The adventure of a water type Monster(edit edition)

Chapter 6: Side Story 2: Emicha Accepts Her Monster Self.

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Emicha felt something stirring up inside them, but she proceeded to shake her head and ignore the feeling as they continued to use their tentacles to walk down the large, open plains of the second floor. Her hunger combined with a lack of food has been making her want to go out, hunt something, and kill it for some tasty MEAT. Confused, she began talking to herself.

Emicha: Bad Emicha. You must act like a good person. don't go acting like a monster and-

Her thoughts were interrupted as a sudden wave of lethargy hit her and she fell unconscious. 

Emicha found herself in deep dark water despite having been in an open field moments before. She began to swim around, curious and scared of where she was. She was unaware that this location was representative of her mind.

Emicha: What is this place? I like the water, but the darkness makes me feel bad.

????: Indeed me. The water is as comforting as the darkness is discomforting.

Emicha let out a momentary scream turning around to see another version of herself. She immediately noticed things were off when Appraisal did not work with the system instead making an error noise. The mindscape then changed to something more comfortable and calm for Emicha, a giant hole of warm water filled with many different-sized rocks and plant life. There were even a few objects shaped like bubbles within.

Reflection: The design of this locale is something that comforts us very much. The reasoning behind me bringing you here is to address something you have been ignoring for some time.

Emicha: What is it about? All I care about is that I survive, eat food, and become stronger. What is with the shark-like teeth and different-

Emicha was shushed before her reflection revealed her true form to her real self. Emicha’s reflection had much longer tentacles, curly ocean blue hair, a mouth filled with four rows made of dozens of small shark-like teeth designed to crush bone and meat, and bright blue eyes. Her reflection now resembled an older version of Emicha, even adopting a similar personality.

Reflection: Let us first play a game before we discuss a deal that will make you into a stronger monster. This should not have been necessary, but the system made an error when evolving your species into something new.

Emicha nods before both of them begin to swim around in the deep vast waters, playing a game involving throwing a ball back and forth. Both of them were having a great time playing this game, all the while asking unimportant questions to each other. With the attention span of children, it didn’t take long for them to get bored. Emicha then asked her reflection a big question.

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Emicha: How did you change so much? You look great, are super smart, and so many other things I can't comprehend. Whatever the last part I said means. But the point is that will this make me different?

Reflection: What reason would I have to do that? I’m no evil spirit, merely someone here to bargain. Regardless of your choice, I will always be here should you wish to speak. And yes, I am a more intelligent version of your simple-minded self. It certainly doesn’t hurt that you’re too cute to accept some dangerous contract that might bite us later. Now, shake my hand or tentacles if you wish to accept our deal.

Emicha: I know this is sudden, but I want to thank you for helping me figure out who I am. I know it makes no sense, but thank you for being my friend, and I hope that someday we can play ball and swim together once more. Now that I thought about it for a bit, I will agree to this deal.

Reflection: Just remember, there is no turning back from this. Once you decide to follow this path, you may no longer ignore who you are, what you want, or forego those close to you. Now bubble brain, let's shake hands shell we?

Emicha ignored the rude comment being made about her and would happily shake tentacles and hands with her reflection, who shared her bright smile before a system message came up. After a few glitchy moments it began to clear up for Emicha and her reflection to read.

Accepting who you are has earned you the “Self-Acceptance” title. A surprising number of people never achieve this feat, and it’s a rare accomplishment for one so young.

Your stats have increased, your body has changed, and you have gained the "Serrated Teeth”, “Tight Constrict”, and “Egg Laying” racial skills." Your EXP value has been reset, and you now require 60% extra EXP per level. Your body has matured to that of a 1 year-old (toddler -> younglet), and now your class has become Bubble Mage. Good luck, my child. This is a gift from me (the goddess of Bubbles and Cleanliness.)

When Emicha woke up, they would look at a shining rock on the wall, surprised that her ten-tacles are now 60 centimeters long and 6.5 centimeters thick. Her face has become slightly smoother, her arms longer and more developed ,and her hair now had long strains and mixed Curls.

Emicha had mixed feelings regarding this change but began thinking of the positives as they tried to catch up with Terra, who immediately noticed that something changed. He decided to put it off for the moment, as right now, both of them need to stick together. Emicha continues to follow her friend despite her difficult to understand feelings. 

Emicha’s current stats can be found below

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