
Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Sorry about the long wait. Probably not going to be releasing consistently for a while, but hopefully things will get back to normal in a month or two.

Mula and I walked the city in search of any possible leads on the illegal slave auction. 

So far, we’d spent most of the day and, even using magic to enhance my hearing and Magic Eyes to look for anything out of place, we hadn’t found anything suspicious. We had even scoured the dockyards and the nearby warehouses and hadn’t found anything of note, which disappointed me, because that’s where this kind of stuff always went down.

I stopped at an entrance to the Grounder underground, “We found a slave operation down there once.”

Mula shrugged, “This one can’t think of any other places in the sun to look.”

I rubbed my chin, “Maybe the tent cities outside might be worth a look?”

Mula hit her palm with a fist, “Oh! This one forgot about that dirty place.”

I turned away from the entrance to the underground and began walking to the nearest bridge leading off the island, “The west side looked busier, so let’s look over there first.”

Mula rushed off, “This one will get a head start.”

I watched as the ghost woman moved off without any regard for obstacles as she passed through them. I wished I could do that too, but being dead wasn’t worth it. 

I picked up my pace a little, but still kept my eyes and ears at attention just in case.

The city was remarkably well built for their level of technology. Sure, most of the houses were made of mud brick and cut wood comparable to what one would see from hundreds of years ago, but as evidenced by the large number of Grounders here, they were built beyond what I would have otherwise expected. This was because Grounders were masters of Earth magic. What had been intended for use in mines also appeared to be very handy in construction. Even the roads had been magically enhanced to be durable and smooth despite retaining a nice cobblestone appearance.

After walking for nearly half an hour through winding back streets, I finally neared the bridge. It was extremely crowded here, but despite my discomfort I resisted my urge to head back to a quiet back street. Thankfully, most everyone seemed to ignore me, which helped a lot and the exit leading to the bridge flowed easily compared to those entering because the guards were only checking those entering.

I relaxed a little after I made it across.

It was still pretty crowded here, with many people camped near the road. 

I stood here for a moment, using magically enhanced hearing to listen to the conversations around me. 

I noticed someone talking about me, a group of humans, “Look at that Avree. First time I’ve seen one wearing modest clothing.”

“Wow! You’re right! I guess some of their women aren’t whores.”

I recalled all of the Avree I’d seen in the city and realized all the Avree I’d seen had been wearing more revealing clothing than anyone else. This made me wonder if I’d made a bad choice in clothing since these made me stick out compared to them. I guess I could wear a hat to cover my ears, though it would hamper my hearing somewhat.

I didn’t really care to listen to gossip about me, so I turned my attention back to walking. 

I decided to switch from my enhanced hearing to Magic Vision. I doubted slavers would be chatting about their bad guy stuff out in the open, so guessed I should check the buildings and people around me for signs of magic or slave brands.

I was glad I did, because I noticed I was not the only one using Magic Eyes. It was a Follower of Geva, a younger man that looked like he was in his late teens or early twenties. He hadn’t seen me yet and was watching the people around an equally young companion that was currently talking to a group of humans.

I had no desire to deal with the Followers of Geva, and it would also be bad if they saw I was a Golem, so I turned to go a different direction that would put some distance and people between us. I also felt I wouldn’t find any slavers around them, so it would be a waste of time looking there.

It was now that I noticed my first Avree.

It was a man traveling with a human. He looked to be a simple hired hand so I ignored him. 

As I continued on my way, I noticed more and more Avree until I came upon what looked like a makeshift village distinct from the surrounding tents.

There were mostly tents here, but I could also see several buildings both complete and under construction. They were mostly made from the trees in the nearby jungle, and looked like what I had expected a jungle dwelling civilization would build as they all had open walls, an elevated floor to help keep critters out, and a thatch roof to keep out the rain.

As I looked them over, I recalled the conversation I’d heard earlier. Avree men and women really did have lower standards of modesty. Almost none of the men wore shirts which showed off their tanned skin that was wet from sweat thanks to the ever present hot and humid tropical air. The women were mostly covered, but wore more what I imagined Polynesian women would wear, with a band to cover their chests that showed off their stomachs and short skirts that showed off lots of leg. Some of the women wore robes, but somehow these seemed even more scandalous because some of them showed lots of side-boob or even bare breasts if seen from the right angle or if the woman bent over.

I suddenly felt very overdressed or perhaps like a nun that had just stumbled upon a nudist beach.

At first, they didn’t pay much mind to me, probably because they were used to humans wearing the clothes I wore, but once they noticed my ears… Actually, nothing happened other than a curious look or two. I guessed since I had seen Avree wearing the more modest human style of clothing in the city I wasn’t anything too unusual.

I noticed a house hidden in the back. Unlike the others, it had walls and a door. Outside, was an Avree couple waiting at the base of the stairs and as I got closer I realized why they were waiting and why this house was different. Between the flushed faces and the way the couple were holding each other combined with the lewd noises coming from inside, I realized this was where Avree could go to make baby Avree. My master hated the Avree because once an Avree woman went into heat… well… they and the men around them got a little crazy.

I turned away from the house and decided to forget about what I had seen.

I noticed an Avree that looked like a merchant considering me. He was one of the few Avree that I’d seen who wore human style clothing outside of the city, albeit modified to show a bit more skin. He was shorter than me by a head, and had orange hair with a bit of black stripes mixed in which reminded me a bit of Garfield. His expression made me feel like he’d found an easy target.

We stared at each other for a moment, before the merchant came up to me, “Good day, Lady Avree. What brings you to our fine camp?”

I blinked at him a few times trying to think of what to say, “I… um… Well… I just got to Calvinville and wanted to look around.”

The merchant smiled, “Oh, is that so? Most of us here are like that. Drawn by the lights and promises of goods hard to find in other places.”

I turned to the advertisements suspended over the city, “Yeah… Not the lights, but stuff.”

I didn’t want to reveal too much of why I came to Calvinville or that I was now working for him so I was going to have to try not to let my terrible social skills give away more than I wanted.

The merchant nodded, “Would you mind if I ask what you are looking for? I know my way around the city, and for a small fee I could show you around.”

I recalled how Mula had spent pretty much all of the money Calvin had given us, not that I wanted to follow a man I barely knew, “Um…” I flinched as I recalled I needed to stop saying that, “I’m fine. I like wandering.”

The merchant nodded again, “Too bad. I’m sure there are… some more out of the way places I could show one of your status that are more difficult to find without connections such as mine.”

I… maybe it was worth looking into? Of course it could be a trap and I’d be sold into slavery or a scam, but I doubt he would expect me to be an Ieroquin with all the skills they are known for and not an Avree. It also might be fun if it led to any criminal organizations.

I turned my attention back to the Avree merchant, “Can we meet somewhere later?” I resisted the urge to pat the bag I’d bought with the clothes so as not to tip him off, “I try not to take too much money with me at once so I’m not… uh… tempted to spend it all.”

The merchant seemed satisfied with my lie, “Very smart.” He turned to the city, “Let’s see. Perhaps we can meet by the west anchor.” He looked around, “You are alone?”

I wondered where Mula had run off to, “I have a friend, but she’s somewhere else right now.”

The merchant’s smile didn’t react, “And will she be coming along?”

I shrugged, “Probably.”

“Well, if she does, I will charge per person. Oh yes! What is it in particular you want to see? If you just want the general sights, it will only be a half rupee per person if I have my apprentice escort you. More… off the path places will cost more depending on what you want to see.”

I thought for a moment. Was there a way I could phrase this in a way that would help me find the illegal slave auction or at least someone that would know?

“I’m… trying to find some helpers… that… how should I put it…” Had Calvin said the auction was for rare types of individuals? “Interesting people that well… don’t have a choice in who hires them? Ones more special than ones sold in the usual places.”

The merchant leaned forward and whispered, “Slaves, my lady?”

I felt a little guilty just talking about buying slaves even if that wasn’t really my intention, “Well… Yes, but I don’t want to… please don’t tell anyone?”

I had no doubt this man would sell information for the right price. The only question was if him finding out about me was worth selling or if he was obligated to report it to someone.

The merchant turned back to me, “Of course not! There is nothing against the law about buying indentured servants or criminal slaves. But… well… I have heard there are less than legal auctions from time to time if nothing in the usual places meets your demands, but I would have nothing to do with those. I’m an honest merchant, and wouldn’t dream of doing anything that would cost me my livelihood.”

I did my best to not show how skeptical of him I was, “Okay… Well… If you hear anything…”

The merchant turned back to the city, “Yes, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you, but if you’re still interested in receiving a tour it will be about twenty rupees each.”

I took the sudden price increase to mean he knew somewhere or someone, “I’ll… well, it’s a lot of money so I’ll have to see if I can spare that much.”

The merchant began walking off, “Then at least bring enough for the general tour and I’ll make sure my apprentice sees to you.”

I sighed as he walked off. I was going to have to get Calvin to help with expenses.

Mula floated next to me, “This one gives you a six from ten.”

I jumped a little at Mula’s sudden appearance, “Where’d you come from?”

Mula giggled, “This one scared Tamana.” She turned to the merchant as he approached someone else, her expression turning more serious, “This one was following to see how well Tamana would do on her own.”

I turned to Mula, “Did you find anything?”

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She shook her head, “No. This one thinks there is nothing here.”

I sighed, “Guess we should go report back to Calvin and see if he’ll help us with this merchant.”

Mula nodded, “Yes. This one thinks this man is our best lead.”

I rubbed my chin, “How lucky’ll we be if someone we were looking for came to us?”

Mula looked me over, “This one thinks he comes to anyone that looks to be of wealth.”

I looked myself over, I did look a little wealthy now, even if it was only the clothes, “I guess I can see that. A slave auction would want to find everyone it could that might be able to bid.”

Mula began floating ahead, “Let’s go. This one will possess a woman and report to Lord Calvin.”

I nodded, “Yeah. He’ll probably watch me so it’s probably better for you to go by yourself.”

I turned to the city and decided to loiter around the west anchor

An hour later, a particularly attractive short woman with light skin and a large chest approached me and put a hand on a coin pouch at her waist, “This one got the money. It is half our payment.”

I recalled our payment, which meant half would be a thousand rupees. Quite the sum and probably more than enough for the shady merchant, “Nice! I’ll hide some of it on me, then we can go.”

Mula nodded and handed me the pouch.

My new clothes didn’t really have anywhere to hide anything so I did my best, before leaving for the meeting point.

As we arrived, I noticed the merchant was talking to another Avree. 

He immediately spotted us.

The second Avree stayed where he was, while the merchant headed towards us, “Good to see you again, Lady Avree. Have you decided what you will be doing?”

I glanced at a bag filled mostly with fake rupees that Mula had given to me, and pulled out twenty real ones, “I found enough money for the expensive tour.”

The merchant happily took the money, “Very well!” He glanced at the other Avree and nodded once before turning back to me, “My assistant will let the others know you decided to come.” He paused as the assistant jogged off, “I must inform you that this place is very much a secret. If you let others know of its existence… well at best you might become one of its wares,” his eyes flashed with Magic Eyes, “Ms. Golem.”

I’d been wondering if he’d figured that out, “Um… yeah. I thought as much. I won’t say anything.”

Mula,  nodded as well, “This one promises.”

The merchant turned to Mula, “So you are the friend? I assume the Lady Golem here let you know what it is she has involved you with?”

Mula nodded, “Yes, this one understands.”

The merchant nodded, “Very well.” He then led us to a vacant side street before stopping us, and holding up some blindfolds, “You understand that we must keep our destination a secret.”

Mula and I both nodded, and put on the blindfolds. 

I was getting excited. This felt like a scene from a spy movie. I’d kinda felt like this before, but for some reason the blindfolds made it felt even more so. My only worry was that this wouldn’t change from a spy movie to something more… ‘X’ rated. Actually… now that I thought about it… Two women, one very attractive, were being led blindly by a shady merchant to a slave auction. 

Maybe putting on the blindfolds hadn’t been such a good idea?

Sometime later, as my thoughts increasingly became paranoid, we entered a building, and our blindfolds were taken off.

I looked at my surroundings and found myself in a rather plain looking room inside one of the cheaper wood homes that was only furnished with two cheap wooden chairs and a table.

The merchant stood in front of the closed door, “Please put on the masks and cloaks provided on the tables. This is a very secret event and we value our customers’ privacy.”

I inwardly scoffed at his statement. I bet he’d already told plenty of other people about me, probably for a fee.

Mula turned to the table and picked up a rather plain wooden mask that only had holes for the mouth and eyes. I also noticed a small but different mark at the bottom of each one, which was probably how they were going to tell us apart.

Mula and I put on the masks and cloaks. I actually felt relieved putting a mask on my face again and knew it would be a while until I felt comfortable not wearing one.

The merchant led us from the room, “I will now show you the merchandise.”

From here we were led to a separate room. Here I saw several other robed and masked figures around the room. Some looked like us, and were looking at what I saw to be several slaves, but others were armed, and after a quick check showed them to have slave enchantments placed on them. 

I turned my attention to the slaves set up as merchandise. They were mostly Human and Avree, but I saw two Unagon and a Neery as well.

What caught my attention was the white haired Avree chained to a far wall. 

She was extremely attractive. She was short with white hair like mine, blue eyes, and white marks on her cheeks that looked like whiskers. 

Actually, I couldn’t tell for certain if she was an Avree, because after a check with Magic Eyes, I saw she was a void devoid of magic. I had never seen anything like it.

The merchant noticed where I’d placed my attention, “Ah! You have found our biggest prize. A mysterious woman, this one, and possibly the only one like her in the whole world!”

I turned to the merchant, curious, “Does it have something to do with her being a magic void?”

The man’s smile curled as if he had discovered something interesting about me, “Indeed, but there is more than that.”

Mula looked curious too, “Oh?”

The merchant nodded, “This one is immortal. Neither magic nor physical violence can harm her. Even our attempts at putting a slave seal on her failed.”

Mula looked amazed, “Then how does she not escape?”

The merchant turned to the Avree, “This one, called Jaren, cannot use magic of any kind and is easy to keep confined. We cannot do any harm to her, but neither can she to us. All one needs to do is take care in keeping her physically shackled as even non enchanted restraints are effective at keeping her confined.”

I turned to Mula, “Do you want to see any more?”

Mula shook her head, “This one is done.”

The merchant nodded, “Very well.” He gestured back the way we came, “The auction will not start for another few hours. I will escort you back to your room and see you get your friend some food.”

A minute later, we were alone inside the room.

I did a quick look around with Magic Eyes and saw several enchantments placed around the room. Yeah, they’d done a good job bugging the room. This meant I’d need to be careful with what I said.

I turned to Mula, “Want some of  that tea I bought earlier?”

Mula nodded, feigning interest, “Of course!”

I pulled out a flask of water tied loosely at my waist and heated it up. I then poured in some sleeping drug and poured it inside, enchanting it with an effect lengthening spell. It would take a while to kick in, but when it did, Mula’s host would be out for a while.

Didn’t want a confused woman making a scene after Mula left her body.

Mula took the tea from me and sipped it leisurely, “Mmm, this one isn’t impressed.”

I shrugged, “Yeah, but it’s great for helping you sleep.”

Mula sipped the tea and appeared to enjoy it despite what she’d said.

Now that Mula was drinking the tea, it was only a matter of time before the drug came into effect, and before long, it did.

Mula left the woman’s body, and sped up and through the ceiling.

I turned to the woman and saw a look of confusion on her face. Still, with the effects of the drug, she didn’t mutter more than a few words, before falling asleep at the table.

Now I just need to wait.

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