Tattooed Whales

Chapter 7: 7

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As raindrops landed on the worn windows on the second floor, it started to form its own stream and flowed naturally downwards.

It had been raining non-stop today and it appeared to have grown even bigger; the sound of rain was almost loud enough to cover the noise from the party.

As Ma Xiao Ye stood up to pass Liang Xu some soup, his legs seemed to have kicked onto something. He lowered his head to get a better look and realised that he had kicked on a white umbrella with daisy patterns on it. He froze briefly before realising that this was Jiu Lu’s umbrella.

“Hello? Pass me the soup.” Liang Xu, who was still waiting for his soup asked.

Ma Xiao Ye hastily put down the bowl of soup and replied, “I need to leave for a while.”

He then lowered his body to pick up the umbrella, pushed back his chair and flew past the table. As he left the room, he craned his neck quickly to check the entrance through the window. Just as he was about to run downstairs, he suddenly returned to the window.

He strained his eyes in an attempt to get a better look of the sight he had saw. A bike was parked on the street opposite the hotel and there were two people standing beside it; a guy and a girl.

The guy took off his jacket and draped it on the girl. The girl was wearing a light blue dress and was carrying a black backpack.

They seemed to have talked about something before the girl sat on the bike.

After a series of loud humming, the bike flew off.

With an alarming speed.

Li Jiu Lu was originally supporting herself by grabbing the seat. However, after a particular junction, the person in front of her suddenly sped up and her body uncontrollably moved backwards to the extent where she almost flew off the bike.

Chi Jian, after feeling a pull in the shirt around his waist, smiled and slowed down.

As the duo traversed through the street, the night around them grew darker.

Riding a bike with a speed that rivalled lightening and stormy winds was a crazy, exhilarating and completely new experience. Li Jiu Lu felt every cell in her body waking up. Her hands which were originally grabbing his shirt, moved up to his shoulders. Her hat flew down and as a result, locks of her hair, stuck to her face.

“Is this the fastest speed?” She shouted.

Chi Jian tilted his head and in the rain, his face looked as though it was just washed with water. “It can be even faster, but do you dare to do so?”


“Do you want to go for another spin around Xiao Quan Street?’


“Next time then, it’s so cold that I could die.”

“… …”

Chi Jian had given his jacket and was only wearing a wide-collared thin t-shirt. To make matters worse, his t-shirt clung tightly to his body as the rain continued to pour.

“I’ll return your jacket then?”

“Just wear it, it’s wet either ways.”

The bike exited the street, turned a corner and the large depressing door of the Elderly’s Home appeared in front of them, guarded by two lonely street lamps whose light had made the raindrops appear needle-like.

The bike was parked beside the walls and Li Jiu Lu searched for her keys. Just as the keys were about to enter the keyhole, the door suddenly opened from the other side.

Jiang Man, who was propping up a black umbrella and looking anxious froze briefly when she saw the two kids in front of her.


Jiang Man then realised who was standing in front of her. She quickly pulled Li Jiu Lu under her umbrella.

“What were you doing? Your teacher had called to inform me about the cancellation of self-study. Isn’t it too late for you to return now?” Jiang Man’s face was obviously angry.

“I… …”

Jiang Man only stared.

“Oh, yes. Self-study was cancelled.”

She turned towards Chi Jian.

Chi Jian then explained nonchalantly: “Our teacher’s birthday is reaching in a few days, that’s why the class wanted to discuss details for a surprise. But it rained, so we studied together for a while.”

Li Jiu Lu glanced up at Chi Jian furtively. Calm, composed with steady expressions.

“Really?” Jiang Man asked.

Li Jiu Lu nodded furiously. “I should have called home. I’m sorry to make you worry.”

Only after Li Jiu Lu speak did Jiang Man’s expressions soften. Weakly, she nagged Jiu Lu. “Your class should have known better. It’s nearing exam season; why the fuss for something unnecessary?” She then looked at the duo and suddenly realised that Chi Jian was still standing in the rain. “Come in quickly, why are you not wearing more in this weather?” She ushered.

“Mom, he’s here to see his grandmother.” Jiu Lu added.

The three ran to the sheltered corridor. Jiang Man then realised the jacket draped on Jiu Lu and she couldn’t help shifting glances between the two.

“Your grandmother should still be awake, if you hurry, you might be able to see her.” Jiang Man smiled. “Lu Lu, you should return the jacket back to your classmate.” She then turned to Chi Jian, “You should also hurry and take a shower before you catch a cold.”

“Oh.” Jiu Lu took off the jacket and passed it to Chi Jian.

The two separated into atrium; one into the older wing and the other, back to her room via a shortcut.

An elderly woman was holding onto the windowsill in the corridor and looking outside frantically.

Chi Jian stopped in his tracks. “Grandma.”

The elderly woman turned around, her eyes slightly confused but smiled immediately when Chi Jian walked closer. “Feng Shan, its raining so heavily, why did you still come… wait, did I remember correctly? Didn’t you come yesterday too?”

“I did come yesterday, but I missed you today, so I came again.” Chi Jian replied and supported his grandmother’s back. “Let’s go inside before you catch a cold.”

The grandmother hesitated for a moment and then looked outside the window. “Wait, Feng Chun is still not back yet.”

“My mom is overseas, she probably couldn’t return in this rain.” Chi Jian lied.

The elderly woman fell silent for a moment and then turned towards a certain direction.

“Is that so… what about Feng Shan?”

Chi Jian’s face darkened unconsciously as he drew his lips into a tight line. “Grandma, am I not standing in front of you?”

“… … oh, oh. You are Feng Shan… You are…”

Chi Jian then coaxed his grandmother to enter her room. The lights in the rooms were dimmed, giving the room a dull ambience. The elderly woman on the bed didn’t sleep very well, perhaps it was due to old ailments but she kept coughing restrainedly.

After washing his grandmother’s feet, Chi Jian spoke a few words in an attempt to lighten the mood. As such, the night grew later and later.

Just as she was about to sleep, Jiang Man came into the room with a bowl of ginger soup.

The two spoke in hushed voices. “Finish this ginger soup; it’s good for chasing away colds. These clothes are from Uncle Zhou, make sure to change into them before you leave or else you’ll catch a cold returning in wet clothes. Lu Lu, this child. How could she wear your jacket? It would be bad if you caught a cold.”

Chi Jian froze slightly and didn’t accept the clothes, only the ginger coup. “Thank you. Supervisor Jiang.”

“Just call me Auntie Jiang. Make sure you finish the soup.”

Her tone was akin to that of a parent; it carried a wave of stern composure and yet at the same time, it was sincere which made it hard to dislike.

As Chi Jian drank the soup from the bowl, the steam from the soup warmed his face and the mild spiciness of ginger soothed his freezing body.

In a single gulp, he finished the soup.

The two then left the room and quietly closed the door.

The lights in the corridor were brightly lit, but the moment felt more silent then ever.

Jiang Man glanced at the sight outside the window. “The rain has stopped, make sure you return quickly before it starts again.”

Chi Jian sounded in acknowledgment.

She then turned her head, and spoke hesitantly. “Thank you for accompanying Jiu Lu home while on your way tot see your grandmother. Thank god you came to visit, otherwise… I would be really worried about Jiu Lu.”

“No worries, it’s a coincidence and I was already on the way anyways.”

Jiang Man smiled. “Girls are troublesome.” She then paused for a while. “In your class, do you know of this student called Ma Xiao Ye?”

Chi Jian said nothing.

“He was originally classmates with Jiu Lu and they were pretty close. He often sent Jiu Lu home too, but in Year 1 before the classes were separated, you might be unaware but they were called by teachers because of this.” Jiang Man sighed. “Children nowadays, they just can’t maintain the line between genders. When Auntie was around your age, I would blush just by talking to the opposite gender, let alone return home together.”

The words were clear; those who didn’t understand would be fools.

“It was really coincidence today.” Chi Jian replied.

“Auntie is not trying to say anything, don’t overthink.” Jiang Man, seemingly explaining and yet not explaining, spoke. “It’s not that you can’t be friends. Just remember to set healthy boundaries and never exceed those boundaries.”

Chi Jian rested his hands in his pockets. “I understand. Studies should take priority now, especially when studying to enter university.”

This reply delighted Jiang Man. Even without the love of parents, he grew up to be especially understanding, which made her like this child a little better.

After sending away Chi Jian, Jiang Man returned to her room. The sweet soup was already heated up. She then faced the stairs and shouted for Jiu Lu to come downstairs.


As she dried her hair, she spoke into the phone. “My mom is calling me, so I’ll hang up. That person was the grandson of a resident elderly. He sent me home since it was on the way.”

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On the other end of the phone, Ma Xiao Ye teasingly replied. “I’m relieved then. They’re calling me too.”

“You shouldn’t stay up so late too. I heard that the losers of the bet today would have to get a tattoo, is that true?” Jiu Lu asked.

The other side of the phone was silent for moment before Ma Xiao Ye replied. “A tattoo is no joke, how can it be so easily decided by a bet? It’s all just a joke.”

Li Jiu Lu didn’t press on. She ended the conversation after saying good night.

Jiang Man had a knack for making sweet soup. It was unfortunate that Zhou Ke disliked sweet soup as Jiang Man slowly stopped making sweet soup after moving in.

Today’s sweet soup consisted of red beans and mochi. The mochi was soft and chewy while the soup tasted refreshingly sweet.

The mother-daughter duo rarely sat quietly together. With their busy lifestyles, having a meal was akin to a battle, every minute counted towards something else that could be done instead.

Jiang Man refilled Jiu Lu’s bowl and just as she was about to finish her second helping, Zhou Ke exited from his study.

With a mug in hand, rimless glasses and dressed in white pyjamas, Zhou Ke gave off an unexpected aura of comfort.

Walking into the kitchen to refill his mug, he stopped beside Jiu Lu. “Mom made sweet soup?”


“How’s the taste?” He drank a sip of water and started small talk with Jiu Lu.

Jiu Lu stirred the mochi in the bowl and raised her head slightly. “Uncle Zhou, do you want a bowl?”

Zhou Ke shrugged. “It’s too sweet.”

The air sudden fell silent. Zhou Ke rested his body against the edge of the table and drank his water, seemingly in deep thought.

Jiang Man, carrying a bag of rubbish and was just about to step out when she saw Zhou Ke. “You’re finished with work?”

Zhou Ke shifted. “Not yet, just came out to get a drink.”

Li Jiu Lu put her spoon back into the bowl after she finished her soup and quickly turned to grab the bag of rubbish from Jiang Man’s hand while draping a jacket, eager to finish the chore for her.

The air after the rain was exceptionally fresh, and the entire yard felt like it was washed clean.

A small road pathed with uneven rough stones existed in front of the door. The street lamps, hidden among trees, lent their light to the leaves, which made them appear dull yellow.

The land here was once a colony and as such the buildings were fashioned and designed accordingly to English tastes. In fact, there was another similar building just opposite the elderly home.

As Jiu Lu walked out the door, she raised her head and saw a person standing under the street lamp, smoking.

Li Jiu Lu briefly paused but returned to her original chore of throwing away the bag of rubbish.

“You didn’t leave?”

“I’m taking a small smoke break.” Chi Jian’s fingers held his cigarette as he stared at the approaching Jiu Lu. “You showered?”

Jiu Lu’s hair was currently down and was somewhat undried, resting obediently on her shoulders.

Jiu Lu didn’t reply his question but instead asked another question. “Where do you stay?”

“Bai Hua Road.”

“Then why is your grandmother in the elderly home?”

Chi Jian picked at the his hair and raised an brow. “You’re unwilling? Even though I’m giving your family money?”

“How’s that my business.” Jiu Lu replied softly.

Using her toes, she tapped the puddle in front of her which resulted in ripples akin to that of bubbles produced by fishes.

Chi Jian diverted his attention away from her toes. “The environment here is better here.”

Jiu Lu froze but didn’t press on.

The more she thought about it, the truer the statement.

The Elderly Home was equipped with necessary equipment and personnel, making one of the better options even among neighbouring towns. After all, the home was built with money, how could it then be lacking?

Jiu Lu accompanied him for a while. After the incident earlier on, the two didn’t seem so foreign and awkward.

Jiu Lu then remembered the words he replied in response to Jiang Man and laughed. “You’re a frequent liar, aren’t you? No signs of guilt anywhere when you said there was a self-study among students.”

“Aren’t you the same?” Chi Jian’s eyebrows rose mildly.

“How am I the same?”

“Don’t you lie frequently too?” Chi Jian took another puff from his cigarette.

It does seem to be the case. She lied frequently too, Jiu Lu thought.

She smiled bitterly.

Chi Jian also smiled and stared at her till his smile disappear.

The wind made some strands of her hair fly, and it wafted a scent towards him.

Chi Jian shifted his eyes and extinguished his cigarette on the pole. He finally straightened his body and stretched his body.

“You should return, I’m leaving soon.”

“Alright, thank you for today.” Jiu Lu waved him goodbye and went inside.

“Lu Lu.”

Li Jiu Lu stopped in the middle of the road. This was so affectionate of a call that it seemed rather eerie in the cool night after the heavy rain.

She turned back. “I’m called Li Jiu Lu, Chang Jiu’s Jiu, and Lu Tu’s Lu. You can just call my name directly in the future.”

“Oh.” Chi Jian nodded and slowly replied. “Li Jiu Lu, Jiu Lu. Sounds nice.”

She smiled, didn’t ask his name and waved goodbye.

As she was pulling the metal gates open, a voice behind her called. “Li Jiu Lu.”

She responded unconsciously. “Huh?”

“Wear more layers tomorrow. It’s going to be cold.”

Jiu Lu didn’t reply but remembered something else.

“I still have your swimming googles. Wait a while, I’ll get it for you.”

“Another day.”

He left, in an step earlier than Jiu Lu.

The morning after was indeed cold and Jiu Lu added an additional layer for warmth before she left.

When she reached school, she realised that every student wore an additional layer.

There was still some time before class started but Ma Xiao Ye’s clique has yet to reach the classroom.

Upon seeing Jiu Lu, Liang Xu immediately jumped over. “When did you leave yesterday? You should have say your farewell before you leave. It was raining so heavily too, I could have sent you home!”

She replied indifferently.

“Too bad I drank too much yesterday, else I would for sure have known when you left.”

“It’s fine, I can manage on my own.”

Seeing the lack of interest from Jiu Lu, he racked his brain for another topic.

“Oh right.” Liang Xu knocked on the table. “It’s a pity you left before the basketball game. Ma Xiao Ye and Mo Ke Yan had a pretty close fight. Ma Xiao Ye that rascal, he really gave his all…….. Do you want to guess who lost in the end?”

Jiu Lu stopped wiping her table. She could guess from his tone, but still asked.


Liang Xu’s eyebrows rose as he replied interestedly.

“Mo Ke Yan.”

Something interesting:

Li Jiu Lu is written as 李久路.

李 is a common last name/surname in Chinese families.

But when Jiu Lu explained which characters her first name 久路 (Jiu Lu) were from, she chose 长久(Chang Jiu) for her first character, 久.

Chang Jiu has the meaning of for a long time or eternity.

She also chose 路途 (Lu Tu) for her last character, 路.

Lu Tu means journey or road.

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