Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

Chapter 2: Chapter 1; Bad news

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I thought for a second The world went black, I tried to open my eyes but that didn’t work and then I noticed I can’t feel my body what the hell is going on I tried with all of my might to feel something but nothing happened I started to panic a little, I thought I had passed out but I dismissed that Idea since I can still think if I were to pass out then that wouldn’t be possible.

The most likely scenario that I could come up with is that I’m in a sort of a coma state and with the capability to still think, I know that people can still hear if there in this kind of situation but mine is worst apparently since I can only think.

Well, this sucks now I must wait till someone gets in my room to wake me up or call for an ambulance but right now most surprisingly I’m taking this way too well the most reason for this was probably after assessing the most likely condition that I’m currently in, things are looking brighter well bright enough for this situation and now I just need to wait.

While waiting I spend my time on most random thoughts like, how I should beat the boss I was stuck at, I have seen others make it seem easy in those ‘how to beat the boss’ guide videos but when I played it was very difficult the controls were fine nothing complex but I still had trouble mastering it, and the bosses were the tough part when I beat them it was a rewarding experience that is what I like most about the game, after which I my thought wander off reflecting on my life but I didn’t stay too long that part since my seem rather bleak and lonely for 18-year-old, all my friends moved away and the only friend I still had, we are seeing each other less each passing year and most the time I spend at home alone reading web-novel fanfic… 

Moving on… web novels I read are usually fanfic and not the original ones since I don’t like the majority of them, most are in the harem genre and I’m a person who disklike harem for multiple reasons, if you want harem just to fuck then that is fine, but if you do it for love now that is hypocrisy, now I have never been in love my whole life I did confess to a girl I had a crush on and she declined and I knew she would since she was a lesbian and I was not her type but why did I do it anyway cuz I haven fucking balls to say my feeling like a real man I do not need to hide it and definitely not because she was moving away.

Back on to the harem, so I can’t say why people can’t marry out of love into a harem since I have never experienced it myself nor really felt it my whole life the only thing that come close to it was my love for my younger sibling, but even if you do marry with two girls out of love into polygyny even if it’s more than two girls you can’t have a fucking a thousand of them and giving each of them time to spend with its too much of a bother, I can also give multiple reasons why love and harem don’t mix but I won’t if you are smart enough to think of a reason and stick with it, then well done you are not a scumbag.

(A’N: I actually want to write down multiple reasons why harems don’t work, but this is a story, not a complaint about harems so I’m speeding up the story now)

After spending god know how long in my thoughts started to hear the ocean, I thought maybe I was hallucinating but after a while, I believed I can actually hear the ocean, hmm…, I think I’m in the hospital right now and someone is playing an ambient soundtrack of an ocean in the background, I started to feel better now that I can hear which means I condition is improving.

I also begin to hear someone talking in the background if I focus on it maybe I can tell…“WAKE UP”

Someone’s loud voice woke the hell out of me I open my eyes my body instinctively lean up I saw the ocean in front of me before I could register the surrounding, my mouth opened up “Holly mother fucking Christ …” and then I started to register the surrounding like early I saw the beautiful ocean that is stretch till the end of the horizon, the waves swaying gently against the sandy beach, the cool wind brushes off me the clear blue sky with some cloud, I can also see three seagulls flying in the distance, it was something like out of a painting and it was the most beautiful thing I have seen outside my room ”What the fuck...” I said out loud, I was very sock would be an understatement I started at the blue horizon for a good minute before I noticed a guy sitting right next to me.

The young man whose skin tone can be described as warm with sienna coloring, he also has brown hair and eyes, a gray shirt with long sleeves that reach his wrist, blue jeans, and a black pair of shoes, his clothing can be considered plain however it fits well with the smile that is plastered on his faces he can be considered handsome, no more like clean would be the right word to describe his appearances and his presence and would make you feel comfortable around him like an old friend that would listen to you after a good drink at the local bar although I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t know what is like actually like at a bar since I never went there, this guy sitting right next to me in a nice comfortable distant but not too far if we are to have a conversation I would a just the right distance.

He turned his attention away from the horizon and look at me” hey you're finally awake” he said and then moves his gaze back at the horizon.

“Um… hello,” I said with confusion in my voice, still bewildered about my current situation and then I notice my voice was different, for a split second I want to test it out but before I could the guy right next to me answered ”took you long enough, I waited since dawn and tried to wake you up, but you slept it through like a rook, it’s good to see that you are finally up,” he said with a bit of tiredness in his voice ”you know I started to worry that you never wake up”

“Um…” I answered with a nod, unsure which word to choose for this conversation.

He gave a glance back at me then return his gaze to the horizon “you are probably very confused right now however worry not I am your guide I’m here to help you oh. and by the way, my name is Andrew” Andrew said with an enthusiastic voice, and I could only nod along

“so can you explain the current situation,” I said noticing a difference in my voice with that my logic gear started to turn in my head but before I could come up with a solution Andrew answered ”I can but I think you should first read the letter on your in your left jeans pocket before I started explaining” with what he said I started to avert my gaze from him and then I just notice the clothes I had on brown pans, dark brown pair of boots, a gray shirt, and a black Trenchcoat but the most surprising I don’t feel hot in these heavy clothing I averted my attention back to warts my left pocket and I took out a letter from it. It was a typical old letter with a wax seal on it.

I opened the letter and took a note from it, the first thing that came to mind. I can’t read this shit at all, it was written in ‘Schnürlischrift’ it was something I had to learn back in my time at middle school in Switzerland I don’t think there is an English word for it but the best I could describe it would be the old ancient writing style that no one uses these days.

You are reading story Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity at novel35.com

(this: hello there)

and to make it worse it was written as if a doctor would write it and it’s even worse than my handwriting that saying something since I started using the computer more often for writing than using proper paper I have never properly written on paper unless it’s in school when we are doing a test that’s it and once I did I can’t even read my handwriting that’s how bad it was but this is even worse.

I glance back at the guide hand him over the note and said “can you read this” I said.

Andrew, took the note and look at it and glance back, and said ”nope ” he shook his head ”although I can’t read it I can however still tell you the content since it was basically written in my brain in case something were to happen” he said and gave me the note back I look at the unknown word that can only be read with a high level of Dao comprehension ability.

“cough* cough* already then here it goes,” Andrew said, and he give me a serious look. 

“Hello there, my name is Keven and if you are reading this then congrats you may be the greatest geniuses in the whole Omi-verse and if not, then that means the guide is reciting this for you

I’m writing this to thank you for downloading my Real-life mod which sends you to the world of terraria where you can experience terraria in the real world however I must warn you if you didn’t read the warning down below in the description you can’t blame me for your current predicament and I definitely didn’t write it in a misleading way that makes it seem like flavor texting it was your fault for believing it was, back on point the first warning it is one hundred present real different word/Universe and because it is real which means you have one life so if you die then you are very dead.

The second warning is that you are sent to the world that is fit with the other mods and texture pack that you installed so which means that my mod is super awesome and has one hundred percent compatibility with all mods isn’t that cool, oh and since you installed such mod as calamity you are sent to a world with the calamity mod setting which means the moon lord is no longer the endgame boss and you kind of fuck you self over on this one, and to make it worse for you is that you are playing on the highest possible difficulty master mode and you also was sent to a word with Malice Mode plus on.

And if you think that was bad enough some bosses can be spawned multiple and some can be done only once that sounds like a good thing right if so then I have bad news for you if you decide to summon a boss more than one can appear and if you think that was bad then think again since the bosses are not actually summoned and more like called to you which mean that if you are unlucky enough you can naturally stumble on a boss in the wild and oh boy it is not unlike one or two to appear based on your environment or just shit luck.

Well, if you think that was the last of the bad news, I have another one coming for you,

you installed the best of both worlds mods which means you have lead and iron sound good RIGHT!! But guess what you also have both evils they can’t even be stopped without the necessary amount of material that you can only get after beating the Wall of flesh and if you don’t stop the evil, it will slowly spread through the whole world, and no matter where you hide you are very doom BWHAHAHAHA.”


AND MAKE SHURE YOU NEVER SEE THE LIGHT O” before I could finish my sentence Andrew cover my mouth, I removed his hand and said ”what the fuck dude,” I said a bit irritated.

Normally I can’t even get mad at anyone I will just ignore it or I will be sad and cry in my room because of their disappointment or opinion but when that happens I try to always keep calm about the situation and keep a straight face since that happened my to many time then I like in my childhood I am very bad at expressing my emotion and people think I am an uncaring person and sometimes I am, but even through the mask I had put on, I am very emotional inside I’m just very good at controlling it and help me get this logic mindset even if I am not smart and because of the guy that wrote that fucking letter just pissed me off, was a long time since I lost it.

Andrew glare at me for a bit then said” look I know you are angry I would be too if am in your shoes but I don’t think making loud sounds would be a good idea in this situation since I don’t want to attract the ‘local wildlife’ to us, do you understand ”I thought what Andrew just said and he had a really good point it was very stupid of me “alight now although it has some bad news, you know the good news come always last, will you listen to me calmly till the end ”Andrew said and I respond with a nod and said “please continue” I said in defeat.

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