Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity

Chapter 4: Chapter 3; Roomba

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On a sandy beach with gentle wave brushing against the shoreline, the wind brushes the leaves of a few palm trees growing in the distance, the sun is setting the sky is clearing up, and in the east, you can even see some stars popping up in the sky, the sky is clear no clouds nor birds since the seagulls are going to bed the crustacean however still moving about.

If you look closely at the shoreline, you can see two rather handsome young men running horizontally off the shoreline not too far and yet not too close, so they won’t get wet, and right behind them are three Wulfrum Rovers chasing after each passing second the Rovers are catching up to the young men, the two young men look more panic as the rovers closing the distance.

“You know... what Andrew “said the young man with the black cloak with a ragged voice to the man running left next to him identified as Andrew.

“What is it Marcius” Andrew answered the Black cloak man running on his right side to be identified As Marcius.

“I thought… maybe I would die to something like a zombie in this world or even a slime,” Mercius said with a bit of trouble focusing on running and talking” but dying to a Roomba was not one of them!”

“Don’t look so down we aren’t dead yet “Andrew answered spiritedly while looking optimistic about their current predicament.

“I know we aren’t dead yet, but we will be once they ran us over!” Mercius said grumpily he does not like the situation he is in when death is looming right behind them” Hey why don’t you try shooting them with a bow”

“Although I have the basic ability to use all sorts of weapons that doesn’t mean, I’m a Master at Weapons arts and I don’t have the experience to shoot while running” Andrew said, although we can use many weapons thanks to the information that was downloaded in this brain that doesn’t mean he actually wielded weapons back on earth he was more of a book worm than a guy for the love of sports that doesn’t mean I he can’t do it without practice not yet at least ”don’t you have a starter bag in your inventory why don’t you try oping that and see what’s inside”

“You’re right!” Mercius said completely Forgetting about the starter bag he got” give me a sec” he said then he opens his inventory and focused on the fourth slot that clicked with his mind then a bunch of items popped up in his inventory he could see beside the sword, axe and the pickaxe there is now some chess, torches a couple of potion that would probably not help right not, some ropes, a couple of bombs, lots of bricks? a blue crystal. a hammer, a tin bow, a tin staff with amber at the top giving it a nice look, and a wooden wand with an acorn hanging at the tip, there are some arrows too.

“Um hey Andrew I have a question what happened when I ran out of mana, and how do you even use a staff” said Mercius, he wanted to use the staff, but he doesn’t know if he would pass out if he ran out of mana, so he needs to know first.

“The mana is a bit complicated I don’t know everything but what I do know is that the mana is somewhat connected to our body with the soul I think, I’m not sure some information is left very vague but what I’m pretty sure is that if you run out of mana that you would feel sluggish or very tired and if you continue to use mana that would give you different result from just fainting to upright killing you,” said Andrew try to explain it to Mercius while still running for his dear life “and as for the staff you just need to channel man through it and then focuses it at the tip, you can also do it without a staff however the difficulty increases exponentially”

Mercius thought about what Andrew just said if were to use the staff then he would be more tired, the more he uses staff, and even if he were to use it that doesn’t mean he can necessarily kill them without running out of mana first even does know how to use the staff perfectly with years of experience, then he got an idea he focuses he stretches he his and focus on the wound and pouf it appeared in his hand” hey Andrew how do I summon with this wand and how can I make a contract with the summoned creature ”Mercius said since summing doesn’t require much mana even if it does he just need to do it once since he was getting desperate he can he the Roomba just a few meters away from him.

Andrew glanced at his and said “just like the staff poor your mana in it and the contract is the wand itself”

Hearing what Andrew just said he began to try to poor his mana into his wand, he felt as if something was draining from inside of him and he noticed the tip of the wand glowed a bit, a small magic circle with some weird pattern begins to form slowly, he doesn’t like how long it takes so he begins to poor mana in, he was correct the tip glowed more and the magic circle finished itself in a faction of a second then he felt a heavy weight on his left shoulder, he almost trip du the sudden weight shift, he then notices a fat squirrel sitting on his shoulder.

” Can you...” Mercius can only say two words, he was getting very tired it was hard for him to breathe his body feels heavy it doesn’t help it didn’t even form the running that tired him out it was the mana drain itself that left him feeling sluggish although he felt he was getting better by the second, which confused him a bit he would need to talk with Andrew after once the siltation is sorted.

(A’N: This is my first time writing a fight scene I hope you’ll like it)

The Fat squirrel nodded that he understood what his summoner trying to say, He turned around to face the three Roomba, and he manifested an acorn in his paw, He threw the Acorn at the middle Roomba.

Of course, the Middle Roomba notices this, and he doge the Acorn coming at him with high speed it was nothing to him.

Fat Squirrel manifests two more acorns in succession and threw them at the middle Roomba with more Power.

Middle Roomba expected another attack from the squirrel like this and he dogged it skillfully not leaving a single scratch, he then rumbled his internal bio-machinery making a sound to provoke the fat squirrel to throw more of his pathetic Nuts at him they are useless, and he should just die.

Fat Squirrel Obviously sees this as a provocation, how dare that bottom feeder provoke him, he was the greatest nut thrower among his kind none can mock him, that was just the worm up he shows why he should not go against him by putting him at his place and finishing his pathetic life, manifesting two more nuts and he threw one of them at the middle Roomba and the other one at a slight angle at the left Roomba(A’N; from squirrel perspective btw.)

You are reading story Terraria: The End of Makers of Calamity at novel35.com

Middle Roomba notice the Acorn coming at him he doge to the right swiftly as if it was nothing, Bang the middle Roomba crashed into the other causing him to flip into the air and show his underside to the sky before landing back down regaining his balance with his stilts to flip him at the right angle.

Middle Roomba was angry for ruining his face it’s a greats shame among Wulfrum Rover kind to show its underside to the word, the shame he felt right now was unbearable he shall have his vengeance on that Fat nut-sucking rodent, and he shall pay it with his blood!

Fat Squirrel manages to push the middle and right Roomba back a bit, the left Roomba is still hot on its tail, Fat Squirrel manifests a barrage of nuts,

Left Roomba doges the barrage of nuts slowing it down, with each passing second the distance is widening pushing it back with to the other to Roomba.

Fat Squirrel thinks it’s about time to finish them off, he manages to bring all three of them at a good distance since he wants to use that Nut he couldn’t use before since there were too close to his summoner but now, he can, he stopped his barrage and manifest two nuts how his nut is no ordinary nut this is his special black bye-bye nut.

Fat Squirrel poor all his mana inside the nuts causing them to glow a bit, making him disappear since he ran out of mana but before he was gone, he chucked it at the three Roomba even though he won’t be there he knew his victory is assured.

The Three Roomba notice the two nut and will doge it swiftly like before then they realize something was different about them, they have a bad premonition and want to move away as far as possible, but they are too late.


Two fiery explosions set off causing the Roomba to burn to their death and ending their life, the explosions cause the wind the blow creating a mini shock wave making our two runaways trip and fall face first lucky for them they are on a sandy beach softening their landing a bit.

*Spit “I got sand in my mouth” said Mercius spitting on the ground he glances back at where the explosion came from and noticed three burned corpses of the Roomba that was chasing after them

“What the hell caused that explosion” said Mercius worrying

“I you summon did that” said Andrew with certainty since he was a bit behind in mercies and managed to get a quick glimpse at what it threw.

“Wahoo did not know it could do that” said Mercius with surprise.

“Me neither, I think we should go find a place to hide,” Andrew said with worry in his tone

“Why do we nee.. oh I get it” Mercius noticed that it was getting darker, he can even see twinkling stars in the sky “do you think the zombie will come out in the nighttime like the game”

“There are already out it’s just that in the night or specific temperatures, they are more ‘livelier’” Andrew said still caring with a tone of worry in his voice

“Do you think we can make a house in time?” Mercius said since in-game you can do that in seconds hover this is no longer a game so he doesn’t know how to actually do it.

“You can make a house using a method in your inventory, but you lack the materials for a house, I think it would be better if we were to enter a cave,” Andrew said with certainty, that it would not be doable in time ”lets us look around and use our mini-map to find a cave on a hillside“ Andrew also have similar inventory to Mercius but he lacks more in total inventory space and other abilities, he didn’t get a starter bag since he was a guide and not a play that doesn’t mean he was not happy being a guide the bonus of almost all basic weapons/tool usage experience and information is more of boon then getting start item and more inventory, sure he can’t grow strong and fast as Mercius and he has a lower limit with his soul still being damaged but that doesn’t matter he is a very patient guy it’s only a matter of time till he gets better.

The two young men both ran into the night looking for shelter from the upcoming threats will they have to fight till dawn arrived or will they find a space to rest, Find out next time

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