Templars – School of Knights

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

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As every year, the entire city was paralyzed by the greatest event of every year, only surpassed by the coronation of a new king, the entrance exam for the Templar’s academy, something that even the thieves and raiders will stop to watch, after all, the lords of the low lives run the bets around the event. One of the most prominent lords was walking alone the streets that morning, no one paid attention to him, as he never leaves his hideout, no one recognized him, except one person.

“Oi! Grob! I hear ya’ girl will be takin’ the templies exam, is that true?” The blacksmith shop was still closed, and probably will not open that day, but the person that helped Emlya for so many years was there working.

“You heard right.” Without turning his back, he poured some tea on the cups in front of him and served his old friend. “And stop calling me Grob, I don’t go with that name anymore. What brings you here?”

“Can’t this ol’ man visit an ol’ fren’? I’m here to watch the exam with ya’, my boys will come for us… where is the eavesdroppin’ wolfie?” He poured some liquor on both cups and the merchant didn’t seem to bother.

“She will be taking the exam also, Emlya already had the money for it, so…”

“I see, that little rascal always had som’ secrets.” They both smiled. “And always was a pain in the buttocks…”

“You tell me.”

“Grob! Sarion!” A guard with a heavy armor entered the shop, but the two friends were not surprised, after all, the guard commander was the last member alive of the party that arrived to that city many years ago. “Serve something to me too.”

“You got it, Randr. You got the spots?” Sarion, the Stalker of the party asked.

“You bet your ass, the carriage is waiting for us outside… but first, a drink… and a bet, that half elf will not make it.” Said Randr, the Heavy Spearman.

“When I saw that boy from the south lands enter my shop and talk to her so easily, I knew the god of destiny heard my prays, so, she will make it, I bet my hammer for your spear.” Said the old man Grob, the Forger of the party.

“HA! I bet yer’ armor for her, that little rascal is a very fast rat.”

“Are you planning on leaving me without my uniform?” Asked Randr while standing up.

“I will get you something better for a discount, so, no worries.” The three men left the place in laughs, outside, the special vehicle of the guard’s commander was waiting for them, and next to it, the special security for him. The finally joined the river of people going to the location of the exam, the entrance on the academy, where gigantic crystals where floating, showing the faces of the young people that will be part of it, but the three former adventurers where not heading there but the guard’s base, where they had their own crystal.

“When are ya getting’ me one of these?” Asked the stalker. “I can get some money with it.”

“I had to suck some boots within the academy to get one for my people.”

“Ya can suck some more, and get me one.” He was talking seriously. “I’ll pay ya.”

“You fuck bastard.” Said the commander laughing. “Let me tell you, if she gets in, instead of my armor, I will get you one.”

“Hehe, you got a deal.” The three men were sitting on a table where a slave brought them something to drink. Next to them, some people started to make bets, as he was expecting, Grob saw how no guar was betting on his daughter, instead, the they were aiming for some of their own recruits.

“What a strange view.” He said to himself, watching people from within and outside the law, drinking and laughing together. With mana, he pointed to the crystal sphere and there, in front of everyone, Emlya and Sar’Kah’s faces appeared.


Finally, the long wait was over for the young candidates, hundreds of them were talking and laughing in front of the iron entrance, so close to the glory the always dreamed of and the nervousness was easy to read in their faces. The golden emblem of the Templars was adorning the door and shinning with the sunlight of that morning, six stars on top of six temples, in the middle, two daggers crossing each other. 

Suddenly, all of the candidates started to go silent and the reason was sitting above all of them, the stone where he was sitting appeared without the candidates noticing. The man with the long white hair had horns growing from his head and pointing backwards, his armor was white and details in gold, the beard was the same color as his hair, but was not long, the golden eyes were looking at each of the candidates while he was smiling.

“Listen, all of you who wish to enter the academy and seek the glory of the Templars.” The dragon descendant shouted with a strong voice that someone could tell it was heard at the city entrance. “The second test is about to start, being the first one the courage to be here this day, in front of us and willing to fight for your dreams. Be proud of it!” The candidates started to yell in joy until a bell inside the academy started to be heard. “I love that courage you are showing, but, the bell is telling us the test is about to start. Soon, this door will be open for you, and you will have until noon to get to the fountain in front of the academy building. I will see you there.” The man jumped from the rock that disintegrated a few seconds later and walked back to the school.

“Is the academy that big?” Sharynn asked.

“Not that I remember, I’ve been there before, it should take ten minutes, at most.” Sar’Kah answered.

“Then, it will be fun, don’t you think?” Sivir told them with a smile, still looking at the entrance. Minutes later, the door was still not open and the tension was growing with every second, until some of the candidates started to argue with each other and they were removed from the test by senior students that were guarding the entrance.

“Patience is something you need to have if you want to be a Templar.” Said one of the girls that took out one of the candidates, she was part of the beast tribe, her spiral horns were pointing to the front.

“Release me, you, low race! Do you even know who I am!?” Yelled the boy with long ears and golden hair.

“You could be even the prince of the country, still, good luck next year.” She said and everyone else went silent once again, knowing that the status outside the academy don’t matter inside. Emlya smiled knowing she would have more targets to get things from, she was still thinking as she was living on the streets; Sharyn was a little nervous due to the amount of people round here, probably more than the total people on her town; Sar’Kah was just thinking how much money she would get being a Templar; Lastly, Sivir was looking at the crystals floating above them, wondering what they were.

The students began to move aside from the entrance door, the tension rise almost immediately, all the candidates were preparing to run as soon as the test starts, everyone had their own motives to be there and failing to their families, friends, or even themselves, was not an option, so they all waited for the seal, the emblem of the Templars move from the way. The senior students were smiling, they lived that same moment, and were excited as well for what was about to happen.

Then another bell sound, different to the one before, the emblem of the Templars floated higher and was above the entrance, and the silence lasted for a few seconds, until one of the candidates that was in the middle of the crowd jumped, the long ears were clearly visible and showed that the beast tribe took the advantage, the smile on her face was the signal everyone was waiting for, they all understand the test has begun, then the chaos started.

The first candidates that took the advantage asked themselves why the Templars would use such an easy test, taking in count the size of the city and the distance from the entrance to the front of the academy, completing the test would be very fast, that’s why the ones running first thought that this was a race to get there, but a shadow started to show on top of them, and looking up, they saw the actual test, a big rock was thrown at them.

“What is that!?” A candidate with his body full of hair yelled while running.

“Out of the way!” A short girl told him while pushing him, she was using her speed to escape the falling rock, but it changed the direction, and was aiming at her. “Wha-!?” The rock hit her, the debris took the candidate with the hairy body as well.

“Two candidates fainted and were disqualified!” A student was walking through the running candidates, providing first aids and taking the disqualified duo out of the school grounds.

“One candidate fainted and was disqualified!” Another voice yelled from another point.

“Three candidates here!” A girly voice sounded, but still, the same reason, they were there to prevent any accident.

You are reading story Templars – School of Knights at novel35.com

“Watch out!” Sharynn yelled and jumped in front of a blonde guy, using the spear to destroy the falling rock. “Are you okay?”

“Yes… are we able to use the first stage?” He asked while standing, in front of them, a girl with the sheep horns was watching closely to Sharynn’s spear and shield, but she walked away.

“I assume there is no issue.” Emlya said while starting to run again. “Hurry up Sar!”

“Yes.” The wolf eared slave started to run behind her, and Sharynn as well the blonde guy. The candidates reached a spot where there was some juices and water, as well some first aid kits, but most of them ignored it, in their minds, this was still a race, until they heard the howl of a beast.

“Remember that this test is to check if you are worthy of the academy, heal or hydrate yourself, you will need it.” This person was also part of the sheep tribe, but her attire was different from the ones taking the candidates away.

“Is she…?”

“A teacher… a Templar.” The boy with the blonde hair answered Emlya’s question.

“Well… we need to continue.” The chest appeared in front of Sivir and the glowing lines appeared in his arms, he liberated his first stage, with this, everyone knew they need to do the same, as it was no longer falling rocks but actual combat.

“Let’s go! Behind me!” Sharynn yelled and started to run forward to the fountain, and her shield started to show a purple glow, her friends, as well the blonde guy and other candidates, charged with her to the fight, other Defenders followed her example and charged in the same way. She felt she was moving faster, and when looked back, some Defenders where providing support with their techniques to all the shielded ones.

The stampede created by the candidates was advancing without issues, Defenders were moving while the Vanguards or the Stalkers were in charge of executing the beast that were too close to the Healers and Supporters, but it was not going to last forever, the shield charge stopped while the beast stampede didn’t, so they now have to fight.

Some of the beast entered the circle created to protect the Supporters and even when the Stalkers and Vanguards were protecting them, some fainted due to the continuous attacks and were disqualified.

“How much!?” Emlya asked Sharynn, she was exhausted for the charge as well the other shield Defenders, and were being assisted by the Supporters.

“Huf… a little… longer…” The world was spinning for her due to the low stamina she had left.

“We need to defend them, Sivir!”

“On it!” The boy for the southern lands was hitting beast left and right and jumped back to be close to the exhausted team.

“Emm… I should…” A beast appeared from the woods and was charging directly at the blonde guy, he didn’t see it until the Sar’Kah appeared behind him, slicing the head of the beast with her daggers.

“Don’t get distracted and fight.” She said with her usual neutral face, but a white translucent wolf chomped the head of one of the beast with ease.

“You as well, miss.” He answered. The shield Defenders were ready for a second charge.

“With me!” Sharynn yelled, this time, the purple aura showed in every Defender’s shields, advancing to the next zone, where there were no trees, but the beast where still attacking, until the floor started to rise, forming boxes that were trapping the teams. Sivir jumped in front of the marching group and a second line appeared in his arms.

“Keep running!” He had several wounds, but was still running with a smile, with a punch, he crushed one of the mud boxes, and one of the lines disappeared from his left arm, while the other disappeared from the right arm after destroying the second one, but, he did not have time to cast the skill once again when the third box appeared.

“Go!” The white wolf charged without the blonde guy, and an explosion got rid of the third box, and the team was able to pass the third part of the test, but there was no time to rest, the fountain was visible, the issue was the big insect beasts in front of them, there were too many from them to count while still running.

“This is the last part, each group, please, try to defeat one.” The same sheep tribe Templar was there telling them the condition to pass.

“Kiyiiii!” One of the insects charged, it was as big as a bull, and twice as fast, so it got close very easily, the blonde guy called another wolf and the lines appeared on Sivir’s arms.

“Let’s go! With me!” Sharynn casted her support skill, nd the shield wielders ran toward the insect that tackle them with the big horn, cracking some of the shields, but they were able to endure it, Emlya tried to use her chain to pull its head up, but the insect attempted to fall back, taking the silver haired girl with it.

“Emlya!” Sar’Kah sliced some of the insect’s legs to prevent it to scape.

“Kiyiii!” It screamed when Sivir crushed other legs, leaving it without the possibility to run.

“Now! With me!” A second attempt, the shield users held the beast while Emlya jumped and pulled the head of the insect up, Sivir and Sar’Kah helped her to pull the chains from the back. “Now!” The glow this time was red and covering their weapons, then they stabbed the soft part of the insect’s body.

“Retreat!” The blond guy ordered and all the Defenders moved away, then, the white wolf ran towards the dying insect and howled, causing a big explosion and insect flesh raining everywhere that disappeared a few seconds later.

“Gross.” Sar’Kah was saying while walking to the fountain. Near them, other teams where fighting the insect and one already had defeated one. They all approached to the teachers that were waiting for them.

“Congratulations to make it here, I have high hopes with you as well the other candidates that will make it.” The same dragon tribe old man told them. “Please, go and eat or drink something you earned it.

“You bet we did” Emlya was very exhausted to even recall her chain, so she was just dragging it while walking to the table with the food. Sharynn fell asleep as soon as she took the first bite next to the fountain.

“You! Get back here!” One of the students that were in charge of the first aids was running behind Sivir.

“Please! I just want something to eat!”

“This looks expensive…” Sar’Kah was eating while talking and admiring the food.

“I like the students this year.” The dragon tribe man said to himself.

“It is rare to see you this excited, principal Ther’Dah.” The girl from the sheep tribe told him.

“You think? Hmmm… I wonder what kind of force can cause this?” He smiled while watching the other candidates fight each of the insects.

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