Tensei Maou no Dai Gosan

Chapter 11: Volume 1 - CH 3.4

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Translated by: Riciel

Edited by: SevenTails

“His Majesty, the Demon Lord, do you think that we human beings are no match for you and the demon race?”

Finally, Princess Vannessia’s smile turned into something fearsome and disturbing. She cunningly showed her true nature.

“But if you ask me, that’s why it’s so exciting! The stronger the enemy, the more worthwhile the challenge. And there is nothing more interesting than to be able to wage war against an opponent you can never match.”

“You’re like an insane person, you…”

He wondered if it was similar to the feeling of wanting a ‘Lunatic’ or a ‘Demonic’ game mode because ‘Hard’ or ‘Very Hard’ difficulty level wasn’t enough. No, that was fine for a game. But Princess Vannessia was betting with the lives of millions of human beings, which was crazy.

“Damn. It was a mistake to ask this woman for advice. She said she was sympathetic to my feelings, that admired me, and now she said all of that was a lie!”

“No, those were unmistakably sincere words. I understand what His Majesty, the Demon King, wants. Just as there are people of the human race who disobey the Emperor’s teachings and are inferior to dogs and beasts, there are surely also people of the demon tribe who are as honourable as you. But…”


“The Heavenly Emperor stated that all demons should be eliminated. No matter who you are, as long as you are a demon, death will be your ending.”

“You’re scarier than me being able to say that with a straight face!”

Kengo turned his head to look at her.

(Was the saint ordained by the heavens!? The beacon of hope for the entire human race!? Isn’t she actually a demon in human skin!?)

The fact that he had even a fleeting thought for this pervert was going to be part of his black history. Princess Vannessia, on the other hand, smiled unconcernedly and spoke.

“Well, that’s why I’m here. You are free to boil or burn me ♥. I would like you to let the soldiers go, but if you don’t want to, then so be it. On the other hand, if His Majesty, who is so kind, would be willing to let me off the hook, I would welcome that as well. Next time we will use our wits and find a way to destroy the demons.”

“So, whatever happens, it’s all in accordance with the Heavenly Emperor’s teachings for you.”

“Yes, you are correct.”

“Sounds like a fun life!”

“It is ♥♥.”

He tried to be sarcastic, but Princess Vannessia responded with an annoyingly nice smile. With that carefree expression on her face, she held out her arms as if to say, “Come on, have it your way.”

What should he do with this princess, who was undoubtedly a danger to the demon race?

Kengo had already decided on the answer.

(I’ll have to ask you and your soldiers to return to your homeland…)

The mere thought of execution or being treated as a hostage would make his blood freeze. It would only make his nightmares worse. There was no way a chicken could do such a horrible thing.

[TL: And that’s why; if someone thinks of Princess Vannessia as someone similar to Hitotsuba Kaede, I’m going to slaughter you.]

“Uuuhhhh… I didn’t expect her to be such a pervert… God, what did I do wrong? Uuuuaa.”

After returning to the Demon King’s Castle, Kengo laid in bed, still shocked. He curled up on the ultra-sized bed in his room, covered with a bedspread and shut himself in.

“Come on, cheer up and stop crying, Kengo. You’re depressing.”

“This mistress thought that my Lord only liked that woman’s face and body.”

These were Lushiko and Asumi.

They had come into the bedroom without asking permission, climbed onto the bed without asking, and stuck together on either side of Kengo, who was curled up.

“It’s useless to look for personality in the human race. Especially not in a powerful person with a position or status, Lord.”

“What do you mean, Asumi?”

“Well, it’s no surprise that the Young Lord is not familiar with the affairs of the human world.”

Asumi’s face turned pensive, and she began to speak in detail.

“The human race isn’t as highly developed nor as magically advanced as us. This is why the people of the human world are generally poorer than those of the demon world. Also, they’ve had a lot of droughts this year, and the locusts were rampant—it’s too easy for a famine to occur. Even if it didn’t happen, the slightest whim of weather or climate could cause huge fluctuations in food yields. The common people’s food sources will naturally not be stable.”

“I can see that as a theory… What does that have to do with talking about personality?”

“Take a step forward and think about it, Lushiko. The people of the human world are all forced to live on a thin straw. The royalty and aristocracy of the human world also exploit taxes from such people and live in luxury without a care in the world. If you don’t call this the work of a devil, what do you call it?”

“Hmmm, I get it.”

“On top of that, the temple forces have grown fat by conveniently twisting the Heavenly Emperor’s teachings and threatening the people with H**l if they don’t contribute. They are rotten to the core.”

“I see. But how is that not enough to cause a rebellion? If it were a demon race, it would have been a coup d’état already. A coup d’état!”

“The old saying goes, ‘To divert the people’s discontent, make enemies.’ They claim it’s because the demon tribe had put a curse on them that the drought from the sun continues, that it’s because the demon tribe ate their fathers when he went hunting and didn’t come back, and that it’s because the demon tribe is responsible for their mother’s serious illness. The morale of the troops on the battlefield will also be boosted, killing two birds with one stone.”

“They’re so vicious! It makes me sick!”

Lushiko spoke up as if in righteous fury.

Kengo also listened to the story while wrapped in the bed covers, and his ears hurt. He had somehow assumed that demons were evil, and humans were good, but it seems that his knowledge was quite shallow. No, he didn’t think that the demons were the righteous ones.

However, it seemed that the human world, unlike the demon world, was filled with misery and poverty. And it was all because of a handful of corrupt royal families and temples.

Kengo’s thoughts turned to Princess Vannessia.

It was true that the princess didn’t seem very interested in luxury. Even when they were attacked, she could have used her position to get a meal for herself if she wanted to. She was suffering along with the soldiers, wasn’t she?

Her piety and faith in the Heavenly Emperor—while out of the ordinary— did not appear to be a lie. In that respect, she was no false saint. She had a clear distinction from other corrupt authorities, and that was why she has been able to gain unparalleled popularity. However, once opening the lid, it turned out that for Princess Vannessia, the pursuit of pleasure was nothing more than satisfying her masochistic desires. For that, she would involve her people and soldiers without concern, making them as unhappy as possible.

“… In other words, Princess Vannessia and the rest of the powers are all in the same hole after all…”

“She may look innocent, but her true nature is that of a selfish, devilish woman.”


Unable to argue with Asmi’s accurate analysis of the human world and assessment of character, Kengo cried out. He was so embarrassed by his ignorance and lack of clarity that he wanted to put his head into a hole.

“Well, well, well, my Lord. Sexual love between men and women is the same as warfare. It is the experience that counts. The Young Lord would inevitably make mistakes.”

“Yes, it was. I mean, it’s been a great experience, hasn’t it? Why not use it as a lesson?”

“This mistress, on the other hand, has grown more and more fond of you, for you are naiver than she had imagined. For when greatness is too great, the Lord is as far away as the moon, far away and lonely.”

“Hey! Don’t spoil him!”

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“No need to be jealous. Can’t this mistress fall in love with him too? If you try to monopolize the Lord, you’ll only make more enemies, Lushiko.”

“Haa? You’re the only one who’s fallen in love with him, so why don’t you do what you want?”

“Ugh… Uuuuu…”

Asumi’s comforting words sunk deep into his heart while Lushiko’s not-so-honest attitude had arrived. Even though he knows she was not really saying it, he wanted her to be nice to him.


“Mou~ You’re always so pathetic~~.”

“Well, well, Lushiko. Why don’t you comfort him?”

“Haa!? Why me?”

“That’s because it’s you. I have never seen such a heartbroken Lord. So, who else but you can comfort him, his step-sister? Even though the demon world is wide, no one but Lushiko can do it. Do you disagree?”

“He~~~. Oh, I see. So just me.”

“I envy you so much. If I could take your place, I would.”

“Well, if you’re going that far, I can comfort him…”

“Aren’t you too easy?”

“I’m not easy!”

“Well, well, well, follow me. This mistress has an idea.”

“I’ll follow you, but you have to apologize first!”

“All right, all right. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

The two gawky women left in a hurry. Kengo felt their presence while still curled up in the bed covers.

Before he could think of anything else, Lushiko and Asumi returned. They climbed into the bed again without asking. However, they were much farther away than before. What on earth were they thinking?

“There you go, my Lord. You will see something rare, so take a peek.”

Asumi invited him in an impish tone.

“Y-you don’t need to see it.”

You could hear Lushiko being embarrassed from her tone of voice. His curiosity overcame his heartbreak at this.

Kengo lifted the edge of the bedspread, which was still covering him, a little and peeked through the crack. Around the edge of the bed, Lushiko was sitting flat on her lap. Asumi is no different.

However, Lushiko had changed into a pure white dress, reminiscent of Princess Vannessia. She usually liked to wear provocative clothes that expose her skin, so it was refreshing to see her in a neat long skirt.


Kengo gulped.

Without realizing it, he stared at the pure white dress version of Lushiko.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that!”

Lushiko turned red all the way to her earlobes and squirmed as if to escape Kengo’s gaze. But it was nice to see her so embarrassed! He had thought that Princess Vannessia fit his tastes perfectly. He had thought she was a hundred points, a perfect beauty. But now, Lushiko was a thousand points perfect.

He hadn’t noticed it until now, but now he finally realized something. For the first time, Lushiko, who had always dressed very provocatively for Kengo, wore such a dress. The ideal beautiful girl was so close to him! Now, he felt like a happy bluebird!

“Now, my Lord. Come closer, please.”

“C-can I?”

“Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s because she wants to comfort you, my Lord, that Lushiko dressed as such in spite of her embarrassment.”

“I-I’m not feeling embarrassed! It’s the default for me, the default!”

“So, can I come closer, Lushiko?”

“Hmph, it’s none of my business. Do what you want!”

“There, there, that’s what Lushiko said. Now, don’t be shy, my Lord.”

Asumi beckoned to him in a friendly manner. Kengo still hesitated a lot but then went towards them.

Curled up in a ball and covered, he crunched and moved like such a new creature.

“Now, my Lord. You may lie on Lushiko’s lap.”

“You don’t mind if I do that much…?”

He asked cautiously. But Lushiko turned her head away and said nothing.

She didn’t say ‘No’ nor ‘I don’t want to.’ So, he indulged in her lap, wrapped in her dress skirt.

“No, no, my Lord. Do not turn over.”

“Not on my back?”

He did as Asumi asked and buried his face between Lushiko’s thighs. The skirt, which seemed to be made of silk, was smooth and comfortable. The fabric that wrapped her thighs looked thin, but when he pressed his face against it, it caught him softly.

“Keep breathing, my Lord.”

“What the h**l are you thinking!?”

“Suuuuuu, haaaaaa.”

“You take a deep breath, too.”

“How are Lushiko’s thighs, my Lord?”

“… Smells good.”

“Don’t sniff them!”

Lushiko protested, but it smelled really good. There was something soothing about the smell. No—it wasn’t just soothing.

Kengo was aware that his heart was suddenly pounding. In the past, the two siblings had known each other for a long time, and occasionally Lushiko would take advantage of his whim and give him a lap pillow. This was not the first time. But this was the first time he had ever felt such emotions.

(I just want to stay like this…)

[EN: This riajuu—]

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