The Accursed

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Drafted to Another World

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Ashley and Tiffany walked to school holding hands. Ashley was in a particularly good mood as he had confessed to her last night, and they had become an official couple!

They had kissed on the lips, but she stopped him after he tried groping her breasts over her shirt, claiming that he was moving too fast

But nevertheless, he was happy, and surely he would get more chances now that they were together

She was slightly older than him, having already had her birthday turning 16 in April, but even though he was still officially 15, he will be 16 in a months time

As they entered the school, there were whistles from the window of their classroom, seeing them hold hands from afar

Tiffany looked embarrassed, but Ashley held her hand up proudly, as if he had won a trophy

That very moment, the bell rang, and Tiffany pulled him as they both rushed to class

Perhaps he took too much time walking to school that day, savoring the happiness he felt when he was with her

She appeared to have put on an effort to look extra good that day too, making him wish he at least combed his hair

As they sat in their usual seats, Ashley wished her seat was closer to him as he was sitting with Tommy, another guy in class, while he sat next to Melissa. 

Tommy was a classmate of his for a few years, while Melissa was the brainy class president. He thought she would look quite pretty, if she would only let down her hair and wear less geeky looking glasses. 

The math teacher, Mr Radcliffe walked into class, and immediately requested for their homework

"Shit" Ashley though, just remembering that he had forgotten his homework. He spent all evening dreaming of the time in the afternoon that he spent with Tiffany, dreaming that he had removed her shirt and touched her naked breast

In fact, he woke up today with his pajamas all covered in sticky sperm, after having a glorious wet dream. 

As he pretended to look into his bag, trying to think up an excuse why he didn't have his homework, suddenly there was a violent tremor

Students and teachers all stumbled and fell to the floor, regardless if they were standing or seating. The tables, chairs and even all the cupboards fell to the ground, injuring several students

A few students yelled in pain as the furniture injured them as Mr Radcliffe yelled, trying to calm them down

This area never had earthquakes before, and it seemed the building was never built for it as the walls started cracking and the windows shattered

Suddenly, as Ashley looked around searching for Tiffany, he realized that one by one, a beam of light was beaming all the students up

Tiffany was no longer in her area of the class, and neither was anyone in her half of the room

He realized that he was not the only one noticing it as his eyes met Melissa's, as they looked at each other in horror

Just then, the light enveloped Melissa as she too vanished

Seemingly the last one left, Ashley gaped in horror as the roof started to collapse on him! Just then, the light covered his body as he vanished


"Aaagh" Ashley yelled, as his last sight was the vision of the school collapsing on him and was disoriented

He realized that he was alive, and started looking around him.

He suddenly heard a female scream next to him as somebody pounced on him and hugged him as he lay on the ground. 

"Who.. Tiff?" he asked and looked down

"Don't let me go.. I'm naked" a female voice said, burying her head in his chest as she lay on top of him

To his surprise, he realized it wasn't Tiffany, rather it was Melissa 

"Wait, did she say she was naked?" he wondered in his head

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He hugged her back as he realized that his classmates all around him were all naked too!

He suddenly felt two fleshly orbs pressed against his chest and realized that it was Melissa's breasts!

Melissa was pretty too. She was smart and was the top scholar among them and the class president. But he was in love with Tiffany, though to be honest, Melissa was a pretty good catch too, if he was single

Unlike Tiffany, who was a tall blonde with the athletic body of a cheerleader, Melissa was a brunette and wore geeky glasses, and although she was shorter, now that she was naked, she was thin and she had enormous boobs which she tried to hide by her frumpy dressing

They had been sitting next to each other all year and have become good friends. 

But being a female, somehow being both among the hottest girls in class, both Melissa and Tiffany never got on well

Melissa always thought that Tiffany was snobbish and a bit bimbo-ish, while Tiffany in turn always thought Melissa was too bookish and 

Ashley suddenly remembered that he was feeling Melissa's glorious boobs squashed tightly to his chest, and had unconsciously wanted to pull away to take a look

"Ash! What are you.... ouch! What's that poking my stomach?" Melissa said, grabbing his cock with her hands

Ashley's eyes popped out, feeling her hands grab his penis harshly as Melissa pulled back to look

"Oh my God! Is that your.... it's so hard!" Melissa said, pulling him into her again, before he could see her naked body

Of course he managed a glance, and it was gorgeous!

It was then that Ashley snapped out of it and started scanning for Tiffany

She was not too far from him, only she was on the ground with Tommy on top of her!

It was then that their eyes met as she was hugging Tommy tightly to hide her nudity, and Tommy didn't seem to mind exposing his ass when he left it wide open

As she saw Ashley, she seemed to be blushing and Tommy was burying his head on her shoulder. It was then that Ashley noticed that Tommy seemed to be moving his hips slowly

Tiffany suddenly gasped and opened her mouth, looking away from Ashley and seemed to be whispering something in his ear as if scolding Tommy. 

"What the hell? Are they..." Ashley thought 

Suddenly, the sound of trumpets was echoing in the hall and it was then that they noticed their surroundings. They were in a large majestic hall, with knights standing guard all around, and multiple cloaked men lying dead on the ground 

There were 50 of them, transported from their class, and they were all standing in a rune drawn on the ground

"Welcome to Petra. I am King Lochland, and I apologize not being able to summon your clothes or you belonging. As you can see, we sacrificed much to bring you here" a regal looking man said, gesturing to the many dead mages

"We've prepared clothes. Please get dressed before we continue" he said

An assortment of clothes were brought and the girls quickly ran to get dressed

Melissa extracted herself from Ashley so fast, he had to quickly hide his erection with his hands

He saw Tiffany literally running to get dressed, so he went meekly to the men's side. Was she hurt? She seemed to be bleeding on her thighs. 

Somehow Tommy avoided him and seemed to be busy wiping his dick with clothes prepared there.

"Did Tommy get hurt? Why is he wiping his dick?" Ashley wondered to himself

Eventually, they all got dressed, including their instructor Mr Radcliffe, who was the only adult there

"Welcome heroes! You have been summoned to save my Kingdom from utter destruction!" King Lochland said...


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