The Accursed

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Battle In The Desert

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Medusa didn't like this. They had barely fled a couple of miles when Ashley started convulsing

It was so bad, she accidentally dropped Ashley's body, and Lilith fell to the ground nearby in incredibly agony

It was a wonder how a mortal like Ashley could withstand this without dying, as both powerful demons Medusa and Lilith were struggling

And Ashley's body was convulsing, shooting blood from his eyes and groin, while Lilith was spurting blood from Ashley's cock that she held inside her pussy

"Attach it! He's attracting too much attention with his blood" Medusa yelled at her and Lilith reluctantly tried to reattach it to his groin

But his power wasn't turning on, and the cock fell next to his body

Ashley convulsed in pain as it affected both of them badly

Medusa grimaced in pain as she looked around them, as giant scorpions started congregating above the dunes, looking down on them like prey

"You.... dare!" Medusa growled angrily, shooting beams of energy from each of her 6 hands, killing monsters all around them

Lilith crawled towards them and turned around, shooting bolts out of her eyes at them

Both of them were affected as Ashley stopped breathing again, and Lilith had to give him mouth to mouth in order for she herself to breathe

Medusa got up from choking, only to punch a large beast that had pounced on her

"Inferior scum!" Lilith turned around angrily smashing the shell of one of the monsters that jumped on her

Suddenly, the scorpions seemed to turn around and were attacked by another force!

The S Ranked heroes William and Archie jumped over the dunes and attacked, followed by the A and B Rankers

They started killing the scorpions. before seeing Medusa and Lilith in their demon forms

"Demons!" William yelled and charged engaging Medusa as Archie took on Lilith

Several powerful A Ranks joined in the attack

In the midst of battle, nobody noticed the bloodied body, lying under sand that the battle blew on him

Medusa and Lilith easily blocked their attacks, but they both convulsed in pain whenever Ashley did the same

Just then, Tiffany walked over the dune, guided by Melissa who was babysitting her

"Demon!" she yelled, recognizing Lilith and charged with all her might

Lilith, caught by surprise, was knocked back by Tiffany, her sword piercing through Lilith's hand

The attack also pushed Melissa over the dune, causing her to tumble down

She rolled and landed on to Ashley's prone body

He silently coughed out blood, like water being pushed out of a water balloon

Medusa and Lilith choked as William pierced her chest with her spear and Archie's axe chopped one of her arms off

Lilith managed to hold on to Tiffany's sword that was impaled through her hand, but Tiffany kicked her in the stomach

"Where is Ashley!" Tiffany yelled in anger

"Far from you, bitch" Lilith growled

Where did that come from, Lilith wondered. She was a succubus! Sleeping around is what she does. Why was she judging this young teen?

"Tell me!" Tiffany charged as she picked up her sword again

Meanwhile, Melissa got up, her hand touching something think and squishy

"What the hell?" she though, thinking she was touching a mushy monster

"Ew" she said, throwing Ashley's penis away

She suddenly realized that she was covered in blood and looked at herself

No, she wasn't injured. She looked and realized there was a body under her, under the sand!

She looked at it before gasping

Quickly digging the half submerged body from the sand, she saw what looked like a man, with gold chains all around, and restraints on his nipples, wrists and neck, with especially brutal restrains around his genitals and eyes

It looked like the ones on his genitals had cut his penis off, leaving only his testicles, and it pierced his body at the perineum!

It was then that she recognized him

"A... Ashley?" she gasped

She didn't know what to do as he was unresponsive, but she immediately started looking for his penis that she threw away

The battle was still going on, but was moving away, so she thought it would be best to move the opposite direction

She picked Ashley on her shoulder and dragged him along

Not having pockets, she put his penis into her bra under her clothes as she got out of there with him

Medusa usually would handle these youngsters with ease, but she was having trouble breathing as apparently Ashley wasn't breathing, and she kept convulsing

Lilith fared no better as Tiffany managed to slice her several places on her body

She looked around and found that Ashley was nowhere to be seen!

"Ashley!" she called out

This stunned Tiffany, causing her to hesitate as Lilith managed to fly away

Medusa knocked William and Archie away with a blow and as she saw Lilith leaving, she flew into the air and followed her

"What are you doing?" she called mentally

"I.. We lost Ashley! He's no longer here!" Lilith said as she landed at the original spot, covered with a massive amount of blood

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"We can't stay here. We'll come back for him" Medusa said

Lilith looked at her and nodded

Neither were attached to him, but somehow they took care of him

But now, maybe the humans have gotten him. And they were in no position to look for him anyway. 

As such, they fled into the night


Melissa found a cave, and was casting spell after spell, trying to heal Ashley and trying to remove the awful bindings

She managed to reattach his dick, and it felt much bigger than when she held it when they were initially summoned

She has had sex a few times with other guys, but she somehow still dreamt of Ashley, as his dick was the first she has touched

But now, it was much larger, so large she was holding it with both hands, and there was still some length poking out from her hands!

But as it reattached, it kept falling off after a while

"Oh Ashley! Those...monsters, what did they do to you?" she said, thinking that Medusa and Lilith did this to him

She looked outside and saw the giant scorpions returning

"Shit!" she said and shoved the penis in her bra again, dragging Ashley further into the cave to look for a hiding place

The "cave" turned out to be an ancient building, looking like an old temple

The wind must have blown away the sand covering the entrance

"Shit! I'm in the cave that is the cause of the beast horde!" she thought

She quickly cast a spell of strength and speed on herself, picking Ashley up easily and running 

She heard a growl nearby and turned to look

She was surprised by a beast from the dark, pouncing on them

They tumbled down the side of the cave, down a long slippery tunnel!

The monster was a cat of some sort and as they tumbled, Ashley landed on top of the monster facing it, while Melissa landed on him and the 3 of them slid down the rocky tunnel like a roller coaster!

Melissa screamed but was unable to stop the slide

The beast tried to move but the friction started scraping off skin and bone, leaving a bloody stain all the way down

Melissa watched in horror as the cat monster whimpered and died, becoming a stain on the rock floor

She cried as the cat disappeared and the next was Ashley's body, lying face down facing the rock

But the golden bindings saved most of his body, leaving very little actually touching the rock, save his nose, lips and parts of his chest and knees

The eye binds, nipple binds and chains, and even the groin bind saved him as most of the contact was by the golden magical bindings

There were also part of the cat monster's fur stuck on him and taking the brunt of the scraping

Melissa realized this after a while and realized his penis would have been grounded to a smear if it was not hidden in her bra and still attached

The ride got bumpier and Melissa realized that her breasts were bouncing around too much as she managed to catch the penis in mid air!

"Shit! Nearly lost it" she said, putting it up her dress and pinning it to herself inside her panties, held by the elastic band at her waist

The ride ended when they were shot in the air at the bottom of the tunnel and they both landed on a patch of moss

Melissa groaned in pain, slowly getting up 

"Ooh" she said, feeling something inside her pussy

She lifted her dress and looked in her panties, pulling the penis out of her

"If you would have let me, you would have been my first" Melissa sighed as she looked around for Ashley

She gasped in shock, seeing Ashley's body, bent and broken in unnatural positions

"Oh Ashley" she said, turning him around

He was even more unrecognizable now, without a nose, and parts of his chin and mouth missing


The S Ranks discovered Medusa and Lilith, unconscious in the sand

Although Ashley's injuries were not emulated by their bodies, they felt as if they were

For example if his arm was broken, they would feel the same pain and were unable to use that arm as if its broken

Now, Ashley's whole body was broken, and virtually every bone shattered

Medusa and Lilith were paralyzed!

"Hahaha we got them" William said, using Medusa's severed arm to slap her. He had kept it as a souvenir, and was surprised when they discovered the demons unconscious in the sand

Tiffany walked up to Lilith, using her sword to cut off her clothes

She pierced her sword into her pussy, cutting the front and back parts of her hole by not driving it too deep yet

"Now wake up! Where is Ashley?" she demanded, shoving the sword it ever more deeply

Suddenly, they heard one of the classmates call out Melissa's name

"Everyone. Help look for Melissa. She's missing!" he said

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