The adventure of a water type Monster(edit edition)

Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Exploring the Second Floor, Storytime, and Training.

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Bubble Squid looks around in awe at the new massive plains area that looks much better as it has a functioning ecosystem in place. Terra had to make sure the little bubble squid did not run off like a mother holding her child's hand while doing pretty much anything.

Terra: Now then, the first thing we are going to do is set up a proper base where we can safely eat and sleep. I will then teach you how to use your Mana more efficiently.

Terra told the bubble Squid to gather fallen branches and small stones to build a fire while she prepared the campground. Bubble squid effectively being a child meant they took way longer to gather the branches and stones as her child-like wonder caused them to spend several minutes looking at a random fish in a pond.

Terra had the time to pitch up a tent for herself and create a small hole filled with clean water for her new friend. Bubble Squid would return only to immediately jump into her “bed” before her head resurfaces and looks at Terra with closed eyes.

Terra: It is now time for me to begin teaching you. I’ll begin with these.

Slaps down a few children's books and a kindergarten-level math book.

Terra: Which one would you like to read first? I also just realized you don’t have a name, and just calling you “bubble squid” feels a bit awkward. What do you think of the name “Emicha”?

Bubble squid really likes the name, so they began nodding up and down. Something changed within them making her feel more substantial.

I̶t̸ ̵i̶s̴ ̷n̵e̴a̷r̷l̶y̵ ̸u̶n̵h̵e̷a̷r̸d̶ ̵o̸f̴ ̵f̷o̷r̶ ̵o̴n̶e̷ ̶o̴f̷ ̷t̵h̷e̷ ̶i̸n̸t̷e̶l̵l̸i̵g̶e̸n̵t̴ ̸r̶a̸c̵e̵s̷ ̸t̶o̷ ̸n̶a̵m̵e̶ ̷a̷n̵ ̸o̵r̸d̶i̸n̵a̷r̶y̵ ̸m̸o̷n̸s̵t̶e̷r̵ ̸t̴h̴a̷t̷ ̴i̶s̴ ̷n̷o̷t̴ ̸a̶ ̸t̵a̴m̴e̵.̸ ̷Y̴o̷u̷ ̵h̷a̸v̸e̸ ̸o̸b̷t̵a̸i̶n̴e̷d̷ ̸t̵h̷e̸ ̷i̷n̸t̷e̸r̶e̴s̸t̶ ̸o̷f̴ ̶a̸ ̸g̶o̸d̵d̸e̷s̵s̶!̴

Emicha looked confused but quickly brushed off the glitchy-looking message, pointing to the obvious choice of the children’s book about the Humanoid Seal Princess who protects her kingdom of cute, bouncy seals in "The Seal Princess."

Terra: Alright, I will now tell you the story of the Seal Princess. This Book is more for fun, so I am glad you chose it.

The book opens and Terra starts to read. "The Seal Princess lived long ago in an underwater kingdom made mainly out of hardened coral and sandstone. her princess had a beautiful upper half of a human female with silky white hair and snow-white skin. Below her waist was a pure white seal body with a decent-sized tail.

One morning, the princess woke with a loud yawn. She began to dress for the day, which was a silky smooth red shirt with the crest of the royal family. Swimming out her door, she began petting and rubbing her seal servants, who do nothing but enjoy the reward coming from the Queen in training who should be with her family for breakfast. She quickly swam downstairs and sat down with her parents before they and some of the servants began to eat their food. The royal chef's cooked giant salmon and other luxuries that the royal family had the wealth to eat. The Servants ate lower quality meals that were still expensive for most people

Seal Princess: Mama, I want to train now. I am not hungry.

Mama (Queen Seal): Honeybun, you already ate your food. Now, please, it's time to train you. 

 The Mother gave her daughter a big hug along with her father before they sent her to the palace training grounds. Princess Seal played with her small rubber ball as her half-seal instructor, an old ice mage famous for creating Ice cream treats as a side job that soon became her full-time job. Princess Seal began practicing with her teacher to control her Ice and water magic better while getting distracted by the many things that caught her eye.

Seal Mage: Now then, I know you want to play with your best friend Bubbles. But you can do that later after we do your first magic lesson in a more....creative way.

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The Magus would snap her fingers, and multiple platforms appeared made out of solid Ice, and many other things seemed like a training course and obstacle course.

Seal Mage(Magus): This is where I want you to be creative with your water and Ice magicks to traverse this entire course. Now GO!

Seal Princess took her coral staff out and began going through the course using her agility and various magic spells from water blasts to using ice sculptures as projectiles. Princess Seal (Upper body is human lower and body seal body) began to use her tiny brain to think of new ways to complete this challenge. The parents thanked the magus for tricking their daughter into training her body and magic skills, with her showing excellent promise towards being the ruler of the kingdom in the future. And so the daughter kept training for hours on end before rest. She took her meds, grabbed her line of cute seal plushies, and fell asleep on a high-quality queen-sized bed.

Emicha felt her mind expand as the book was read to them, leaving her in a much better mood and making her interested in training more. Terra smiled brightly and used her time to make a small training area for Emicha.

Terra: Since we are done with reading, let's get to training those abilities and bubble magic.

Emicha nods, getting out of the water and shaking it all off before they consume a meaty human rib bone, after which they follow Terra to a training dummy, Terra made it from a wood log and a potato sack, so it's durable enough to withstand Emicha's attacks and bubble magic. Standing 50 feet away from the dummy, Emicha began to prepare to increase her Mana Manipulation, Mana Shaping, and Bubble magic. She ended up showing promise to Terra despite her many ametuer mistakes.

Terra: The book you read only has the basics which you have down. The problem here is that you're stressing your body out. Breathe in and close your eyes to sense the Mana around you. Then try to form a bubble in your hands and let the mana fire the attack forward while using as little energy as possible.

Nodding, Emicha tried what Terra said and began to calm her mind to get it to focus as thoughts of that Book filled it for a good few minutes. A small bubble impacted the wooden dummy a moment later, with Emicha being told to control how much Mana she would use. She began directing her Mana, shaping it, and experimenting with her new Bubble Magic Terra, meanwhile, began meditating to pass the time and in an attempt to finally get the skil for itl, one that’s quite useful for mages. Maybe when Emicha is ready, they will try her best to teach the Bubble Squid child the technique in hopes they can do it.

Emicha was having lots of fun using bubble magic despite being focused on training as evidenced by her bouncing body and beaming joy from the different kinds of bubbles. Terra sighed a little when seeing this but is not going to complain when the squid child is training (or playing with her favorite toy.) Surprisingly, Terra had wide eyes as Emich lasted 4 whole hours before she laid on a rock to eat some food while resting.

Terra: You did a good job, Emicha. You might have played around more than I expected, but your practice is already showing. Now rest up, we’re exploring the second floor of this dungeon tomorrow. Or, well, I guess this is technically your home, seeing as you’ve spent your entire life here.

Emicha saw a large message pop up alongside that annoying noise. Her quickly rising irritation was calmed down with a few head pats by Terra who had noticed her sinking mood.

Through intense training, your attributes have improved! Your intelligence stat has risen to 20, [Bubble Magic] gained 3 levels, [Mana control] gained 3 levels, and [Mana Shaping] has gained 4 levels! All Mana pool related skill levels have increased by 1, and your monster core went from Tiny to Tiny+, further increasing your mana pool and regeneration. (Good Job, Bubble Squid/Emicha, I am so proud)

Emicha smiled at her work and quickly went to look at her Status, making Terra jump at the sudden movement.


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