The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 20: The final bark down(Chapter 12 part final)

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Emicha would wake up and would throw Pudding a bone to snack on as they were going to practice their bubble magic to make it a little stronger and even think of some new attack spells or non-attacking spells. As she walked, Several goblins waved to her as she waved back and continued her walk to the training grounds of this slowly growing village that is beginning to trust their leader more and more as time passes. Emicha made a floppy and wet entrance to the repaired training yard since she had to throw and face planted into a pool of water cause she forgot they need a good ol coating of it to live on land, and now they are indeed ready to train. 

She took out her Magic oak Staff(E+) and began experimenting with her bubble magic by trying and sometimes failing to make other shapes that are not a circle or a square. Emicha kept getting frustrated and almost had a fit before getting bonked on the head, and a new face in light armor appeared in front of her.

Goblin(Trainer): Stop whining like a child leader. If you want help with training, you forget I usually help fellow goblins and the old dead leader. Names Galbo Ham and I Galbo Ham is the only battle trainer. I seen you fight, and you did it poorly, badly, and almost got you and tamed pet turned into food for the wolves.

Emicha would lift herself, and her mind wanted to argue, but stopped once they noticed the weird-looking face they couldn't explain and talking back would not go anywhere nor saying "Her bubbles will save her."

Emicha: I want to become strong and become better with magic. Can you Galbo help Emicha become better at not becoming a toy for walking on fours food?

Galbo Ham(trainer): Alright, but I am not going easy on you cause you are a leader and are young. Now put away your weapon and go into a fighting stance.

Emicha looked confused from the unknown words before putting away her staff and then going into a fighting stance that only had her ten tentacles raised around her and not her hands. Like how Galbo Ham wanted her too and caused them to walk over to her, gently take her hands and fix her stance. Galbo kept fixing it until Emicha finally got it somewhat right and would stand a couple of feet away in a Fighting Stance.

But before anything could happen, A loud crash and crumble could be heard, and quickly Emicha. Finally, Pudding ran over to see something huge.  a 10 foot tall, black fur, a Scar on the left eye, and red eyes were looking at the 4ft5 female goblin butcher with a sharp cleaver cook was scared for their life. The Alpha night wolf(Or Night for short) was angry and had enough of their brothers and sisters killed, chopped up, and used.

Now they will free the captured night wolves and kill all of these little green men who have taken their brothers and used them in ways he understands little. Emicha feeling a little angy, would panic a little and shout for any guards or anyone to help before firing a small barrage of mini bubble lances at the wolf. At the same time, they are getting closer to the cook to help their boss/friend out and not just hide away and cower.

Emicha(A little scared): Now, let's see what we are dealing with right now.

She activated her unique eyes and then saw a message which made her confidence drop heavily. 

The system can't display the stats or moves of the boss due to the level and power difference.  please run away or-

She quickly swiped it away before feeling the weight of a several-pound unit of a night wolf tackle her into the dungeon wall. Emicha felt their body shrivel in pain as they got back up quickly to see the Night wolf howling loudly, and several smaller and weaker copies of it appeared to fight the goblin villagers.

But they were also prepared as several were on top of leather padded Night wolves who were tamed when the now-dead leader told them to do it as a play of power.

Goblin(Guard Captin): don't worry, leader, we will fight with you! Wolf riders, help your leader and fellow goblins! Fight and defend!

He lets out a roaring cry which buffed all friendly allies and gave them some morale. Emicha smiled as they got their magic staff out and began to use her newfound confidence to run into battle, which might end badly for everyone. Meanwhile, the dungeon master is getting their maid to make popcorn as this small-scale battle will be great entertainment.

Dungeon master(Weeb): Now final test. Can you survive my[Big shot] Alpha Night wolf buffed by my power? Now Mellow, let's watch some fighting.

He said as Mellow sat next to him and began to eat some popcorn with their master as they watched the battle unfold. Emicha was now fighting two-night wolf clones and began using her bubble magic to create large cubes of bubbles that flew to the two fake night wolves, where one of them dodged quickly while the other got hit but took minor damage. Emicha would rush over to try to entangle both of them with her tentacles while making sure Pudding, who was fighting with her, was protected and getting much more robust since the last fight they had with some night wolves.

Pudding would jump toward a fake night wolf and expand to a large size(Small rock) and try to consume the attacked fake wolf, it worked, but they got bitten a few times in the process. But karma hit like a bitch when the friendly butcher goblin sliced fake wolves with their meat cleaver.

Butcher Goblin: Come on! Get back into battle and fight the real one with the captain!

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She yells before charging back into the growing small army of fake/Clone night wolves which continued to grow in numbers as the Alpha Night wolf now faced the Captin goblin who wore E+ copper armor and is riding on an armored night wolf. He was sizing up the Massive Alpha wolf and was going to attack, but suddenly Emicha appeared next to him, and Pudding was busy being a glutton whose stomach can't be complete by the fake night wolves.

Emicha: I-i will help you out. 

Emicha stutters as the Alpha night wolf once more looks down on them and lets out a loud and stunning howl as several goblins are now paralyzed along with its fakes and a couple of their ridden brothers. They then charged towards the captain with the intent of a massive bite to the arm while two impostors went out to the flank. Emicha noticed this and quickly and hastily created a Large cubed bubble to protect the Captin goblin while firing a barrage of cubed magic bubbles to knock both fake night wolves into a wall to knock them out a bit.

It was a mistake as something crunched onto her arm, and they let out a scream before two villager goblins killed the fake wolf with copper-tipped spears. Both dashed towards the Alpha wolf as a distraction, and meanwhile, Pudding split into three small derpy-looking night wolves, which began mimicking tactics of the night wolves in this battle to even things out a bit. The battle lasted 20 minutes, and six goblins died, and ten were injured and unable to battle. Meanwhile, Emicha looks at her bleeding arm as hunger increases in her empty stomach.

Emicha, deep into her mind and moment licked and sucked up her blood, began to feel less hungry and the monster size of her mind began to take over as they drank more blood and their mind and body changed. The Alpha Wolf began to notice something was off and saw that dreaded leader drinking her blood, thinking it was an easy kill. They charged with fury in their eyes and would ignore the many sharp weapons, slashes, and arrows in their body as they went for a killing blow.

But Emicha would quickly move out of the way, sacrificing a tentacle as they felt a burst of power flow through them as the blood-filled their mind and stomach. (I will show the status to see the changes)

Name: Emicha
Race: Bubble Squid(Younglet
Class: Bubble Mage Lv2
Monster Core:(Tiny-)
Status: Full stomach, controlled feral(Low)
Threat level: E+
Titles: Deep ReadingLv1,Quick Accpetince(Lv1),Goddess's Intrest(Hidden),New Ruler
Age:1 year old
Height:3.9 feet
Exp: 3670/4685
Gender: Female
Intelligence:43(divide by 2)
HP:102/102(9.6 Hp every hour)
SP:175/85(4.5 every hour)
MP400/75(5.2 every 15 minutes)(Maxed Mana reached)
Skills:AppraisalLv6(Rank:0),Bubble TrapLv7(Rank:0),Blocky BubblesLv5(Rank:0),Bubble KnifeLv1(Rank:0)

Passive:CommonerLv7(Rank:0), NobilityLv7(Rank:0), Mana ControlLv4(Rank:1),ManaShapingLv16(Rank:0),ButcherLv5(Rank:0),Mana PoolLv3(Rank:0), Dual Weild ProficiencyLv6(Rank:0),StealthLv3(Rank:0),CrafterLv3(Rank:0), Goblin Language Lv9(Rank:0), MathmaticsLv1(Rank:0), BotonistLv1(Rank:0), Iron BellyLv2(Rank:0), Poison ResistinceLv4(Rank0), GuttonyLv1(Rank:N/A), 

Racial Skills:SwimmingLv5(Rank:1),TentacleControlLv8(Rank:1),BubbleMagicLv15(Rank:0),Serrated TeethLv6(Rank:0), Tight ConstrictLv2(Rank:0),Egg LayingLv2(Rank:0)

Emicha would gulp up the bitten off tentacle bits and would make a cute grin before taking out choppers cleaver, which began to be covered in a thin layer of bubbles that turned the Choppers cleaver sharp.

Emicha?: Thank you very much, mister wolf. Now please become my feast!

A burst of magic bubbles blasted under her now nine tentacles, and they would appear quicker than what the still blinded by anger Alpha wolf could see. It felt their leg torn apart as Emicha, a few still standing goblin villagers, and the captain who all gained battle moral, so they decided to help their leader out. Emicha Choppers cleaver did devastating damage plus magic damage to the back left leg, which now had a massive gash. The goblin villagers copper-tipped arrows hit the Alpha wolf's body, dealing minor damage but causing small wounds to open. Captan, meanwhile, was charging at the legs and did a sweeping strike once the Alpha night wolf winced in pain.

Alpha wolf(barking noises): Dam it all! The pain I can't ignore, the bleeding I can't miss it, this dam thing with bubbles that are laughing and having fun they can['t ignore it any longer. No, I will-!

Emicha(?) would continue using excessive amounts of her Mana to boost their speed and excellent chunk to continue having fun and Using the Choppers cleaver to cut large gashes and wounds before landing a couple of feet away. The closely downed wolf who killed a lot and was injured in this battle lasted 45 minutes from both sides' struggle to lose.

Emicha(?): oh, so much fun with bubbles! You made my day by letting me play, eat food, and have fun fighting. Now time to butcher and let the other me evolve once they wake up.

She would jump back before using all of her Mana to create a massive edge to Choppers Cleaver, before throwing it at the monster before passing out from mana exhaustion and excessive blood lust. Pudding bounced on top of them as they got worried when they saw them fall. The Alpha wolf felt their body cleave into two and would lay down dead in a pool of its blood, meat, and bones. The goblins who are alive cheered for their leader, and some noticed they were out cold, and the goblin trainer(Or Ham for short) picked them up and brought the sleepy girl back to their tent.

The battle is won, but many goblins who are alive began making graves for their dead brothers. The butcher started collecting the meat with their only worker. Well,l the blacksmith would scavenge the body and find a Monster core(D- quality core) and tiny shards of Mana gems and choppers cleaver, which requires repairs and a bit of sharpening.

The Dungeon master smiles before falling asleep as watching for this long made them tired, and Mellow would secretly give the goblins more resources as they slowly notice they will not make it without it. Mellow then began cleaning the massive rooms while not knowing the bubble squid would evolve into more robust. (Chapter ends)

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