The Accursed

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Third Encounter at the Crypt of Blood

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"Ashley! Ashley! Please wake up" Melissa said, using strips of her dress to try to bandage up and place stints on as many places that made sense.

By now her dress was in tatters, and her bra and panties were revealed as the dress was practically useless

She knew her efforts were futile, but she felt that he was alive, and that he was breathing ever so slightly

Ashley's mind had shut down, and he didn't feel his injuries, no matter how severe they were

His powers were operating at the very lowest limits, under 1%, and that just barely kept him alive

Even Medusa and Lilith never received any healing, unlike before

Unfortunately for them, they would never have gotten so badly hurt, if not for Ashley's injuries, and got them easily captured by the humans

Even so, they were paralyzed and unable to move!

By right, their bodies were fine, and they could recover by their own powers. But they could not recover Ashley's injures, especially when he was out of reach

Melissa desperately tried to heal him, and try to wake him up, but to no avail

Suddenly, she heard a muffled voice

"Who's there?" she said, scared as she wasn't a battle mage

"Mmph" she head again

Curious, she placed Ashley gently on the moss and moved around to explore

To her shock, around the corner was a platform, with a naked woman in the middle!

She was standing with her arms chained around her back, pulled high so she remained standing

She was chained by a golden chain at her ankles to the ground and her mouth was bound by a golden binding 

"Those monsters! They did this to you too?" she said, assuming the two demons did the same to this woman as they did to Ashley

She rushed to the woman, and found that while the ankle bindings and mouth bindings were made of gold, the chain painfully pulling her arms behind her were made of normal metal

Nevertheless, the woman was tortured and could not get out

"Wait... try now!" Melissa said, casting a spell on her

Strength flowed through her limbs and the woman snapped the chains, freeing her hands as she rubbed her naked shoulders out of soreness

But she was still stuck and Melissa tried several more times, but the woman was unable to free herself from the golden bindings


They were both being interrogated separately, but as Ashley was unable to speak, they were unable to speak too

Medusa was badly tortured, as her breasts were brutally chopped off and three of her wrists on her arms were cut off as a threat. This was besides the arm that was chopped off, but she still wouldn't or couldn't answer, staring at them blankly

They had blindfolded her and cut off all her snake hair after she petrified the first interrogator and had cut off her breasts

Lilith on the other hand was seated in another room, tied by magic to a chair

Tiffany had mutilated her pussy and had cut off her horns, tail, wings and nipples, but she too wouldn't talk

Lilith wanted to attack her, but her body won't move

"This, this sadistic bitch is your beloved? You can do better Ashley" Lilith screamed in her mind

Suddenly, as if answering her, Ashley's mind suddenly awakened and looked at Tiffany from Lilith's eyes

Ashley suddenly convulsed again in pain and the two demons convulsed too, vomiting blood and bending their bodies so harshly that their bindings snapped

"How... Those are Bonds of Malgador! Tower Master Delgado himself taught me this. Its the strongest magical binding known to man!" the mage said in panic as he cast it again

In the hidden crypt, Ashley reacted as his body started healing itself at a fast rate

Simultaneously, Medusa and Lilith stood up, as their injuries from the battle, as well as from their torture recovered before the interrogator's eyes

'They are getting away!" one of the interrogators yelled

At the same time, both Medusa and Lilith swung their arms, breaking the silver Bonds of Malgador and easily casing everyone, including the S Ranks aside

"Ashley's love is wasted on you" Lilith said, before sprouting healed wings and flying away, causing a hole in the ceiling

Medusa met her in the air as they flew away

"Mmmmrph" the woman in the cave tried to say, and Melissa turned around in fear, scared that some other monster had joined her

Instead she saw Ashley suddenly standing there

"Ashley!" she cried, hugging him tightly

He was confused, and slowly hugged him back

"It's me, Melissa! Remember?" she said, knowing he was blind

"Meli...ssa?" he said with a raspy voice

It was really him! His voice was proof of that

"Melissa" he said, suddenly grabbing her breasts with his hands

"Oh Ashley!" she said, not pushing his hands away as he fondled them

She wanted to grab him by the cock and relieve the day she remembered about him most, the day she felt they connected

"Oh" she gasped, realizing his dick was severed and inside her pussy

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She was embarrassed and glad that he couldn's see as she lifted her dress and pulled the bloodied dick out of her pussy

It was now drained of blood and looked a bit withered, but it was still longer than it used to be, not looking like an empty rolled out condom

The woman behind her struggled, trying to grab the bloodied dick

"Whoa, stay back!" Melissa said, surprised at the rabid way the woman was behaving

She dodged to the side, way out of the woman's reach

She knelt down in front of him, reattaching the organ as his body started to glow and reattach himself

She knew his powers weren't useless, and had watched him practice by himself from the beginning

"Mmmmph!" the woman screamed, watching this happen

Ashley responded to the noise and walked forwards, holding the woman's breasts

"No... over here" Melissa said, pulling her breasts out of her dress

But Ashley's hand moved upwards to her face, touching the bond on her mouth

"Sorry Melissa. But my heart has always belonged to Tiffany... and she" he said dejectedly, remembering the sight of Tiffany cleaning out her pussy of another man's sperm

"NO!" Medusa and Lilith screamed in mid air

His white power covered both him and the naked woman

All at once, the gold binding disappeared from her mouth and ankles

Gold bonds appeared on his ankles, together with chains 

Bonds appeared in front of his mouth as gold spikes pierced through his tongue, nearly severing it as it covered and secured itself to his face, forming a second golden ring to gag his mouth

Medusa and Lilith screamed, as if their whole mouths were pierced with spikes, and their teeth was broken at the same time

His body instantly tried to heal itself from the golden bonds but failed

Medusa and Lilith, who were holding their mouths in mid air, looked at their hands that were holding their mouths in pain earlier, and rushed towards Ashley

The woman, who was also holding her mouth, looked up at him and flashed her fangs, jumping on him and biting his neck!

Melissa was stunned, realizing that Ashley had released a vampire!

But the vampire felt strange, like she was sucking her own neck, and this boy had a strange vitality in his blood

She moaned in apparent pleasure and her hand reached down, impaling herself on his badly abused cock and started riding him while sucking his blood

Suddenly, there was a crash as two demonic looking woman appeared, looking angry

"Get away from Ashley!" Lilith yelled as juices dripped from her pussy

Apparently, both she and Medusa felt the feelings from his barely attached penis and was experiencing both pain and pleasure

The vampire sensed how powerful the two were, and fled, nearly ripping off his penis with her pussy

She has just been released and was weak, and she felt that she maybe could fight one of them, but not both

"Oh Ashley! What have you done?" Medusa moved to him in an instant and hugged him to her chest

Melissa looked in surprise at the two demonic beings hugging Ashley

They got up to leave with Medusa carrying him

He was literally an invalid now

Lilith looked at Melissa and extended her hand

"Come! I'll get you out of here" Lilith said

Melissa was frightened of these demon women, but she saw how Ashley trusted her and took her hand

She didn't think she could get out of here by herself anyway

Half an hour later, about a mile out of Rockhold, Lilith dropped Melissa off

"I like you more than that sadistic bitch Tiffany anyway" she said as she prepared to take off with Medusa further away with Ashley in her arms

"When can I see him again?" Melissa asked

"Probably never. He sacrificed himself for us, but suffered greatly as a result" Lilith said

"What! But but.." Melissa stammered

"He knows. He is sorry that he could never return your feelings. Please find your own... happiness" Lilith said and flew away

"What do I tell Tiffany?" Melissa asked to the departing Succubus

"He... he doesn't have anything to say to her. He watched everything through my eyes" a voice whispered from far away

Both demon women had already disappeared with the man she has feelings for

She looked to the sky and suddenly saw another figure flying after them

She couldn't do anything about it anyway. 

She turned around and started walking to Rockhold

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