Tattooed Whales

Chapter 6: 6

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Ma Xiao Ye’s birthday came on a rainy day.

The air was cold and wet, till the point where if one spoke, white mist would come out of their mouths. In this kind of weather, it was inevitable that everyone who was planning to gather for Ma Xiao Ye’s celebration became slightly less eager to do so. The rain saw no signs of slowing down, even when lessons were coming to an end.

Self study after school was cancelled. In the classroom, the chairs were all placed on top of the tables as the students collectively went home.

Zhao Hui from Class 2 met up with students from Class 3 and the huge group of people walked out of the school gates together.

Bai Hua Road was only a few minutes away from the school.

Boys who had bicycles rode with girls while the girls carried umbrellas to shield them from the rain. The students were all in their peak of youth and even though the weather was chillingly cold, the students all felt comfortable.

Jiu Lu held onto the sleeve of Ma Xiao Ye’s shirt while carrying the umbrella above both of their heads. Ma Xiao Ye and Liang Xu rode side-by-side, sometimes ahead and sometimes behind.

Jiu Lu’s shoulder was wet from the rain and her teeth chattered as she sneezed. “I didn’t heard that Mo Ke Yan was coming too.”

Ma Xiao Ye tilted his head and slowed down. “She didn’t know about the celebration originally. But Liang Xu kept talking about it in class, and since we played billiards together before, why not call her?”

Their surroundings seemed especially noisy as raindrops continued to fall on their umbrella.

“Is she good at billiards?”

“Not bad? She won against me previously.”

“You get along well with lively girls who can play billiards?”

“Yeah.” Ma Xiao Ye’s reply was so soft, it was covered by the rain. But he immediately changed his reply. “Not really. She doesn’t behave like a girl and she’s boorish.”

The bicycle took a turn and Ma Xiao Ye spoke. “Why are you asking this suddenly?”

“It’s nothing.”

The group went to Bai Hua Road’s most stylish establishment: Black Dragon’s Restaurant. The restaurant provided private rooms and also had a dining hall. They specialised in traditional dishes, and was one of the town’s most formal restaurant.

Ma Xiao Ye’s father made a reservation for a private room. There were a total of 13 people, so the waiters had to add two more chairs.

Just as Jiu Lu was about to sit, she was pulled up by the shoulders by Liang Xu, who brought her to Mo Ke Yan’s side. “Girls should sit with girls. Don’t interfere with our conversation.”

Class 2’s Zhao Hui requested for two boxes of beer and placed a few bottles in front of each guy. “Whoever fails to finish the bottles in front of them will be the wimps for today.”

“Well, it seems like you’ll be one of the wimps today.” Someone piped up wittily.

Zhao Hui laughingly cursed but carried a few bottles of soda to the girls’ side. “Soda? Or alcohol?”

Mo Ke Yan was just chatting with her friends beside her but turned her head as Zhao Hui spoke. “Soda.”

“Really? You don’t seem like the type to drink soda. Here, beer.” He laughed.

“Give me a break.” Mo Ke Yan swatted her hands. “I am scared of nothing but alcohol. I’m allergic to it.”

“Allergic?” Zhao Hui supported himself by leaning on the table. “Is it okay then if you drink less?”

“You’re crazy. Do you want to see me end up in the hospital?” She combed her short hair back, revealing her smooth and white forehead. Her eyes revealed a spirit that someone her age didn’t have.

Zhao Hui was still in doubt. “Don’t lie, how serious can it be?”

“My allergies will act up immediately. My skin will itch and turn red, and my throat will swell up. If I’m unlucky, my body could even enter a shock.”

“Damn.” Zhao Hui’s mouth fell in shock and quickly kept alcohol away from Mo Ke Yan. “Then you shouldn’t drink.”

Li Jiu Lu could only listen to their conversation. In this kind of situation, she usually kept quiet; there was nothing she could say anyways.

After the celebration officially kicked off, a clear distinction could be seen immediately.

Mo Ke Yan mingled happily with the guys, but also chatted and laughed with other girls. The only person she didn’t talk to, was Jiu Lu. She didn’t even spare a glance in her direction.

This kind of attitude seemed to be deliberate. Mo Ke Yan knew; she kept some of her attention on Jiu Lu but made sure she was isolated.

Out of the sudden, Mo Ke Yan fell silent and glanced at Li Jiu Lu. “What is your relationship with Ma Xiao Ye like?”

Her tone was light and it was the first time today that she properly looked at Jiu Lu. Jiu Lu continued drinking her soda, her eyes dim, but didn’t answer.

Mo Ke Yan was irritated. “I’m asking you a question. What kind of relationship do you have with him?”

“Why should I tell you?” Jiu Lu answered softly, making it hard to understand her feelings.

This was the only conversation between the two tonight.

Like a city, the room was bustling with different activities and noise. Li Jiu Lu snuck out of the room to catch her breath. The pouring rain earlier on had already became drizzles, and it felt cool as the air from the open window entered the corridor.

When she returned, Mo Ke Yan and Ma Xiao Ye were competing in something at the table.

“It was just luck that you won previously.”
“Excuses. We can always compete again after we eat. But let’s bet something this time round.”

“Bet? What kind?”

“Whoever loses will have to get a tattoo. Deal?”


The others all applauded in agreement.

Liang Xu, who wasn’t scared to tease them, raised his bottle and pointed to the both of them. “Everyone here is a witness. Don’t you dare go back on your words!” He then added loudly, “Whoever loses can find me! My friend runs a tattoo parlour. The people there are all experienced, and you might even get a discount!”

Li Jiu Lu gave him a look. His lips was scarred; a clot rested in the middle of his lips. When he spoke, the clot clung onto his lips. If his lips were redder and his face was paler, he would have resembled a Geisha.

Why was she soft-hearted at that time! She should have sealed his lips to prevent him from speaking nonsense.

Li Jiu Lu didn’t wait for the celebration to end.

Ma Xiao Ye sent her down the entrance. “You really don’t want to play with us?”

Li Jiu Lu shook her head. “I don’t like that Mo Ke Yan.”


“It’s nothing.”

The sky kept drizzling, and it caused the temperature to drop sharply. The rainwater had gathered in a puddles on the side of the road, and the bright red neon signs were reflected in the puddles; almost as though there was a different world in them.

“Jiu Lu,” Ma Xiao Ye couldn’t help himself and spoke: “You should talk more with classmates. Be more cheerful. Ke Yan’s a good person. She’s straightforward and values loyalty.”

“Is that so?”

Jiu Lu raised her head to look at him, her black eyes flickered brightly in the night. Her gaze was very pure and clean, but it made others feel as though they were being seen through.

“I know girls like Mo Ke Yan is much more likeable than me.” Jiu Lu spoke slowly. “If, you like her much more than you like me, please tell me. I can accept a breakup, but I won’t forgive a betrayal.”

“…… Impossible.” Ma Xiao Ye felt a slightly wronged and a little guilty. He took a moment to compose himself before he rested his hands on Jiu Lu’s shoulder and looked her level. “Is there anything wrong recently? You’ve been suspicious of people recently. This kind of thing will not happen.” He tried relaxing his tone. “Let’s talk about something else. Where’s my birthday present?”

Jiu Lu tightened her grip on her school bag. “I forgot to bring it. Next time.”

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“Sure.” He glanced at the street. “You really don’t need me to send you home?”

Jiu Lu shook her head.

“Be careful then.” Ma Xiao Ye scanned their surroundings and took Jiu Lu to a slightly isolated corner. “Wait for my call. I’ll call no matter how late it is this time.”

He then gave her a light peck on the cheek. Ma Xiao Ye brought a whiff of alcohol as he leaned towards Jiu Lu and under the street light, he appeared especially pleasing to the eyes.

“Take care. I’m going up.”


His back quickly disappeared into the building and only when Jiu Lu turned to face the street, did she then remember that she had forgotten her umbrella upstairs. Just as she was pondering over whether to take her umbrella, a series of horns sounded across the street. Jiu Lu turned to look, and a motorcycle was parked in front of a dark and short building. The yellow lights shone warmly into the rain, and sitting on the bike was a person dressed in full black. His feet rested on the ground and his knees were bent slightly. Seeing that Jiu Lu was not moving, he sounded his horn again.

Li Jiu Lu turned back to took at a particular level’s window, and gave up on taking her umbrella.

With her arms over her head, she picked a clean road to run and avoid the person. Chi Jian’s hands wasn’t on the handlebars but instead on his legs.

“Are you dumb?”


“The horn was been sounding for almost half an hour.”

“I wasn’t listening.”

“Too engrossed, understandable.”


Chi Jian stayed silent for a while, and observed her. She was wearing a light blue wool-knitted causal dress with black leggings and a pair of platform sneakers. It made her legs seem especially thin, almost as thought they would break at the slightest bent.

Li Jiu Lu moved away and broke his trance. “You have something to do with me?”

His glance moved up. “Where’re you going?”


“Just in time. I’m heading there too, I can give you a ride.”

“You’re visiting your grandmother now?” Jiu Lu looked at her wrist watch. “It’s already eight o’clock, visiting hours ends at seven. You’ll have to see her tomorrow.”

“I wanted to try my luck.” He nodded, “But there’s you now.”

Jiu Lu pursed her lips and walked away.

“Ah-” Chi Jian froze for a while before jumping out of his bike. “Wait for me.”

Jiu Lu whale keychain on her bag was especially shiny after being washed by the rain. It dangled and shook as Jiu Lu walked.

She tilted her head. “Why should I help you? We’re strangers.”

“Strangers? I helped you twice.”

She looked at him but quickly avoided his glance and continued walking in the direction of the drain.

Under the street lights, the rain appeared to be much more concentrated as cars and motorcycles sped along the way.

Chi Jian tucked his hands in his pockets. As his legs were much longer than Jiu Lu’s, he caught up with her with just a few steps.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to repay me.” He continued, “Mrs Jiang seems to know that we’re classmates and we had a pretty pleasant conversation. She even asked me to find you if I need help. I only saw that you were exiting the hotel with another person earlier on…”

Jiu Lu stopped abruptly. Seeing so, Chi Jian shut his mouth, walked a step ahead and stopped to look at her.

“Why aren’t you walking?” The corners of his lips unconsciously rose.

Jiu Lu’s eyes dropped but noticed.

“…… You.” She paused slightly, “saw everything?”

“What do you mean by everything?” Chi Jian asked, even though he knew what she was referring to.

“Can you pretend that you didn’t see anything?”

“What do you mean?” Sensing an opportunity, he continued, “My mouth is really stubborn. If it’s upset, it speaks whatever it wants.”

Li Jiu Lu tilted her head and thought for a while.

“Is it upset now?”


The duo stood, drenched across each on the street. Bai Hua Road was extremely deserted tonight, pedestrians were nowhere to be seen; only cars and neon lights.

Chi Jian shot a glance to his back and said shamelessly: “Don’t worry, I am not interested in minors.”


“Let’s go.” He picked up the edge of his jacket and spoke. “If my bike is towed away, you won’t be able to compensate me.”

“How’s that my business…” Jiu Lu muttered softly.

Li Jiu Lu reluctantly returned to his motorcycle but the both of them were pretty much wet from the rain.

Chi Jian fared a little better; his jacket were water repellant and none of the water from the rain had seeped into his leather shoes. Only his hair was wet. Using a piece of cloth, he wiped the back seat dry for Jiu Lu. The bike sounded and Chi Jian turned towards her. “Get on.”

Jiu Lu hesitated for a while before moving.

“Wait.” Chi Jian spoke.

“You’re in a relationship now?”

“…… What?”

He couldn’t help himself to sow seeds of discord. “I thought, even between normal classmates, that it would make sense to send you home in this kind of weather. At the very least, he should have given you an umbrella or a jacket to block out the rain.”

He smiled, and commented objectively. “Your boyfriend isn’t very professional.”

Li Jiu Lu glared at him and felt that his smile was especially mocking. He was obviously laughing at her expense.

Chi Jian didn’t care. He removed his jacket and draped it on her body. Jiu Lu was still glaring at him but the glare served no purpose. Her eyes was even darker than the night, but it reflected brightly in the rain, which made it difficult for one to pull away. For some reason, Chi Jian suddenly remembered when he first met her in the swimming complex. She was dressed in black, as she swam away from his head with her eyes closed, like a whale returning to the seas.

He took a deep breath, raised his arms and covered her gaze with the hood of his jacket.

“Don’t look, get on.”

The hood was huge and it covered her head as she looked down. Just as Jiu Lu’s vision dimmed, she saw the corners of his shirt flying freely under the light. She sighed lightly, lowered her eyes and grabbed the edge of the seat as she got on the bike.

The bike started and as it moved, Chi Jian’s body helped to shield her from the windy rains.

On this night, she was disappointed, wet, but also felt sort of warm.

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