The adventure of a water type Monster(edit edition)

Chapter 8: Chapter 6: A Pack of Goblins and Their Boss

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Emicha and Terra found themselves slowly approaching a goblin camp. Roughly sixty goblins could be found working around the camp with various duties, including blacksmithing and taming captured beasts. Many adventurers have fallen to camps like these in the past. Their leader is a hobgoblin named Dusk who wears powerful C-rank equipment made from the furs and bones of night wolves.

Dusk (Hobgoblin): Finally, All of my work is paying off. Ordering other Goblins to build, grow, and the train has made us become powerful. And ever since I started killing a bunch of those night wolves, I gained a skill that makes those pesky adventurers easy to kill. 

Dusk let out a hearty laugh as they sat in their poorly made but comfortable throne. The goblins throughout the camp wore clothing made of either night wolf or rabbit pelts, and each one had a single copper short sword or a simple ranged weapon of some kind which are all in D+ terms of quality. These goblins (and hobgoblin) have unknowingly had their power boosted by the Dungeon Master to help them kill adventures for his benefit.

Now on the camp’s outskirts, Terra could sense what was going on within.

Terra: Now that's odd. These goblins have D- to D+ levels of equipment and items. I will report this to the guild when I return as this is quite unusual.

Sensing incoming danger, Emicha quickly grabbed Terra with her tentacles and pulled them both to the ground a moment before several arrows flew past their heads. Getting back up, they were able to see six goblins with D+ crossbows aiming at them.

Emicha: Is it time to fight already?

Terra nods as both she and Emicha get up and move into position to fight. Four of the goblins began running towards the bigger threat they sensed, which was Emicha. They were about eighty feet away from Emicha, and the goblins separated themselves enough so she would be unable to hit more than one of them in a single attack.

Emicha slowly approached one of the goblins while throwing her axe at another. While she did connect, the goblin quickly recovered from the attack. Meanwhile, Terra was busy fighting two goblins in melee with her staff. She was biding her time until she could get enough space to cast a spell and take them out.

Emicha was slowly getting overwhelmed before her sword broke. One of the goblins used the opening to deliver a nastly gash on her outstretched arm. Unused to the pain, Emicha’ fight or flight response was activated. And seeing as she didn’t have any wings, she went into a berserk state ripping and tearing away at the goblins in a blind rage. The two archer goblins fired at Emicha, but that simply made them her next target.

Seeing the goblin corpses as little more than fresh meat, Emicha quickly tore off one of their pelts before savagely devouring both its arms, bone and all. In her haste, she forgot to use [Butcher] on them, resulting in her body being covered in goblin blood in addition to her own. Only after filling her stomach did Emicha’s adrenaline begin to fade, causing her to collapse from her wounds.

Having just finished her own fight, Terra hurried over to her fallen comrade before using [Appraisal] on both herself and Emicha.

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