The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 15: Chapter 10: The Vampire’s Birthday Ball

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Hello, hello everyone, it’s everybody’s favorite fluffy and cuddly Birthday Vampire Princess, Lily here, the author wanted me to tell you all that this chapter will be in three different people’s point of view, the first will be my Mother’s the Queen’s perspective, the second will be a daughter of a specific human noble woman who’s actual position in nobility will be revealed a future chapter, so exciting. The third point of view switch will go back to the Queen’s, and the last but not least the third person’s point of view will be mine. So is everybody ready because here we gooo!

Queen Daisy’s p.o.v

“So the day has finally came…my little girl is no longer my baby anymore she has officially became an adult today..”. (Queen Daisy)

“Don’t forget she’s my little girl too, Daisy. I know how you feel, but remember no matter old that girl becomes she will always be our beloved daughter, and no matter what she will always be our baby”. (Queen Charlotte)

I’m sorry allow me to introduce myself, I am everybody’s favorite fluffy and cuddly vampire princess, Lily, mother. My name is Daisy Vampar, I am the one who gave birth to Lily. I have white hair that can be described as the same color of a daisy’s flower petals. My height is 5 ft, and I have red crimson eys. As for my wife and Lily’s other mother who I was talking to, her name is Charlotte Vamper, she has silver hair, her height is 5’2 and she has sapphire blue eyes. She has an aura of a great queen who rules all, whereas I have been told I have an aura of a Queen who is loved by the people. That’s all for the introductions, Lily did mommy do good?

You did great Mommy, now back to the regular scheduled program…

“I know your right, Charlotte, there is just a part of me that dosen’t want our daughter to leave the safety of the castle. I know she has been wanting to go on an adventure for a while now, but she is still to sick”. (Daisy)

“I understand how you feel, Daisy, but she has become an adult now, there is not much we can do, let’s make a compromise that which in turn will motivate Lily to train as hard as she can to strengthen her body and master her powers these next three months. We will tell her, we will let her go on an adventure if she can master her powers, and that she proves she can control her vampire abilities at the end of those three months. How does that sound”? (Charlotte)

“Hah, very well, that is at least better than her trying to leave on an adventure while she is still weak, but I do want to put some rules in place when the time does come”. (Daisy)

“Hahaha, I knew you would add some form of regulations to protect our pure and cute daughter. Who would have thought that my darling wife who was called the Scarlet Witch of the Night and struck fear into all that opposed her would be such a overprotective mother”. (Charlotte)

“Aaaahh!! Don’t bring up that nickname, I locked those memories in a black box in the back of my mind. I could say same for you my darling wife, who was once called the Dual Wielding Sapphire Knight Princess and would anybody and everybody a fight or duel, you are just as overprotective otherwise you wouldn’t have been personally training Yami, and Lucy these last few years”. (Daisy)

“…..That’s not being overprotective it’s called being thorough”. (Charlotte)

“Fufufu, what ever you say, my lovely wife. No matter how much we worry about Lily, I wouldn’t trade her for any other daughter, and I truly feel that we did such a good job making her, that I don’t want another child. Is that okay”? (Daisy)

“It’s absolutely okay, because I feel exactly the same as you. I love you, Daisy. I love you and our beautiful we made, more and more each and every passing day. Thank you, for choosing to be my wife”. (Charrlotte)

“Thank you for picking me to be your wife, I love you too, My Queen”. (Daisy)

After saying as such I gave Charlotte a slightly long kiss and hug, before laying my head shoulder while waiting for our darling daughter to come home from her dates.


“Yes, come in”. (Queen Charlotte)

“Excuse me, your Majesties. Princess Lily has returned home with her brides”. (Maid)

“Thank you, can you please bring them here, we need to talk to them before the birthday ball starts”. (Queen Daisy)

“Yes, your Majesty”. (Maid)

After a few minutes, the maid came back the Lily, and the girls in toe.

“Good afternoon, your Majesty Charlotte, your Majesty Daisy”. (Lucy)

“Good afternoon, your Highnesses Queen Charlotte, Queen Daisy”. (Yami)

“Go..good afternoon, my Queens”. (Mana)

“Now, now girls, we have already told you all to not to be formal and nervous with us in a private setting, all three of you are our beloved daughter in laws now”. (Charlotte)

“Fufufu, my, my. You girls are to cute, so where is my darling daughter”? (Daisy)

After I ask as such, Mana walks up to me with Lily sleeping in her arms, before she handed her to me. My poor girl, she must have been worn out from school and the dates, she was so excited about both before going to bed last night, and she had another rough night in regards to her nightmares as well. I hate to wake her, but she needs to get ready for the ball, and we need tell about what we decided earlier, I’m she will be excited by the surprise present. Time to wake this sleeping princess.

“Lily, honey, it is time to wake up”. (Daisy)

“Time to wake up, my darling daughter”. (Charlotte)

Charlotte and I softly tell Lily as such before we each give a kiss on the cheek. Ah, she starting to wake up.

“Ahhh…Mo…mommy, Mama, good morning”. (Lily)

Lily tells as such before us both a tight and warm hug. This sweet girl, I really don’t want her to leave my arms…

“Hahaha, you sweet and silly girl, it’s the afternoon, it’s almost time for your birthday ball, your mommy and I planned. Are you excited to dance with your lovely wives:”? (Momma Charlotte)

“Re…really…it’s already that time. I am really excited mama, I can’t wait to put on my dress, and I’m super excited to see you, mommy, Lucy, Yami, and Mana, in your dresses. I am a little nervous to dance though, but I still want to”. (Lily)

“My, my, sweet heart, you don’t have to be nervous about dancing, I am sure your wonderful wives will help you, and all that really matters is that you have fun. However you do have to promise me, that if you start to feel tired or weak, you won’t push yourself, and you will tell one of us, so you can rest”. (Mommy Daisy)

“Okies! I promise mommy”. (Lily)

“Good girl, now do you want to hear about your present before you go and get ready”? (Mommy Daisy)

“Yes! Yes! What’s the present, Momma, Mommy”? (Lily)

I promise this daughter of mine really did become an adult today, as much as I hate admit it. The reason she still calls as such and still acts immature for her age is because of those damn nightmares, they have caused Lily to unconsciously suppress the more mature side of herself so that she dosen’t have to fully understand what is happening in those nightmares. The doctors have said that it has been so long now that even if she gains control over her powers, she won’t be able much more mature then she is now. This is one of the reasons I don’t want her to leave, but I do have to think the Goddess, for allowing Lily, to meet her wives who all make up for what Lily lacks and will protect her no matter what.

“Ok, ok, calm down for a second, my sweet daughter, I will let your mommy tell you”. (Mama Charlotte)

“Hah...very well, Lily your mama and I have decided to allow you to go on an adventure soon, however there are a few conditions and rules you will have to meet and promise to follow okay”? (Mommy Daisy)

“Yataaa! Okiess! What are the conditions Mommy”? (Lily)

Lily asked me before giving me bright and happy smile. This daughter of mine is too pure, from what I heard Lily can be really mature when it comes to helping someone she loves such as when she saved Mana, and when she protected Lucy, and when she protected those kidnapped girls during that time with Yami. We must protect her, she is so naïve and pure when it comes to herself, I will have add a couple of more rules.

“The first condition is that you will train for the next three months starting tomorrow with Lucy, Yami, and Mana, to strengthen your body and master your powers so that you can master and control you vampire abilities”. (Mommy Daisy)

“Ok, I promise to work super hard to master my powers and get stronger”. (Lily)

“Good girl, make sure you do so, the second condition is that after you master your powers, you will to me and your mama that you can control your vampire abilities, if you are able to do so you and your wives will graduate early from the academy. We will also allow Mana to take a leave from the Headmaster position”. (Mommy Daisy)

“Okies, I promise I will control my powers by then”. (Lily)

“We will see, sweet heart. Now for the rules, 1st when you go on your adventure you are not allowed to run off or go anywhere without one of your wives with you, you are the 1st princess of this kingdom you have to be extra careful. The 2nd rule is that you will register at the adventurer guild here in the capital so that we can get updates about your adventures, the 3rd rule is that you will avoid the Harold Kingdom, it is a terrible and racist human male run kingdom, if you wish to visit a human dominant country go to the Garrison Empire, it is a open minded country ran by a human women. The last rule is that you will come straighit to us or send a familiar to us immediately if you run into a emergency. Do you promise to follow these rules”? (Mommy Daisy)

“Yes, I Promise. Thank you, I love you, Mommy”! (Lily)

Lily thanks me before giving me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. While I was enjoying my cuddle time with my darling daughter, my just as doting wife had to say something…

“Hey, hey, now what about Mama? I had to convince your Mommy to let you go on an adventure”. (Mama Charlotte)

“Ehehehe, sorry. Thank you, I love Mama”. (Lily)

Lily says as such, before giving my going-to-be-punished-later wife a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

“We love you to, our darling daughter. Now it’s almost time for ball hurry and go get ready, we will send a maid for you and your wives when its time”. (Mommy Daisy)

“Okies, see you later Mommy, Mama”. (Lily)

After telling us so, Lily and the girls left to go get changed, now it is back to just me and my darling wife once again.

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“Dar..ling…”. (Angry Daisy)

“Ye…yes, beautiful wife”? (Scared Charlotte)

“You threw me under the bus to make yourself look good in front of our darling daughter didn’t you!”? (Angry Daisy)

“Ye…yes I did I’m sorry, my love”. (Scared Charlotte)

“Fufufufu, you will be thoroughly punished later tonight, my wonderful wife”. (Sadisic Daisy)

“Yes, ma’am”. (Scared and slightly excited Charlotte)

Fast forward to when Lily makes her entrance to the ball


Daughter of a certain human noble woman p.o.v

Hello, everyone, my name is Sue, I am human and the daughter of a certain noble woman. I am currently in a ball room in the Vamper Kingdom’s castle, my mother and I were invited by the Queens, apparently my mother has a close relationship with Queens. The ball room is starting to getting quite loud in anticipation for the birthday girl and 1st Princess of the Vamper Kingdom, Princess Lily to make her entrance, apparently she hasn’t been seen by the nobles and population here the in last few years. Oh…the whole ballroom got instantly quite after the announcer stated…

“Now arriving! The 1st Princess of the Vamper Kingdom, Princess Lily and her brides, Madam Lucy, Madam Yami, and Madam Mana”! (Announcer)

The Princess has made her entrance, every person in the ball room eyes solely focused on Princess Lily, including mine, even though she had some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen with her, she blew all three of those girls out of the water. Princess Lily was wearing a gorgeous black frilly dress with pink accents, the Princess looked like the perfect mix of cuteness and beauty. The pink accents and her fluffy and pure aura brought out her cuteness, where as the black dress that went perfectly with her long silvery white hair brought out her beauty. Oh…she almost tripped, it looks like one of her brides, I believe her name was Lucy was able to catch her, Lucy was saying something to Princess before picking her up in a Princess Lily in a princess carry and walking down the rest of the stairs with her. The Princess seems quite embarssed but at the same she has bright smile on her face and is looking at Lucy with eyes filled with love. She is to cute, Mother said something about how the Princess might get to go on a adventure soon, I hope she avoids that despicable Harold Kingdom, maybe I could talk with Mother, and see if we can invite her to the Kingdom we are in, I would love to be able to get to know the Princess more and be her friend, I feel like it is my fate to stand beside Princess Lily and protect her from hating all humans due to the pain the people from that Kingdom put her through. I should go and introduce myself real quick, before it gets loud again.

“Happy Birthday, Princess Lily, it is a pleasure to be invited here, and to meet you. My name is Pri….Sue. My mother is close friends with yours”. (Sue)

I hope nobody caught that slip up of mine.

“Ehehehe, thank you Sue, it is a pleasure to meet you as well, I hope we can be friends like our respective mothers are”. (Lily)

Gah..she’s to cute, I just want to take her home with me!

“I hope we can become friends such as that as well. I will let you go back to you wives, have a great night, Princess Lily”. (Sue)

“Ehehehe, bye-bye, you have a great night as well Sue”. (Lily)

As I walked back to to where my mother was, I vowed to myself…

“I promise to protect you from that Kingdom. My Princess”. (Sue)


Lily’s p.o.v

Hello, hello, everyone it’s everyones favorite fluffy vampire Princess, Lily here, it has been a little while since the ball has started and I finished eating a piece of my butterscotch pudding cake, I just made a new cute human friend, she seemed really sweet I hope I can see her again. Let’s start after I told Sue bye-bye.

“Are you okay, my Princess, your shaking, I know humans bring out bad memories for you”? (Lucy)

“I’m okay, Lucy, I promise. I know not all humans are bad and she seemed really sweet, and to be honest I hope I can see her again”. (Lily)

“Very well then, it is starting to get late and I know you are pushing yourself  even though you are still worn out from the events today, I believe it is time to retire to your bed chambers”. (Lucy)

“No not yet, we haven’t even danced yet, can we please dance first, I want to dance all three of you”. (Lily)

“Very well, My Princess. May I have this dance”? (Mana)

Mana asked me before taking my hand…

“Yes, please”. (Lily)

After I responded, Mana led to middle of the dance floor, where did the waltz with Mana as the lead. During the dance, Mana showed me the brightest smile and said…

“Thank you for asking me to be your friend a year ago when we first met, I haven’t ever been as happy as I am now, I love you, Lily”. (Mana)

Small tears started to come out of my eyes before we finished the dance and I gave Mana a tight hug and light kiss and said…

“Thank you for smiling for me, I love you, too, Mana”. (Lily)

After we finished, we walked back to were Yami and Lucy where, and it Yami who asked next…

“May I have this dance, My Dear Princess”? (Yami)

“Yes, I would love to”. (Lily)

After I answered Yami, she took my hand as well, and took me once again to the middle of the ball room before we the started tango with Yami in the lead. While we were dancing, Yami pulled me in a tight hug and said…

“Do you remember the day we met when I saved you at the lake 12 years ago, that was the day I vowed to protect you and your smile. Thank you for accepting me, I love you, Lily”. (Yami)

“I remember, thank you for always being by my side, I love you too, Yami”. (Lily)

Once again I have tears in my eyes, after we finished the rest of the dance I gave Yami a light kiss and tight hug. After we got back to where Lucy and Mana where, it was Lucy next who asked…

“May I have the last dance of the night, My Beautiful Princess”? (Lucy)

“Yes, I would be honored to have you”. (Lily)

After I responded, Lucy didn’t take my hand, instead picked me up in a princess carry and carried me to the middle of the ball room before she sat me down with my feet standing on her’s. We didn’t do a fancy dance this time, instead we slowly moved to a soft and slow song while holding each other close. The close to the end of the dance Lucy said to me.

“The day I first saw you walking down the street with your mothers 3 years ago, I wanted to be your friend, I was scared that dream wouldn’t come true, but instead it did and it became better than I could have ever imagined. Thank you for saving me and making my dream come true, I love you, Lily”. (Lucy)

“Thank you for always being by side these last 3 years, I love you too, Lucy”. (Lily)

I am crying again, I’m starting to my beautiful wives enjoy seeing my happy tears. After we finished our dance, we decided to retire for the night, I thanked my mama and mommy for the wonderful ball and gave them a hug. After we left, I spent an hour of fluffy quality time with each of my wives before we all went to bed together with them cuddling me. Before I fell asleep my other self who I call Rose spoke to me in my head…

“Hey there, Lily, I will let you sleep soon, but I need to tell you a couple of things, ok”. (Rose)

“Okies”. (Lily)

I responded, before Rose told me about everything she told to my wives like about how my soul wasn’t originally from this world, how I met the Goddess, and how I gave up my past life memories. She also told me all about herself and the real reason why I need to start training hard the next three months. Lastly she told me one other thing…

“Lily, I have been beside you for the last 15 years since the day you were born, and as I have watched and seen the person you have become, I fell in love with you, please train hard so that you can control your powers and I can meet you face to face”. (Rose)

“I promise I will control my powers so we can meet, I have fallen in love with you as well, you were always there for me when I needed you the most, this time I will save you”. (Lily)

“Thank you, get some sleep now, good night, I love you, Lily”. (Rose)

“Good night, I love you, too, Rose”. (Lily)

Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello, hello everyone, I hope everyone is having a great day. The birthday date night activities with the wives will be extra fluffy .5 chapters and they will have a hint of spice mixed in. However I am not planning the really spicy events to happen until after Rose fully appears and Lily’s body becomes stronger from controlling her powers. Thank you everyone for your continued support, see you next time. Bye-bye!

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