Tales of Random Enchanting

Chapter 5: In the Cloak of the Night 2

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Several more days passed as Max continued his monotone work digging the trenches, going to his cell dead tired, and enchanting some items with his skill, but in this peculiar night something awoke him from his slumber.

"Hmmm....." sleepily muttered Max as he opened his eyes to see black, except for the place the window was. As most nights the moon of this world silently shined it's silvery light slightly over the place he had lived for the past six months, but tonight something seemed different as in the darkness something was heard. At first Max thought that it was his mind playing tricks on him, but soon he would find out it wasn't.



*Ding Ding Ding*

*Ding Ding Ding*

*Ding Ding Ding*

Sounds of yelling enveloped the night, and the sound a bell muffled them. Yelling and screaming became the norm, but Max was only focused on the ringing bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

'Shit, it's true, I didn't mishear it. There continuous bell ringings mean that the camp has been broken through, but how is that possible? The entrance to the dungeon should be guarded heavily at this hour, and even if the first circle has been breached, how can the camp be infiltrated so quickly.... unless.

Has the mage tower been taken out?!' hastily concluded Max as his eyes shone in the dark. Now that his sleepiness had subsided he jumped to the small window of his 'home' like an agile monkey and tried to see or hear anything. Unfortunately because of the darkness he couldn't see much besides some fire in the distance, but he could clearly hear the sound of fighting and screaming.

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An explosion shook the earth and scared Max enough to lose his grip and fall to the ground, but he wasn't disheartened at all. With newfound strength he went to the thick wooden door of his cell and started banging against it with all his strength.

*Bang Bang....

"Hey, hey, warden are you there? What is going on? Is the camp truly breached?!  Warden... warden, answer me?!" Max yelled and yelled and yelled for the warden to come, but no one answered , besides the sounds of the other slaves on the nearby cells. He of course ignored them as he yelled for the warden once more , but when he still didn't hear from him in the next two minutes, his heart was aflutter. 

"Is..is this it? Is this the opportunity I've been waiting for? " questioned Max himself, but the only answer he could come up with was 'Yes'. He had suffered enough in this place, both physically and mentally, and he was willing to risk his life to change that.

 " I guess that this is a good  time as any." With his mind made, he went to his stash of goods and retrieved them from their hiding place. He immediately took the enchanted, baton like stick on his hand along with his crude knife before eating two berries, making himself full immediately. He then retrieved his other items and several small gems. He looked at two of them in peculiar, one of them looked like obsidian, and the other had a pale white color before heading towards the door.

"Heh...hope this works." voiced Max as he remembered one of his experiments. After he had found out his skill could be used on the berries, he had moved to using his skill of some other things, and those things were the two crystals on his hand. He had found them while he dug the trenches and had used his skill on them without really expecting  something  from them, but a miracle had been born. 

Max remembered the notifications he had received when he enchanted the two crystals, and couldn't help but be amazed at the magical nature of this world.

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