The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon.

Chapter 22: Second evolution and Leaving Home(chapter 13)

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Emicha was still asleep in their bed as it's been two weeks (Dungeon time) ever since the battle happened, and at that time, the village of goblins was rebuilding and making graves for their fallen brothers and sisters. Puddin was worried about their master and never left their side for a good long time and questioned when they would wake up. Emicha right now was talking to Emicha(?) in the mindscape, and both were busy thinking deep thoughts on leaving the dungeon, what to do now, and questioning what to evolve this time.

Emicha(?): So we got four options for our evolution. What do you think sounds good?

Emicha: Lets see cuter Me.

Evolution options

1. Mana Bubble Squid(Uncommon, Unique): bubble Squids who matured to Juveniles can now have a larger Mana pool, strength, and tentacle linked with Mana for better magic control. But this evolution makes the User physically weaker considerably, and they have a meager chance of gaining another growth. But a good opportunity for the Evolution of the Core and mind to grow and evolve faster. Warning Mana core is easily damaged, and any chopped-off tentacles hinder magic control(Per tentacle chopped).
2. Magic Butcher Bubble Squid(Uncommon, Unique): A Bubble Squid who explores the world of meats and the tasting of meaty foods. Their sharp cleaver or knife can collect Unique meat from enemies, temporarily increasing strength, Dexterity, or luck. But the chance of becoming ravenous with hunger increases along with a significant decrease in Mana pool and Intelligence as you become more brute than the brain.

3. Scholar Bubble Squid(Rare, Unique): A New form of bubble Squid who have learned from Life, read books, and have accepted their inner self. All Mana-related skills(Ie, Mana shaping, Mana sharpening, and Mana Manipulation)will be learned and combined into one single skill meant for efficient Mana control.

These Bubble Squids are unknown, but rumors say they can learn languages quickly, understand magic faster, and become mentally more stable. The books you read also have a greater chance of giving a point in the intelligence stat and rarely other stats(by one end). However, Stamina and Mana will be consumed faster due to becoming a balanced mind, body, and core evolution. Greater Chance of evolving further and changing Bubble Mage to bubble Scholar. (Have Intelligence of 40 or higher, read four or more books, and know four or more magic spells.)

4. Half Siren Bubble Squid(V.Rare, Unique): A scarce sight of a Bubble Squid moving towards the Siren Family to become more mature, Much cuter, and some skills disappear for a higher Charisma stat and Charisma-based skills. This Bubble Squid is made to hunt prey with an alluring song and then drown the people dumb enough to be near bodies of water. Everything is balanced, and nothing much changed, other than losing some combat skills or passives in trade for Charisma-based skills. but keeps any bubble-related skills and core changes into a heart-shaped core. (Needs 18 Charisma or Higher, Have charmed others or have 50 plus people who a friendly towards you)

Emicha: I am not sure to choose between The Half Siren and the Scholar Bubble Squid.

Emicha(?): Hmm, Agreed. Alright, let's choose via hoop bubble, where ever the bubble hoops in becomes the choice.

Emicha nods before the mindscape changes to a bubble court, and Emicha(?) and Emicha both have large, durable bubbles in their tiny hand. Both threw it simultaneously, and after a minute of floating, both hit the fourth option, and they looked at each other with a smile. They hugged each other as the thought of friends filled their minds as they selected the fourth option, and their bodies began to mature and change very differently.

Puddin see their master's glowing body, and quickly they plop over and onto a table to watch them. Their tentacles changed to better fit movement on land and water. The body grew more considerable than a young adult's but still looks a little immature. Hair changed to a different shade of blue, along with a pair of working gills behind their hair to filter in water, and the air grew. Many goblins see the light shine from the leader's tent and rush in to see their development of a much stronger leader. Emicha wakes up, and their eyes open and flutter as they stand up from the bed with their more muscular arms.

Emicha(Tired Voice): Oh, what just happened? I feel great and much cuter than ever.

Everyone in the tent was in shock as their leader looked very much different on looks and everywhere else, except being very hungry right now from the stomach grumbles.
(What everyone is seeing right now)

You are reading story The Adventure of a Water type monster in a dungeon. at

Emicha: Can someone bring me a large amount of food, please? I am hungry.

She gives a cute wink, and the goblins leave the tent to make a massive meal for their leader. Puddin, meanwhile, jumps into their new head of hair to snuggle. Emicha, now much older, looked at her new status to see some things had changed just like how evolution said it would.

Name: Emicha
Race: Bubble Squid(Young adult)
Class: Bubble Mage Lv2
Monster Core: Heart Shaped(Small-)
Status: hungry
Threat level: D-
Titles: Deep ReadingLv1,Quick Accpetince(Lv1),Goddess's Intrest(Hidden),New Ruler
Age:6 year old(Young Adult)
Height:5.4 feet
Exp: 0/10,250
Gender: Female
HP:165/165(12.8 Hp every hour)
SP:10/150(12.5 every hour)
MP350/350(35 every 2 5 minutes)
Skills:AppraisalLv6(Lesser),Bubble TrapLv7(Lesser),Blocky BubblesLv5(Rank:0),Bubble KnifeLv3(Lesser), charming GazeLv1(Lesser), Alureing SongLv1(Lesser).

Passive:CommonerLv7(Lesser), NobilityLv7(lesser), Mana ControlLv4(Apprentice),ManaShapingLv16(Lesser),ButcherLv5(Lesser),Mana PoolLv3(Lesser), StealthLv7(Lesser), Goblin Language Lv9(Lesser), MathmaticsLv1(Lesser), BotonistLv1(Lesser), Iron BellyLv2(Lesser), Poison ResistinceLv4(Lesser), GuttonyLv2(Rank:N/A), Siren CharmsLv1(N/A)

Racial Skills:SwimmingLv5(Apprentice),TentacleControlLv8(Lesser),BubbleMagicLv15(Lesser),Serrated TeethLv8(Lesser), Tight ConstrictLv4(Lesser),Egg LayingLv2(Lesser)

The Screen closed, and Emicha would walk outside and see a gigantic feast of good food groups, and she began to go to town without saying another word. Many goblins celebrated with more balanced diet feasts, Puddin would be busy evolving in the tent, as they got a ton of experience from fighting, and The blacksmith had a special surprise for their loved leader. An hour passed, and a clean-up later, Emicha would sit onto her outside thone and make a loud but charming noise that caught all of her citizens/friends' attention quickly.

Emicha: Well, everyone, I would like to say I want to leave this dungeon due to recent events. I can't train myself or my loved bubble magic as solid and scary monsters might keep appearing, so if you want to join me, then do so, and if not. Then stay here and survive against whoever tries killing more of our people.

Her Voice sounded calming due to her siren charms, but her friends understood the words said from their mouths and in a surprising move. All of them would go on one knee, and all would say this to their leader, who they now fully trust with their lives.

Entire Goblin village: We will follow you to the end of time, our cute leader! We will follow you and call you our Queen!

Emicha would have tears in her eyes, and a shining message appeared in front of Emicha's teary eyes, But they ignored it for now as they got up and began helping her people pack up. The Dungeon Master watches as carrier Night Wolves have large bags full of food, building supplies, and anything they can carry. The Dungeon master smiles and allows the entrance to leave, despite a dumb move in Mellow's mind. The dungeon master chose to do this as they had gotten bored of these goblins and wanted them to leave and never come back. And they hope it stays that way.

Dungeon Master(Weeb): always I wouldn't say I liked those monsters on that dungeon floor. It annoyed me that they did not reenact my favorite anime scene where everyone dies, and the leader kills the wolf and parts from their wounds. I want them to leave this place and change this dungeon floor into something else.

Mellow: Master, I thought it was great for them to survive and grow stronger. 

Dungeon master would ignore them and watch a massive migration of Goblin guards, Goblin peasants, and leader began leaving and abandoning their village, which had nothing left to loot. Slowly they moved forward, and no monsters came to fight them, which was strange, but hours passed(Dungeong timezone). They all saw a bright shining light in the sky that felt more real than the light in the dungeon, and so their leader, now Queen Emicha, would move over the horizon. And would now start exploring this new world and maybe find a new place to call home. (Chapter end)

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