The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 21: Monster and Human Holiday(non cannon Holiday Special)

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In Massive village with a population of 3 thousand, has a guildhall, and has a decent economy. Something extraordinary was happening, and it was the day of Christmas, and many villagers were decorating the village and getting things ready for the festive. But importantly, the town leader is opening up to other races joining and sharing their culture and food to increase trade and make them like us even more.

Leader Teddy (Joyful): finally, today is the day of Christmas! The Assistant tells me what we have plans for today?

Assistant(Cat beastkin): Well Sir, we need to prepare and clean up the dining hall as we need to have it in top shape for the Holiday party. Also, some of the monster races are joining us today to share the food of their culture.

Leader Teddy: Ahh, good, and I hope it goes better last time when we invited monsters who honestly had not done anything to our town. Savage adventurers killed most of the guests cause they were a City goblin, or one of the many Orc's who is not a wild children and not educated in the seems of having manners. I am not dealing with that shit, so if an adventurer from a guild wants to join, I want you to ask them to sign a permit before ending this village.

Assistant: Now ill get some people from the town to help set things up, and you finish the legal papers of having intelligent monsters in our city.

Before sitting down at the desk, Teddy would not begin using some ink and a feather to start the dreaded paperwork. A Bubble Squid with 100 goblin's from a village was walking in deep white snow and towards a town in the distance.

Emicha(Goblin Leader): Alright, Friends, we got this tasty Alpha wolf meat inside my Magic bag, and I need all of you to behave. Also, Galbo is using the map cause I can't read them.

Galbo: Yea, what our Adorrible leader said just now, Alright, let's Move forward and don't drop those goblin Drinks since the chef worked on them for weeks up until this moment.

Up north, Emicha had brought a lot of her friends along with a massive roasted Alpha Shadow Wolf that they killed by accident by an Axe Throwing competition. A group of Humanoid slimes was East and a couple of miles away, and the Big Daddy King Slime and their Wife Queen Slime were all Icey Blue. Since it's winter, both of them plus 10 of their guard slimes adapted to the situation and became something tough to fucking see if you don't see the Weird looking jello movin.

King Slime: I Say I hope they like our famous Royal Jelly cake, and my Honey Jell was cute when making it.

Queen Slime: Oh you(Blushes and hugs King Slime)

The guards groaned but continued with the lovely couple, and the Royal Jellycake was being covered up by cloth and carried by six guards via massive silver plate. The last group was an enormous family of Hybrids(Half Goblin and Half-Elf), a gigantic medieval city that brought some rare dried meats and fruity drinks, which they think will highlight the holiday feast. Honestly, they only came over after a disaster of the murder hobo incident.

All three groups arrived at the destination and inside the town hall, finishing with decorations. Someone in a snazzy black suit bowed to all of them.

Black suit Girl: Hello lovely guests. welcome to-

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Emicha would rush in as they saw the pretty lights calling to her. The dozens of goblins followed as they quickly put the massive ass silver platter of cooked Alpha wolf meat onto the very long hardwood table. The Girl in the black suit sighs and lets everyone in who goes over to the slowly growing snack/drink/food table to add different foods and the many main dishes, which are still hot and tasty.

Gobo stopped Emicha hugging the super bright and would shake them to snap out of the entranced state, which almost got them turned into grilled food.

Gobo: Leader, please don't embarrass yourself again. I swear you need to stop jumping at anything bright or bubble-looking. 

Emicha: Ok, Ham ill try my best not to go to the pretty lights. Now then, how about we talk to some tremendous non-goblins. I want to make a new frie-

Emicha was interrupted as one of many of the old Goblin king's senior servants (Shade) looked at Emicha in shocked eyes and other monsters who knew Shade. But this new leader is so much different than they had not heard the news Shade either died or fucked off somewhere else.

Suited Servant: U-um, what happened to Shade miss?

Emicha(Good mood): Oh, I killed him and then ate him. Who are you?

Old Servant: Oh, I was one of  Shade's senior servants. But Since you are here, may I ask what you want to eat?

Emicha: oh, I would love a meat platter with bones, please.

The Old servant and a few others who already liked this new leader would go into the kitchen to make the food. As time passed, other monster leaders, dozens of guards, and villagers, mixed with a couple of humans from the village, were having a good time with the music and food. Honestly, it was a fantastic night, and Emciha and Pudding have finally woken up at the sound of food being crunched and joined in with Emicha. After hours of partying, getting full of drinks and food, along with getting their presents. Everyone would slowly leave, and Emicha got more new friends, the King and Queen Slime had a great time, and so much good stuff and food was tried out and liked.

Leader Teddy: That was the best Christmas party I had, Maria. Hoped you enjoyed it since I wanted you to relax a little for once.

Assistant Maria: Yea, I did enjoy it a lot. Now, let's clean up this place, and let's get some shut-eye.

Teddy would not as they and other villagers helped clean the entire town hall, put up the decorations, and finally go to their separate homes, get some sleep, and enjoy some good memories.

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