The Accursed

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – A New Life In Petra

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The typical citizen of this realm are just common folk with no abilities beyond that of a common human. But there were warriors among them, and the above average ones could use aura, which was the ability to coat their weapons or armor with a special energy, enabling them and their weapons to be stronger and more durable.

Furthermore, the magicians here could use mana, which was using the energy around them to cast powerful spells that was mere fantasy on Earth

As for why the students were summoned, it was because people of earth was more adept to the mana and aura from this realm, and able to wield them at a much higher level as compared to the locals

With the students, they were put through several rounds of intense testing, separating them according to their abilities

They were also given training to get them up to speed as soon as possible

Some were the battle heroes, and they were ranked from A to C grades. However there were a few exceptional S Ranks among them

Tiffany was an S class, and had the ability to use her aura to a extreme degree. Within a week, her sword fighting ability had already surpassed that of her instructors, and had defeated the nation's best swordsmen Sir Andreas, who was regarded as one of the 10 Swordmasters, which were the swordsmasters of the land

In actuality, her skill with the sword was on par with Sir Andreas, but the amount of power she can generate from her aura far surpasses him, and made her get the name the Sword Saint

Among the other notable people was Ashley's school rival William Donaldson, who had a similar ability and was named the Spear Saint

There was also Archie, who was the Hero of the Warhammer. He was a berserker, so they didn't call him a Saint, rather simply just a hero. 

Many of the others were graded between A to C ranked, with various abilities with various weapons

Tommy himself was a tanker, and was a A ranked knight. This wasn't bad, but he couldn't compare with Tiffany or William

Ashley received abilities that placed him as a support person. This was the same category as Melissa

Whereas Melissa was blessed with the ability to buff her companions, Ashley was a healer

Both had extremely powerful abilities and at levels higher than most mages. They were both rated S Ranks

Melissa was highly valued, as she could cast multiple buffs, being able to buff the strength, speed, agility or even concentration of her companions. She learnt to cast other buffs too like being able to cast stone skin, shields, empower magicians, and even remove curses or debuffs. What more, her mana was at a monstreous level, whereby she had more mana that even the best magicians. However, her knowledge of magic was limited and she still required special tutoring from the mages 

Ashley on the other hand, had the ability to heal from nearly any wound. He could even regrow and regenerate severed body parts. However, it wasn't clear if he could raise the dead, as they didn't test that. 

Instead, he was disdained by the mages, which seemed to rub off on his classmates

This was because in Petra, healing was easy and common, as the mages here had mastered the production of healing elixirs and potions. They were still expensive by usual standards, but the students summoned by the King had an extraordinary position and didn't have to pay for such elixirs or potions which were given free. 

As such, Ashley had to become a warrior to make himself useful, but without the ability to use aura

While the majority of his classmates were C classes, which were the weakest among them, since the warriors could still use aura like that of a local warrior, they were still in a better position than Ashley, who was completely human in battle ability!

They were there for two weeks, and every two days or so, they had to fight a beast horde, rampaging towards the capital

This was part of training, and most of the students excelled, even those who were C Ranked

Some received injuries, even severe ones where limbs were amputated. But with the help of healing potions, they quickly regrew their limbs

As for Ashley, he seemed to be injured every time. However, he didn't want anyone to see his injuries, as he didn't want to show weakness

Instead, he healed himself, and started getting used to the process of injury and healing every few days


Ashley woke up alone, in bed

They were given their own rooms by the King, and Ashley had been living with Tiffany

Although there were no modern technology, with magic this place had lights at night, and running water for functional toilets

And being able to be with Tiffany made living here bearable for Ashley

When he was younger, he was always bullied for having supposedly a girl's name, even though his parents insisted the name was also a boy's name. Only when he was in middle school, did his friends stop bullying him about his name.

But now, he was isolated and felt the way he used to feel when younger. And like in his younger days, Tiffany was his survival

They slept half naked with only underwear on, but Tiffany had allowed him to play and even suckle her breasts

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She still didn't allow him to fuck her, but she did occasionally give him blowjobs, and let him enter her with his fingers

She was rather bad at sucking him at first, but she became good in a short time

Perhaps her abilities to learn and absorb moves allowed her to learn this as well

While the time spent together with Tiffany was heaven to him, outside their room, he suffered badly

Nobody knew he was severely injured in battle all the time, as he had been hiding his injuries, and his classmates were isolating him and sniggering at him behind his back

While Tiffany still treated him well as his girlfriend, she was sent on missions or training all the time, so he barely saw her outside their bedroom

Tiffany, William and Archie didn't need the other members for missions, as each of them was a weapon of mass destruction. 

Even then. there were some nights she didn't come back from missions till nights later even as he stayed up several nights in a row

Melissa was his other friend that didn't isolate him

She grew concerned when one day, during a mission together, she saw him injured, barely breathing with his legs torn off

But as she approached, he painfully started healing himself just as she arrived

"Ple..ase don't tell anyone" Ashley said, putting his legs in place. Rejoining body parts was less painful than growing new ones

"Oh Ashley..." Melissa said, tearing up

She cast a buff that removes pain on him, and he sat up as he healed

"Why didn't you ay anything?" Melissa asked

"I didn't want Tiffany to know" he replied

"About Tiffany..." Melissa said

"She has been sent to train with another of the 10 Swords, why?" Ashley asked

"Erm.. so you know. Nevermind" Melissa said, unable to tell him that she had accidentally seen Tiffany's "training" with Sir Andreas

Their regular training also included naked sessions of swordfighting before sex, as the physical exertion exited both swordsmen, leaving Sir Andreas with a full erection and Tiffany dripping wet

Melissa only managed to catch a glimpse, before fleeing. Two great swordmasters could have easily caught anyone else, but Melissa quickly buffed herself with invisibility and speed, and managed to disappear before the two swordmasters slashed her direction and found nothing there. 

In fact, there were also rumors what Tiffany, William and Archie did on their special missions

William and Archie certainly boasted to their friends about taking turns fucking her.

The fact that all of them were in a different dimension, with special abilities and power, made everyone give in to their lusts

Everyone in class has given in to their lusts, even Melissa herself. And this included Mr Radcliffe, their teacher, who fucked several of his students!

Like Tiffany, who only fucked really powerful fighters, Melissa was choosy to, and only fucked two guys that she liked from class. 

The only one oblivious to this was Ashley himself, as everyone pitied him, especially Tiffany.

She did have feelings for him, but the power and adrenaline, together with dangerous missions and physical activity, made her extra horny when with powerful men, and she gave in to her lusts. 

And Ashley, being a human level weak fighter, didn't excite her sexually. 

However, this situation didn't make the rest of the class happy, especially the lower ranked A, B and C classes who hasn't manage to fucked Tiffany. Only the S Ranks, and the many 10 Swordsmen who had trained her has, and also Tommy, who hasn't told anyone and took her virginity. 

If Ashley wasn't keeping Tiffany in the room with him playing house, perhaps they would have their chance with her!

And so, while having an orgy with several of their classmates, the boys schemed to get rid of Ashley, their classmate with the girl's name!


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