Templars – School of Knights

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

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Emlya was standing in front of the store of the man that once helped her, she was carrying the only things she would consider hers. There was sadness in her eyes, but also determination, for so many years she waited for the moment she would leave the city and begin a new life, so she just need to say goodbye to the only person she considered her father or even family.

“What are you doing there?” A girl with wolf ears and red hair asked her. “The mister wants to know how was your adventure.”

“Does that means you want to know.” She walked inside the store while talking.

“I am not allowed to want such a thing.”

“Sar’Kah… What kind of slave are you?” Emlya entered the old man’s workshop where he was making some weapons. “So… old man…”

“Have you decided what will you do?”

“I thought you wanted to know how was my… trip… to the black forest.”

“Nah, you can tell me once you are ready.” They herd a tutting outside the workshop and Emlya knew who did it almost immediately.

“I will be leaving the city tomorrow, but you can have these as a thank you for all these years.” She put on the table the gems she got from the pond, but he didn’t take the disappointed look he had from her.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

“I’ve been hunted by the guards since I got to this city, I have almost starved to death some times, and today, I fought with a really big insect and ran from some weird something-I-Don’t-Know-What, so yes, I do want to leave this hole.”

“I know how are you feeling. Let me tell you, when I arrived to this city, as a blacksmith, it was very difficult, but I was able to be…” He saw the eyes of the girl and knew he wouldn’t be able to convince her. “I know listening to some old man’s words would be boring to you, but, let’s do something, why don’t you try to do a year on the academy after that, if you want to live, at least, you will get jobs as a mercenary. I will pay for your first year”

“Why do you want to go that far for me?” She asked embarrassed and confused, she really wanted to leave as soon as possible, but again, she felt comfortable around the old man and the slave, and now, the two crazy candidates she was with a couple of hours ago.

“I consider you two as my daughters, you and that eavesdropping girl.”

“Sorry.” They heard a voice from outside the workshop.

“In any case, I ask you again, if you don’t consider being a Templar a good choice, just take a year to think up things.” He put a gold coin in front of her, the amount required to attend the academy for the whole training. “Know, we want to know what happened on your expedition.”

“Damn blacksmiths…” Emlya smiled while taking some of the cookies Sar’Kah brought with tea.


Since the moment the two soon-to-be students entered the inn, the interrogation began, and even some of the other candidates were there listening to the scolding, as Sivir had a very serious wound on his arm.

“So… let’s get this straight… you two fought a bug and you got hurt this much?” Sharynns father was a little concerned of the wound in Sivir’s arm and started ti doubt about his ability and also his daughter’s.

“Are you sure you want to attend the academy?” One of the voices said loudly and the others started to laugh.

“Hunnie, were you cornered by an bug? We have hunted hundreds of those.” Sharynn’s mother was still confused of what happened, but Sivir was just focused on eating the stew while smiling.

“It was a big one, you have to believe me, the wound was…” Sharynn was interrupted while attempting to defend herself from the interrogation and was frustrated that the other one who saw all of it was just eating.

“I don’t know if you are prepared for the academy if an bug insect type monster caused you this on a three versus one battle.” The father said with a severe look I his face. “We will be returning to the village in the morning.”

“What!?” Sharynn was about to cry.

“Are you sure?” The wife asked with a sad face.

“I don’t want her to die in the training, or be discouraged, she still can try when she gets stronger, it’s not over yet.” The father looked at her daughter. “I promise we will do more training so you can try it next year.” The other people started to leave while laughing, everybody knows that bug insect monsters are the weakest ones, as their intelligence is not high and the strength is usually due to the numbers, unlike most of the other insect monsters, that are truly strong, so, having a big wound just for one simple bug insect, can say a lot of things, but there was a commotion at the inn entrance that would change the tides.

“Where is that boy, Sivir! I need to see it!” An old blacksmith was stumbling with everyone in his way, until he finally reached the table where the family and Sivir were, next to the blacksmith was a Beast Tribe girl and Emlya, with a blushed face.

“Hi, I am sivir.” Said, they were the center of attention in the whole place thanks to the old man.

“Show it to me… show me the insect.” The old man had a strange face on him, a mixture of excitement and expectation.

“Look, mister, I know they are weak, there is no need to humilia… what is that!?” The body of the insect was dropped on the table, Sharynn’s family, as well the entire place, were seeing something for the first time, a headless insect, as tall as an eight-year-old kid, and as long as short spear.

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“For the stars… You three fought this? Was this the only one?” The innkeeper asked without taking his eyes of the dead body. “This is truly a bug type, but… this big… we need to report this.

“See! I am not weak.” Sharyn said with a proud expression. “Can I go to the academy?”

“Well, look at that, my daughter is strong!” Her mother looked at her husband with accusatory eyes.

“Where is the head?” Asked the blacksmith while the family was arguing.

“It was taken by something else, we were able to hurt it to the point it changed color.” Sivir said while opening the chest to store the body once again.

“Wasn’t it a hy…” Sivir looked at Emlya with a ‘shut up’ look, and she got the message, but the people was still too stunned to pay attention to her, so she took him away from them. “Why can’t we tell them?”

“A hydra is basically a calamity, so, is better to wait so we can get some materials later.” They were both talking with low voices.

“Are they expensive?” A voice asked next to them.

“Yes, specially the meat and the core…” Sivir stopped when he realized it was someone else who made the question, there was a girl with red hair and wolf ears. “Hi.”

“Hello mister candidate.” She answered with a monotone voice. “I would like to go hunt the hydra too, when are we going?”

“She is Sar’Kah, a slave that works with the old man to buy her freedom.” Emlya explained him.

“It’s easier than working at the academy, too many rich bad mannered people.” The wolf girl added.

“I see. Nice to meet you!” Sharynn greeted her.

“Perfect! Now we have a team to go hunt it when it grows.” Sivir smiled. After that all of them just went separate ways, while Sar’Kah left the place along with the, still shocked, old man, the family went back to their own room, now the father was also proud of his daughter. Emlya left the place without telling a word to anyone.

Later that night, Sivir was laying on the bed looking to the ceiling, the innkeeper advised him not to do blacksmith thing inside the inn as it would bother the other people, so he was really bored, but Emlya was there, looking through the window with a lost look on her and the chain on her hand.

“Is it worth?” She asked without looking at him.

“Sorry?” Sivir was almost asleep.

“Is it worth to be a Templar?”

“I cannot tell you, this is something you need to know by yourself.” He answered. “Sometimes, you just need to jump the cliff and know what is down there, don’t you think?

“I’ve been living on these streets for over ten years, and, for being who I am, and being… different, my life was never easy, I had to be in control otherwise, it means starve that day.”

“I see, but, why are you afraid?” He sat on the bed and looked at her. “You have been living a hell since you remember, what stops you to keep going now?”

“I’ve been trash since I have memory, a rat that steals to survive another day, being a Templar does not suit me.”

“No worries, perhaps the destiny wanted me to be here to encourage you, and, from where I come, there is a saying: ‘When you hit rock bottom, the only way left is up’, so, why don’t you jump the cliff?” He smiled and rolled on the bed to sleep. “See you tomorrow at the test.”

She kept looking through the window, then jumped and stood on the inn’s roof, tying her hair with the lace she always has on her left hand and showing her ears only to the night, as she does every night, the wind seemed to greet her again, with a smile, she looked at the moon, opened her arms and jumped from the roof, while the moon was witness how the night swallowed her.


“Are you sure I have to do this?” A timid boy asked to an old man next to him.

“Your highness, as your tutor, I cannot force you to do so, but, as your grandfather, I recommend you to do it, your mother did not want to be an Arcanist as the family tradition dictated, but, you, being one, is a gift from the gods.” He answered with the same straight face. “Still, the kingdom’s law demands that the heir must attend and graduate as a Templar.

“But… my…”

“But nothing, prince Rannor, get some rest, we need to prepare for the test tomorrow.” Then, the old man walked out the prince’s room.

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