Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

Chapter 3: Chapter 2; Goals

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“Please continue,” I said after calming down, getting angry in this situation will certainly not help my predicament.

“Alight listen closely till the end it’s not that bad you know,” Andrew said with a serious tone, staring deeply into my eyes.

“cough* cough*


BWHAHAHAHAhaha…. alight ill stop now

Here is the next warning although this world has both evils, however, it’s spread very slowly so you would have plenty of time to prepare to cleanse this world so no need to stress out, and since this, is a real world there will be other material besides the usual iron and lead but if you want more magical ore you have to defeat the wall of Flesh to get the world’s blessing which means you have to get strong enough to reach the wall of flesh and defeat it  and then strong enough to survive the on slot of monster and gods that will come to you eventually

However, fret not I have sent you to a world where the world’s energy is restraint by the wall of flesh and other bosses are asleep so the world is similar to the pre-hard mode terraria, and due to the restraint of the world’s energy most hard mode enemy are hibernating till the world has recovered so you don’t have to worry about any vampire appearing during the eclipse if one were to naturally happen, please do take note even if the wall of flesh is restraining the world energy it cannot hold on to it forever, eventually hard mode will come even if you don’t kill the wall of flesh.

Your body is modified to be similar to the player you created so you can consume hart-crystal and life fruits without exploding on an overdose of life energy this will give you a better chance at survival and there are more modifiers and advantages with that new body of your, ask the guide for more information, I you also have the terraria inventory however if you want to make something in your inventory you are required to have enough mana to make it if you don’t then you have to make it with your hand to cheapen the cost, you also have the recipe browser for crafting it has all the crafting recipe from terraria and you can add more recipes to it if you find anything new, and one last thing this is not a system but a status window mix with an inventory, the hp bar is replace so you don’t hp point to say how much hit’s you can take, once your head is a chop of you are very dead unless you had a shit tone of life force you can’t survive that, there is a limit on how much your body can handle life force btw.

I thank you once again to install and test out my mod and I wish you the best of luck Mercius

From your truly Kevin.


Ps: There is a way back to your original world if you are extremely lucky enough to find it.

Ps’ps: there is also a method to break your limits, but I don’t recommend it, you can beat all the bosses even without ever reaching your limit all you need is skills and not stats like a true gamer.

Ps’ps’ps: if you ever diced to interdimensional travel be prepared that your body may become weaker or set back to 0 for adaptability it’s a perk you get from your original body change into this.

Ps’ps’ps’ps: this is really the last massage; you will never hear from me again so don’t expect another message from me byeeee.”

“And that was the end of the message,” said Andrew with a sigh escaping his mouth “so what do you think,” he ask me and then returned his gaze to the horizon

“I only understood get strong or you are fucked” I said with a light chuckle escaping my mouth” so what does he mean that my body is different, and where do you fit in all this, and how do I access my inventory,” I said why would Andrew be here I wonder, I knew terraria was a game and there was a guide at the beginning, however, this is the real world after all there shouldn’t be a guide at all

“Fair enough, I can tell you that your body was the same one back from earth but it evolve to this so there is no transmigration more like summoning is fitting and you probably didn’t notice but due to the summing process your name was replaced with Mercius so even you try to recall your first name it won’t work and your body was changed to fit this world, also you have a very long life span and you can increase it to indefinitely once you have max out your life stats there is also a change in your psychology alto not noticeable now it eventually change your mind to handle time and decay and your feeling is more visible on your face.

there is a side effect called ‘imprinting’ if something gives you a good impression enough it will be imprinted in your mind this can be good and bad at the same time”

“and where do I find myself in this chuckle*” Andrew then stood up looks at the sky and said” I was someone from earth just like you but from a different parallel universe and my past life version made a contract with Kevin for his mod were I would be summoned with you this world with all the necessary information of this word including your life and personality, and to make the matter worse apparent I my soul was very injured and I can only get a bit stronger in this world, well at least not as strong as you can, even in my current life my wound on the soul isn’t healed and my past version knew this and he needed someone else to send to this world for whatever reason”  Andrew said with a bitter voice

“My past version needed you here and I was sent here to guide you as part of the deal…, oh and if you want to access your inventory you just need to think about” he said with a bright smile on his face.

“You are surprisingly taking this very well,” I murmur which would clear up some things as to why he is here, then again, I don’t want to be in his shoes, my current predicament is bad, but he has it worst.

I’m not angry or sad about my current situation, the only reason I’m not crying my eyes out his my life is mostly only and my family situation isn’t the greatest so I can handle this and even my younger sibling whom I probably won’t see them ever again I know at least they have a bright future and that they would grow up well I just hope they can handle the stress of being an adult when the time comes for them Drip* Drip* then I just notice waters are leaking from my eyes, uh maybe I am not that coldhearted, I giggle a bit using my thumb to wiping my tears away and trying to ignore this void feeling growing inside of me ”what about your family” I said, trying to focus on the matter at hand so I could later deal with these emotions.


“I don’t have one I have been an orphan all my life so I never had a family and I was on my death bed so I started to prepare to leave the world without any regrets I said goodbye to my friends I quit my job and I spent the last moment looking at the northern lights so my final moment would be at least rememberable” his eyes drupe downwards his voices carry a tone of sadness as his smile falter a bit then his face return to normal as his nothing ever happened “however before I knew it was sent to a new world with you and I can continue living in this world and if I find a way to fix my soul, I was given the opportunity to live longer or indefinitely if I can get strong enough, it probably also helps I had the whole morning while you were a sleep accept this situation chuckle*” Andrew said then he steps back a bit” I got myself an inventory similar to yours but mine is only filled with a single bow and a lot of arrows,” he said reaching his hand out and then a bow appeared he then proceeded to pull the stings, then an arrow appear at the nocking point and the arrow shelf and then proceed to let the sting go, then the arrow flew far off into the ocean.


“Woah” I was amazed as  look at where the arrow flew then I proceeded to focus and just like Andrew said the terraria inventory is displayed in front of him he can see fifty slots empty slots with the first to the fourth slot filled with items, the first slot is filled with a copper short sword right next to is a pickaxe and an axe and on the fourth slot there is a brown sack and right next to the fifty slots are 8 smaller ones for coins and ammo there is no slot for the trashbin, to the right of my field of vision are my loadout slots for vanity and one for actual wear and under it are my accessory slots there is also 2 extra slots for bots and wings, above loadout slot, there is a hook that’s is my equipment slots, one for a minecart, a hook and a light pet I can switch between the loadout slots and the equipment slots if I just focus on it, under the fifty slots are the open emotion window, and the bestiary there is also the sort inventory chest icon but no quick stack, there are also missing icon such as Hot bar unlock, block swap, ruler, camera etc. the dye slots are missing also the map has change from a 2d map to a 3d map that shows the surfaces train(A’N: similar to the subnotica SeaglideMap) my hp bar has change to single hart with a number on the corner same with the MP bar to a single star also with a number on the corner, there are no Rage Meter and the Adrenaline Meter it seems that they are missing and the last different I notices is percentages bar on the corner of my inventory ”uh hey Andrew do you know what the percentage bar is?” I ask looking at Andrew wondering if he knows the answer


“I think you are talking about the total inventory,” he said staring into the air most likely checking his inventory right now.


“Total inventory?” I was confused there was nothing like this in the game.


“Yup total inventory it works like this, you actually have only 1 inventory and the inventory slots are there to show you what you have inside and are there for quick select which means that you could have thousands of different random items in one inventory slot but you can’t fill the other when your total inventory is full and since they are connected to the total inventory even if you have many different items only the select martial, weapons, armor or accessory are visible on the slots and the rest of them you can see in your mindscape and select in which order you want them to appear in your slots, you can also have living beings in there since time does not move in your inventory so don’t have to worry about stray critters making a mess in there if you decided to store some and your total inventory is directly linked to your personal ‘soul space’ you can increase your total inventory by some method that I don’t know of, you can also add more slots but fifty is the default ” Andrew said still probably staring into his inventory.


“That’s very convenient, “I said, this is very useful sure something from the game is missing but this can be considered better and way more useful this is essentially my inventory and not part of a system.


Kevin did say that this was a status window and not a system it has its ups and downs but most importantly this is mine and not bound to some sort of system which means I can still use it even if I don’t have my status window it’s simply there for confident sake ”and what about the vanity slots how do they work” I ask with a bit of confusion since this is meant to real life and not a game there was no need for them


“The Vanity slot is a bit complicated but how it actually works is something like this you have a piece of wooden armor on in your armor equip slot but you can put on, for example, Solar Flare armor in the vanity slots and it will make your wooden armor look like the Solar Flare armor which means that the durability of the wooden armor is the same but it will look different and feel different but essentially you can trick someone that believed you have the Solar Flare armor on when you actually have the wooden armor on its also works in reverse” I just had crazy Idea if he said was true then I can put on heavy plate armor but even the ninja armor in the vanity slots which will give me the flexibility of the ninja armor and the durability and perhaps the weight of the heavy plate armor when the time comes I definitely need to test this out.


“Mercius, I have a question if you don’t mind answering” then he looks at me very seriously.

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“Sure, what is it although you should have some info about me you may have your answer in there that maybe I don’t know” I don’t mind answering him I’m a very open person if he wants to know something about me I don’t mind telling about myself.


“That’s true I already have them, I know how you feel how you click I know your view of the world and philosophy and that is why I’m asking you this what is your goal and the promise to keep your morals, you would need one since we both know if you ever attain strong power don’t lose yourself in it and a goal would be very helpful keep yourself true and promises you will have to make to keep you on the right path so you can you tell me your goal and promise that you will never break” Andrew said in a serious tone.


“a goal and promise ha..” I never really had a goal in all of my life I usually live to see to end of my days from day to day not knowing what to do or what can give me joy I spent most of my time alone not knowing what to do sure I can make a goal to get rich but I don’t really want that I feel empty sure my life can be consider way better them most people out there and are pore and struggle to survive but they have something I don’t a desire a goal even it’s a vain empty or an evil goal they a drive to move forwards and now I need one to only survive to keep myself from corrupting in power if I survive long enough and I need to a goal to find happiness a goal that I can never reach even it untenable once you have it you feel empty it’s like revenge after you got it what comes after and if you don’t know what do and what to live by then you would feel empty I need something I can’t to get or finished to do to.


“My goal is I want to go on a journey, not an actual journey but a metaphorical one, I want to see my life to the end and only give my life to something worth it away, maybe out of love or out of sacrifice for someone but either way I want my end to be on my terms to keep on living and seeing and finding worth in my life” even if there is all possibility out there I want my further, my life and my home to be there.


“My promise is I will not blame others for my mistakes, this mistake I have done too many times” the boring life I live I should have not blamed my parent for the life I’m currently living even if it is not the best, I brought it on to myself and I shall not blame them for where I landed even if it in prison or the gutters it was none but myself.


“My second promise is I shall never be jealous of others’ life, even if I am I should never become them “I should never be jealous of other life because if I do get jealous of them and want to live just like them, am I truly still myself or am I the other person.


“My goal for this world is to survive till the end, and to be a hero, not because I want other recognition or for the good of others but for myself to never hurt others for nothing worth if it can be avoided, I never wanted to hurt others to cause suffering, I want to be a hero of vanity and not for the hypocrisy of righteousness or evil since there is no such thing ever existed there is only better and worse, plus and negative, what is evil or what is good has always been my decision, this goal that may change and a goal that can break but if possible I want to see it through till the end” I don’t want to be a hero for other but only for myself a vain hero, however, I can still help other if they truly needed help.


“I want to be a living being to make stake to learn from it or not but to live has a human that I always have been a contradicting being after all we are not machines we are born by chance we are not perfect, I want to stay a human a being who contradict it’s self a being born from nature we never have been perfect and that is what a like to be a human I can still improve from what I am to be better but never perfect after all true perfection is flawed and only flawed perfection is perfect” then I look and Andrew and ask and stretch out my hand ”and what is your goal you are a human just like me”


Andrew smiled he grab my hand with his free hand while the other still hold on to the bow” You know what they say I am a guide my goal has always been clear and that is to guide you or perhaps others as well but I always stick with you and be with you and be with you till the end” he said determinedly” and other things in life like falling in love the usual”



(Narrator POV)


You can see two young handsome STRAIT adult men staring deeply into each other yes with their hands clenched with determination and the sunset in the background giving it a beautiful atmosphere and nothing homo is going on, just two youths with a lot of spirits sharing their life goals and dreams.




Andrew Pov


Sharing a goal with a partner is a fun experience, I’m currently staring into his chocolate brown eyes then I notice something moving in the background losing eye contact with him and staring at what is coming towards us


“Is something the matter?” Marcius asks with confusion in his voice


“I think something is approaching us” I said, staring at a small green flat metallic machine approaching us in the distance.


Mercius then look at the strange object as well “Is that a fucking giant Roomba and there are three of them!” Mercius said with a shocked voice.


“I think those are Wulfrum Rover” I said, although they do kind of look like a Roomba, they are approaching us at a good speed and the distance is closing in” I think we should run”


“UmU” Mercius nodded in an agreement and then we ran in the opposite direction from which the Roomba are coming.


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