there was something even a head butler wanted.

“No, I am –“ He said, but stopped as soon as he realised my displeasure. “I … am having this dream sometimes. I am old, sitting on the veranda of a small but comfortable house in the outer district. Looking over the wheat fields, I listen to the sounds of my playing grandchildren …” He said, getting slower and slower as he noticed how my gaze turned into one of envy.

“A beautiful wish.” I said, reaching out to the butler and caressed his cheek longingly. He didn’t shrank back, but rather tensed up a little while his hands were in the completely wrong spot for that. “If Tom ever offers to turn you into one of us, tell him about this dream and that I want to see it come into reality … if you still desire a family more than near immortality at this point. And if you succeed, I hope you will welcome me at this beautiful place someday.” I explained while looking into his crystal clear eyes happily.

“I would be very happy to have you.” He said a bit dishonest, but even that didn’t stop me from caressing his cheek once more.

“Can you imagine that I want the same?” I asked slowly, unsure wether all the drugs were really out of my bloodstream.

“I do. You are a very kind lady after all.” A total lie. For a second, the thought of murdering him while he still held my breasts absentmindedly did cross my mind, but I discarded it as quickly as it came. He was probably very used to visitors and their crazy demands at this point and knew very well what he was supposed to say.

“… no, you can’t. I’m not kind, Sebastian. Not even remotely. The only kindness I know is putting others out of their misery. And maybe that is why I will never have a real, proper family. That and …” leaning forwards, I grabbed the back of his head and pressed my lips on his, directly invading the butlers mouth on my own accord. He resisted at first, pressing against my chest a little before he resigned to his fate and let me do as I pleased. Toying with his tongue for a little while, I made sure he tasted a bit of my spit before letting him go. “That and along the fact that I’m so fucked up I don’t even know if I’m drugged or not right now.”

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“Please … please refrain from such actions in the future.” He said, gasping for air while I leaned back a little.

“Maybe you shouldn’t squeeze my breasts then.” I complained, finally looking downwards to the wet cloth which hadn’t moved in minutes.

“I … I am deeply sorry. I accept any punishment.” He said and lowered his gaze a little which didn’t make it better.

“Any?” I asked, grabbed his chin and made him look into my red, bloodthirsty eyes.

“Whatever you deem necessary.” He said and actually meant it that way.

“Your death?” I asked probingly.

“Even … even that.” He said truthfully which made me think a little. Maybe this butler was more useful than I had thought so far.

“You are an interesting fellow … whenever I am at this mansion, I want to be washed by you in the future.” I explained and knowingly opened my mouth far enough so that he could see my canines.

“As you wish.” He said, a bit taken aback by this display.

“Undress.” I demanded and smiled brightly right away.

“Excuse me?” Sebastian asked surprised as if he didn’t understand me at first.

“It’s your punishment? And besides, you had the opportunity to look at me the whole time, so it’s only fair I get a chance as well?” I hypothesised pursing my lips a little.

“I … even though I said I would accept death, I … I do not want to end up like the others.” He said, which made me giggle a little.

“It’s either that, or I might think about other punishments.” I replied while laughing a little and watched in delight how he slowly followed my order.

As his underwear dropped onto the floor, I turned my back towards him once more and giggled a little.

“You may continue.” I said without being interested in his manhood at all. Shortly afterwards, I felt the cloth on my skin once more and stood up as he reached my waist. Very careful not to overstep his boundaries, he washed my legs as well and then walked around to finish cleaning my belly.

And then, he stood there in front of me, always keeping eye contact and unsure what to do. Reaching out, I placed my palm over his heart and felt the warmth he provided right away.

“There is something else seemingly out of reach. I want to feel life but so far I am incapable. I can only feel it’s effects on me … and that’s it. And you might be able to help me with that.” I explained while caressing his skin carefully.

“I am not entirely sure what you are expecting of me, milady.” And neither was I. I had tried visiting a maternity hospital, had felt Irminsuls power washing over me via Sofie and had done anything else I could come up with. So far, nothing had born any fruits but maybe, just maybe he could help me with that issue.

“Bring me to a vacant bed and spend the day with me.” I demanded, pushing him towards the nearest wall straight away.

“I am …” He mumbled, clearly not comfortable with my sudden approach.

“I won’t hurt you today, I promise. I’ll just listen to your heartbeat and that’s it.” I said and smiled innocently which didn’t have the effect I was hoping for.

“Aren’t you supposed to spend the day somewhere else?” He asked, pushing me way from him weakly.

“Don’t question me. Just do as I say.” I demanded and nearly hissed at him for trying to change my mind. It was true I was expected at the royal palace, but it wouldn’t be the first time I went missing for a day.

As such, I quickly grabbed his hand with a haughty grin on my lips and dragged him out of the bathroom, still completely naked.

“Where?” I asked, looking through the completely unfamiliar hallway.

“The second door to your left.” He said quickly. Dragging him there, I opened the door quickly and let go of his hand. Scooting over to the bed, I basically threw myself on top of it. Turning around onto my back, I spread my arms wide and looked at him with interest.

“Make me feel life and I will grant you every wish you have.” I stated, hoping that would motivate the twenty year old butler a little bit more.

“I … do not know how to do that.” He said while averting his gaze from me.

“Improvise.” I demanded and nearly snarled at him as he didn’t jump into action immediately. But before I could do that, he slowly laid down on the bed right next to me, took my hand and pressed it firmly onto his chest, right above his heart. “If I may …” I muttered, pulled my hand back only to press both of mine beneath him. Swinging one leg across his waist, I laid my head on his chest and started to listen to the sounds of life.



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