Tales of Random Enchanting

Chapter 6: In the Cloak of the Night 3

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After Max escaped his cell and was laughing, the banging on the other doors because frantic.

"Hey what is going on? Is anyone there?"

"Warden, warden....


Max frowned at the mayhem, and considered leaving this place, but he wasn't stupid, he had thought about this day often, so he wouldn't want to die from a simple oversight. He knew that although he was free, he was in a dangerous and unknown world that wouldn't hesitate to gut him in less than a second, so he needed ally's.  

Without wasting any time he went to the storage shed the shovels they used were gathered, quickly broke the window with his stick, and went inside. As he was there he hurried to pick everything he needed, that being a wood chopping axe and two shovels. 

' I've would of liked some real weapon's and armor, but I don't really think going to the camp armory would be a good idea.' though Max as he ran back to the where the cells were , got on one knee and spoke at the keyhole of one of the cells.

"Hey , exiled dwarf, can you hear me? If you can, I'm offering you an offer to escape right now. It seems that the camp is in disarray, and I don't think you will have a better chance then this.

If you agree with my proposal knock two times, and if you don't...

*Knock Knock*

Without letting Max finish his words two quick knock's came from the inside making Max smile. "Haha, that's what I'm talking about!" laughingly said Max Ashe immediately swung the axe at the door with all his might. The wood was thick and the axe not that sharp, but in a minute he hacked through the wooden part around the handle, and the one inside was free.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." said the short , long haired man that just came out. He looked disheveled like a bum with his rags for clothes, but still held an air around him. 

"Heh, accepted, but now it's not the time to stand around here. Here, catch!" said Max as he threw a shovel at the man, and the later grabbed it, but a frown appeared in his face. 

"I know this isn't a real weapon, but it'll have to do for now. Now I'm going to rescue one more, and we will shall immediately leave by the best route, and that's where you come in. I'm sure you know the region around here better than anyone, so we'll have to rely on you for that, agreed?"

The man squinted his eyes at Max, and nodded his head. This immediately made Max not pay anymore attention to the man as he immediately went to another cell and immediately started hacking at it. One minute later another door fell pray to Max's axe , but this time Max slowly opened the door to see two glowing eyes looking at him from the darkness.

"Hey Gus, it's me Max." calmly spoke Max, trying not to spook the one inside" Remember when I told you I would escape, well now it's that time. The dwarf has already agreed to join, but I think that you should also come along. What do you say?"

A couple seconds of silence ensued before the tall free of the beast man came out of the cell. As he stepped out Max could finally see that something wasn't right as Gus's eyes were focused and his ears alert. Something had definitely triggered his animal instincts, as he was completely riled up.

The beast man glanced at both Max and the dwarf with his bloodshot eyes before he nodded in approval. Max also handed him a shovel, before having a quick chat with the dwarf , and they were on their way. Like thieves in the night they headed towards the rising moon, past the trenches that seemed like gaping mouth's of darkness , and into the dead forest of this place. They slowly advanced, trying to listen or see if anyone was following them, and unfortunately something came up.

The first one to notice was definitely Gus the beast man, the second the dwarf, and lastly Max, the weakest of them. In front of they was a cloaked figure holding some kind of lantern that only dimly shined in the darkness.

"Uhhhhh....such a hassle. I thought  that the ones inside would have taken care of you, but it seems I was wrong " eriely said the cloaked figure as he raised his lantern to his face to reveal a decaying visage.

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Immediately Gus's hair stood on end as he immediately attacked, the dwarf quickly behind him. Max was the last one to react as he was a second to late, but he also joined the fray.  Of course the first one to reach the cloaked figure was Gus who swung his shovel with all his strength at the man's head, but two skinny black arms came out of the man's back blocking the shovel. This of course left Gus' s body unprotected and he received a punch staggering back, but the dwarf immediately took his place in the fight swinging his shovel as if a sword, but even he couldn't deal any damage as the two black arms protruding from the man's back blocked everything, but now that Max was also in the game it got a little bit harder.

On one side Gus was swinging his shovel like a madman, each swing easily being capable of decapitating someone, and on the other side the dwarf tactically did a strike her and a strike there, not enough to damage the cloaked man, but enough to not let him get away.

Max on the other side knew that he was useless in this fight so he stayed to the side, waiting for any opportunity,and the opportunity came. As Gus became tired and his swings slower the cloaked man took advantage of an opening and palmed Gus to the stomach. In fact it seemed more like a push than a palm strike, but the effect was harsh. 


Gus fell to his knees as he begun to vomit badly, and of course the cloaked man didn't give him a chance to recover. The two black hands came together and pummeled down of Gus's back, before jumping and rolling to the side to avoid a shovel to the heads from the dwarf.

"Heh...hahahahaha, and admirable effort, truly an excellent show of strength on both sides, but it's not enough." eriely echoed the voice of the cloaked man in the darkness, following by Gus's groaning.

Seeing this scene , all of Max's joy was washed away as he was taken over by uncontrollable rage and rushed the cloaked man with his axe held high."Aghhhhh....

Seeing Max's suicidal rush the two black arms came forward in defense, but he didn't expect for it to be a faint. Call it battle instinct, or maybe a childish move, Max didn't go through with his chop, but let the axe glide out of his hands as it hit the man's arm, ducked out of a punch to his stomach, and got his he in between the man's leg's.


With a shout and newfound strength from his adrenaline he raised his head and threw the man more than two meters away in one move.

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