Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan

Chapter 10: Volume 1 - CH 3.3

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Translated by: Riciel

Edited by: SevenTails

The thoughts of making friends were what made this chicken a lousy one; it can only come up with ideas of ‘using its position.’

He had been a virgin for 16 years, adding another 16 from his previous life, and he didn’t know how much pressure he put on himself to have a one-on-one talk with a girl he was interested in. 

He wanted to ask her what the h**l she had been thinking. But if he were to, would she ask, “What’s the Demon King so scared of?” 


He tried to hold his head in his hands imaginarily and followed Zangens. 

They arrived in front of the guest room. 

“Princess, I’ve brought His Majesty, Kengo.”

Zangens knocked on the door. There was no answer. Nevertheless, the old warlord opened the door as if he knew what he was doing. Meanwhile, Kengo was not ready yet.

“Well then, please come in. Your Majesty, the Demon King.”

“Ah, yes.”

Uncomfortable, Kengo replied quickly and entered the room with great reluctance. As expected from a front-line fortress, the interior of the guest room was very formal, with only modest furnishings. Across from the window, in the sunlight, there was a cozy altar that caught his eye. 

It was a magnificent statue of a deity enshrined in the room, though small enough to carry around. 

Kengo was not familiar with the culture of the human race and did not know what it was for, but it was a common culture in the human world to have an altar in the room to welcome guests. The human race worshipped the Heavenly Emperor, their sole God, and followed his teachings as a moral code. 

As an example, when making a contract, it was customary to not only exchange signatures but also to swear an oath before the Heavenly Emperor. If there was an altar in the dignitary’s room, they could do so in a more formal manner.

Despite his ignorance of such cultural and religious views, Kengo could not take his eyes off the altar. Or more precisely, from Princess Vannessia kneeling in front of the statue, praying with all her heart. It was a beautiful sight. 

Her starvation had been cured, and her appearance had completely recovered. Her cheeks and skin were taut again, and her magnificent black hair was shining brighter and brighter. The pure white dress again looked dazzlingly great on her.  

But it wasn’t just the appearance that made her look beautiful. Looking at the profile of Princess Vannessia’s sincere prayer, even the unbelieving Kengo was struck by how virtuous and pure-hearted she appeared. She was truly a saint. 

Her air of excellence was unlike others. Her demeanour and atmosphere made Princess Vannessia’s beauty even more extraordinary. He couldn’t help but admire her.


Kengo was forever in awe of her. But in fact, it would only be a short time before Princess Vannessia opened her eyes after the prayer.

“Welcome. I apologize for our humble abode, but please have a seat.”

She stood up, bowed neatly, and offered him a plain chair.

“No need to worry. It’s normal for a front-line fortress to be like this.”

Kengo sat down, cocking his head from side to side. He was facing Princess Vannessia across a low table that was as ruggedly designed as the chairs. 

In the meantime, Zangens had closed the door and left, leaving him completely alone with Princess Vannessia in a closed room. The most beautiful girl in the world was right before him, but Kengo no longer felt dismayed. The sight of Princess Vannessia’s praying, and her pure and innocent appearance, cleared his mind of all trivial thoughts.

(I don’t care if I fell in love at first sight or not. I don’t feel self-conscious because the other person is a beautiful girl either. What’s most important is that I want to have a serious discussion about world peace with this wonderful person.)

He felt that way from the bottom of his heart. Princess Vannessia, on the other hand, said apologetically again.

“I should offer you a cup of tea or something, but I’m not feeling well right now…”

“I’m aware of that as well. I don’t mind.”

Kengo responded in a dignified, demon king manner. Just after being attacked, there was no way she could prepare tea and sweets. He had sent a sufficient amount of food to her vassals yesterday, but he hadn’t arranged for anything extra. 

The two of them had never met before, and without tea and sweets, there was no way they could make small talk. The silence was untimely, or rather, Princess Vannessia looked uncomfortable, but this was not a problem for Kengo. He was in the mood to discuss the main topic as soon as possible.

“Princess Vannessia… I’d like to ask you something straightforwardly.” 

Kengo looked the princess straight in the eye and spoke.

“Yes, Your Majesty the Demon King… I will answer whatever I am able to.”

Princess Vannessia immediately responded by straightening up her appearance.

“What do you think about world peace, Princess?”

Kengo cut straight to the chase as he declared.

“… Eh?” 

Princess Vannessia was unable to reply. She was puzzled, and it was no wonder. Who would have thought that such a question would come from the mouth of the Demon King? 

The usual Kengo would have said, “I’m not very good at talking…,” but the current Kengo was different because of the atmosphere. 

“You may find this hard to believe, but I sincerely wish for peace. I do not wish to fight. The war between the demon and the human race has been going on since long before our parents’ generation. In other words, it was before I was born. I have no animosity towards you people, nor do I have any grudges. Therefore, I want to put an end to this endless war and make peace with you. I hope that we can conclude a permanent non-aggression pact.”

He sincerely confided his inner thoughts and continued to speak until he fully put his thoughts out. It was with the same earnestness that Princess Vannessia had used when she was praying earlier. 

He wondered if his feelings had been conveyed to her.

“You… seem to be serious, Your Majesty, the Demon King. You don’t look like you’re plotting against me.”

Princess Vannessia gulped and nodded with eyes full of determination.

“I’m serious.”

Although Kengo felt that he received a good response, he continued to explain the situation in detail, warning not to be hasty.

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“But there are many obstacles to world peace. As you may or may not know, I was crowned only half a year ago. As the Demon King, it is still difficult to say that my intentions have fully reached my subjects. My subjects have a longing for world domination, and they believe war is what they need. As a part of that, I had no choice but to attack this fortress. However, this was never my intention. If it were possible, I would like to change the very nature of the demon world itself.”

“Oh, I see… I can’t help but feel sorry for your unavoidable situation and your troubles, and I admire your noble aspirations.”

“Thank you very much.”

Kengo was so moved by Princess Vannessia’s immediate understanding that he felt a shiver run down his spine. However, this was not the end of the story. 

Kengo suspected that the human world was facing a similar issue as the demon race and was overwhelmed by their vigorous fighting spirit. After all, even a single soldier was declaring to “Kill the Demon Kinngggg!”. 

Even if the demon race formally asked for a peace treaty, it won’t be possible to conclude it so quickly at just the discretion of Princess Vannessia or anyone else. 

Even so…

“Princess, I am sure that you are fed up with this futile war. Therefore, I have a proposal. Let us join hands to realize world peace. It will not be easy, but we will work together. Let us end all strife and territorial ambitions in our generation and leave a world where one can live in peace to our innocent children.”

Kengo said as he folded his arms. 

He believed that this unclouded saint would agree with him. He hoped that she would become a reliable comrade.

“… I see. I had thought that peace between the human race and the demon race was an impossible dream… But if His Majesty, who reigns over the demon world, and I have a say in all human nations, it may not be impossible.” 

The Princess Vannessia pinched her shapely chin and pondered, then answered.

“So be it, so be it! You and I can do it!”

Kengo couldn’t take it anymore and joyously shouted in a devouring tone.

(I’ve finally found someone who really understands me…)

He looked up to the sky with joy. It has been sixteen years since he reincarnated as the Demon King, and he felt that the bill for all the bad luck he had accumulated was being paid off all at once. 

After a few moments of chewing on the happiness, he proposed again.

“Then why don’t we start by drafting a treaty!?”

“No, thank you♥.”

… Ha?

Kengo’s eyes widened. 

“I-I’m sorry, Princess Vannessia… I didn’t quite hear you…?”

He scratched both ears and asked again.

“I refuse, Your Majesty the Demon King. I have no intention of stopping this war, much less signing a non-aggression pact. Even if the human race dies out, I will continue to fight against the Demon King’s army.”

Princess Vannessia clasped her hands in front of her chest and smiled daintily. Yes, with a smile as innocent as an angel’s, she made a remark that surprised even the devil. 

Kengo scrubbed at his eyes, wondering if there was some mistake. He analyzed and thought.

“You’re not hallucinating or hearing things, Your Majesty. I’m serious and sane.”

“… May I ask you to elaborate on that?” 

“Of course.”

With a smile on her face, Princess Vannessia began to speak.

“The Heavenly Emperor stated that only those who have gone through the pain and ordeal of bleeding throughout their body will be invited to the heavenly realm. Before Him, the blood of those on this land is tainted, and they will not be forgiven for stepping on Paradise with a tainted body.”

“… Are you insane?” 

Kengo was so shocked that he couldn’t help but revert to his usual tone of voice.

“I told you, didn’t I?”

Princess Vannessia’s face was smiling, but her eyes were not.

“… Oh no, you’re serious.” 

Kengo felt like a donkey.

“No but wait a minute! Then why did you say you were giving up yesterday?”

“Because the generals who tasted the h**l of starvation lost their will to fight. That’s all there was to it. If you had really let them starve to death, they would have been able to go to Paradise. His Majesty, the Demon King, is really merciful.”

“That’s why you asked for my generosity, even if it cost you your life!?”

“Sacrificing myself to save the lives of tens of thousands of people—this is because it is in accordance with the teachings of the Heavenly Emperor. By offering my life, I am proving my faith!”

Princess Vannessia clenched her fists and made a speech. Gradually, her eyes took on a mysterious glow, and eventually, her cheeks were flushed, her breathing was ragged, and she looked ecstatic. 

“Your Majesty seems to be a very good-natured person, but the rest of the demons are all befitting of their name, aren’t they? So, you wouldn’t be so naive as to dispose of me at once, would you? Are you starting with torture? Is it torture? I’m sure I’ll be subjected to horrible torments that I can’t even imagine for a human being. Ufufufu, this is a hardship. I’m sure it’s a test given by the Heavenly Emperor to shed all the unholy blood that flows through my body♥. A test of my faith♥♥♥.” 

The chair almost fell over. 

He stepped away from it and pointed at Princess Vannessia, criticizing her. 

“You said something about the Heavenly Emperor’s trials but aren’t you just a m*******t!? I feel sorry for the soldiers who have to deal with you! You might be able to handle the pain, no matter how hard it is, but that’s not the case for the average person! Are you aware that you’re doing something terrible using your position!?”

“If so, what’s the problem?”

“Uwaah. You’re opening up, Princess.”

This one was a human in the skin of a Demon King, but the other was a demon in the skin of a human. The ideal beautiful girl? Love at first sight? He felt like crying because his eyes were so blind. He had been completely deceived!

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