The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 26: Chapter 17: The Vampire Starts Her Adventure

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Hi, hi! It's your favorite cuddly and fluffy new Mommy, Vampire Princess, Lily des! Iris, our sweet daughter Freya, and I arrived back at the castle. I am introducing our daughter to her other mamas, Lucy, Yami, and Mana…

"Wifey, my Darling, my Dear, I would like to introduce you to our daughter, Freya. Go ahead and say hi, sweetheart." (Lily)

"Okies, Mommy. Hi, nice to meech yoush, Mama Lucy, Mama Yami, and Mama Mana." (Freya)

"Oh, she is too cute, I know she is all of our's daughter from looking at her, but Darling, I don't understand; can you explain?" (Lucy)

"Follow me, Lucy, Yami, and Mana; I will explain everything. Please keep our darling daughter company, my Love." (Iris)

"Okies, you don't have to ask me twice, Honey. Let's go play, sweetheart." (Lily)

"Okies, Mommy." (Freya)

After Freya and my cute interaction, I noticed my wives were all giving us warm, love-filled glances.

"…Ahem…I know it's cute to watch, but come with me, girls." (Iris)

"Very well, Iris." (Lucy)

"Okay, let's go, Mana" (Yami)

"But…but it's too cute to look away…hah…very well." (Mana)

After my wives respond to Iris, she takes them onto the patio where I used to study and explains what happened on our date and everything about Freya and her connection to my past life. After about 10 minutes, all of my wives come back into the room with bright smiles when they see the scene in front of them…

"Thank you for letting me play with your hair. I love you, Mommy." (Freya)

"I love you too, sweetheart. Do I look cute or funny?" (Mommy Lily)

Before making a silly face, I ask Freya, with my hair in a sideways ponytail.

"Ehehe, you look cute and funny, Mommy." (Freya)

"You are too sweet; look, your Mamas have come back in. I think they want to talk to you.” (Mommy Lily)

“Okies, I’ll go talk to them, Mommy. Can you make my hair like yours first?” (Freya)

“Of course, sweetheart.” (Mommy Lily)

I answer as such before putting Freya’s hair in a sideways ponytail like mine. She then gives me a hug and starts toddling to my wives…

“Are done talking, Mama Iris? (Freya)

“Yes, we are, my darling daughter. You can talk to your other mamas now.” (Mama Iris)

“Come here, my sweet girl.” (Lucy)

After Lucy tells Freya such. Freya walks over to her before Lucy picks her up in her arms and gives her a light hug…

“It is nice to meet you, Freya. If you need anything, please let me know, okay. Mama Lucy loves you.” (Mama Lucy)

“Okies, I will. I love you too, Mama Lucy.”(Freya)

Lucy hugs Freya while crying small tears, then hands Freya to Yami.

“Nice to meet you, Freya. Mama Yami will make the same vow to you she made to your Mommy; I will always protect your smile, my lovely daughter. Mama Yami loves you very much.” (Mama Yami)

Yami says as such while giving Freya a bright smile. To which Freya responds with an equally bright smile…

“Thank you, I love you too, Mama Yami.” (Freya)

Yami hugs Freya and starts crying small tears before handing Freya over to Mana…

“Hello there, Freya. It is nice to meet you. You are so cute. Can you call Mama Mana, Mommy too?”

“Iyaa…I only call my mommy, mommy…” (Freya)

After Freya declines Mana’s question, I could notice the slight disappointment on Mana’s face before it turns back into a smile, and Mana says…

“That’s okay, that’s okay, I understand, my adorable daughter. I won’t ask you to call me as such again… Mama Mana love’s you a whole lot.” (Mama Mana)

“Ehehe, I’m sowwy; I love you too, Mama Ma.” (Freya)

After hearing a compromise from Freya, an even brighter smile appears on Mana’s face before Mana gives our sweet daughter a hug and puts her back down so she can run back to me…

“I love my mamas, Mommy!” (Freya)

“Ehehe, I’m glad that you do, sweetheart. Are you ready to meet your Grandmothers, my Mama, and Mommy?” (Mommy Lily)

“Yesh! I’m ready to meetch them and go on an adventure.” (Freya)

After Freya answers me, I notify the maid to tell my mothers that I am home and I have a surprise for my Mama and Mommy. After a few minutes, the maid returns and takes us to where my mothers are…

“Good evening, Mother Charlotte, Mother Daisy.” (Lucy)

“Good evening, my lovely daughter-in-law. Where is my darling daughter and this new surprise she has for us?” (Mommy Daisy)

After I hear my Mommy ask as such, I respond...

“I’m right here, Mommy. So is the surprise.” (Lily)

“Are these my grandmothers, Mommy?” (Freya)

“Yes, they are, sweetheart. (Lily)

After I say such, I walk up to my mommy and show her my adorable daughter, to which my Mama responds…

“Wha….what is this adorable creature…she resembles you and all your wives? That should be impossible…not to mention…this cute girl has to be 5 years old at least….” (Mama Charlotte)

“Ehehe, this sweetheart is cute, isn’t she, Mama, Mommy? Honey, do you want to explain to my mothers, or should I?” (Lily)

“I don’t think our darling daughter wants to leave your arms; the girls and I will explain to our dearest Mothers-in-Law. Will play with our darling daughter outside while I explain, My Love.” (Iris)

“Very well, Honey. Come on, sweetheart, let’s play while your Mamas explain to your grandmothers.” (Mommy Lily)

Queen Daisy’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe my little girl is a mommy, my little girl who calls me mommy is called mommy now. I need to pay attention; Iris explains everything about what happened, who Freya is, and her connection to our daughter’s previous life, and that we don’t need to worry about Lily changing the way she is and acts; her personality is why Freya choose to be reborn as her daughter…

“What can I say…?” (Daisy)

"Well, it's our darling daughter." (Mama Charlotte)

"Of course, Darling. I guess we can't get surprised by everything that happens with this sweet daughter of ours. We would be mentally worn out if we did." (Mommy Daisy)

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“Haha, very accurate. Let’s bring our adorable daughter and granddaughter back here; this Mimi wants to meet her granddaughter again.” (Mimi Charlotte)

After my Darling and doting wife says such, we go to look out the door to call our daughter and granddaughter back in the room when we see the cutest scene ever, our daughter is holding our granddaughter, who is sitting in her lap while singing our granddaughter a beautiful melody that I used to sing to her…

“That was pretty, Mommy. Thank you for singing to me; I loves you.” (Freya)

“Ehehe, thank you. You are so cute; I love you too, sweetheart. My mommy used to sing that song to me, and I loved it every time she did, so I wanted to share it with you.” (Mommy Lily)

After seeing such a scene, it felt as though my darling wife’s brain and mine were in sync, and they both initiated doting Mother and Grandmother Mode…

"Look, My Love, Our adorable daughter, is holding and singing to our adorable granddaughter; this is too pure and cute." (Mama and Mimi Charlotte)

"I know, Darling. I don't want either of our sweet girls to leave; I just want to admire the cuteness." (Mommy Daisy)

After we both yelled out as such, our sweet daughter turned and ran towards us with our precious granddaughter in her arms…

Lily’s P.O.V.

While playing with my sweet daughter, I could hear my Mama and Mommy yell out…

"Look, My Love, Our adorable daughter, is holding and singing to our adorable granddaughter; this is too pure and cute." (Mama and Mimi Charlotte)

"I know, Darling. I don't want either of our sweet girls to leave; I just want to admire the cuteness." (Mommy Daisy)

After they happily state as such. I pick up my sweet daughter and run towards my mothers, so my daughter can talk to them…

“Go ahead and introduce your self sweetheart.” (Mommy Lily)

“Hi, I’m Mommy’s daughter Freya.” (Freya)

“Hahaha, Nice to meet you; I’m your mommy’s Mama. Can you call me Mimi?” (Mimi Charlotte)

“Yesh, I will call you Mimi now.” (Freya)

“She’s so cute, is she, my Love?” (Mimi Charlotte)

“Yes, she is, Darling. Is it okay if I hold you, my sweet granddaughter?” (Daisy)

“Yesh.” (Freya)

After Freya answers, I hand my lovely daughter to my Mommy…

“My sweet granddaughter, I want to thank you for choosing to be our daughter’s daughter and our granddaughter. I also want to say, Your, Mimi, and I love you so much. Will you please call me Nana from now on?” (Nana Daisy)

“Yesh I will. You don’t have to thank me, I love my Mommy, and I love you too, Mimi, Nana.” (Freya)

After my sweet daughter said such, she gave Mimi and Nana a tight hug before she got handed back to me and gave me a hug. Then my Mommy says…

“My darling daughter, I know you have completed your training, so will you please transform into Rose, your vampire form, for a second?” (Mommy Daisy)

“Yes, Mommy.” (Lily)

After I answer as such, I hand Freya to my Mama and transform into Rose. To which my darling daughter states…

“So pretty…” (Freya)

I was surprised by her statement; I was worried she would fear my aura in this form since it is entirely different from my usual aura. My mommy states…

“Very well, you can go on your adventure; you have proven you can control your powers. You can change back now.” (Mommy Daisy)

After she says such, I transform back to my Lily form, and my Mama hands my daughter back to me. My Mama calls for the maid and has her go get someone; after a few minutes, a beautiful maid with medium-length red hair and stunning yellow eyes that shine like gold which I haven’t ever met before but Yami and Lucy seem to recognize, comes into the room. After which, my Mama states…

“We will allow you to go on your adventure, but you will have to take this maid with you; her name is Klare, and she is from the dragonnewt race.” (Mama Charlotte)

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Master.” (Klare)

“It is a pleasure to meet you as well, but may I ask why you call me master?” (Lily)

“That is understandable, I was told not to call you princess while on the adventure to keep your identity a secret, and since I am a maid, I cannot call you by name either.” (Klare)

“Very well, I understand. It seems my Wifey and my Darling know you, and my Mama is recommending you. So we are happy to have you on our adventure.” (Lily)

“My darling daughter, one last thing, our friend's daughter Sue has asked you to visit her after you start your adventure. She is human, but she isn’t an evil human, I promise. She lives in the Royal Captial of the Garrison Empire. Will you please go to visit Sue first on your adventure, my darling daughter?” (Mommy Daisy)

“Ah…I remember meeting Sue during my birthday ball; I wanted to see her again. Okies, I will do as you say and visit Sue first, Mommy.” (Lily)

“Good then, I’m sure you are ready to go on your adventure, but can you stay tonight and tomorrow so that we can spend time with you and our granddaughter before you leave?” (Mommy Daisy)

“Of course, Mommy.” (Lily)

After I responded to my mommy, we talked a little more before going to bed; my wives and Freya slept with me in my giant bed. But not before; Iris consumed the memories of the punishment today. After the night passed, my sweet daughter and I spent the next day with my mama and mommy. Then the morning to leave came; I am currently saying goodbye to my Mama and Mommy, trying my best not to cry…

“Goodbye, my lovely daughter and granddaughter. Remember, if you need anything, you can always come to us.” (Mama Charlotte)

“Goodbye, Mama, I love you, and thank you for everything.” (Lily)

“Bye-bye, Mimi, I loves you.” (Freya)

Freya and I state as such before giving my Mama a tight hug.

“Goodbye, my Darling Daughter and granddaughter. Remember to write us, and make sure neither of you goes anywhere alone. Also, make sure to bathe as much as you can; I have already packed a bunch of just-in-case money in your bag. You will always have a place to come home to, so please visit every now and again. …I…love…you…my…darling daughter…be safe in your travels.” (Mommy Daisy)

My Mommy states that before she starts crying, now I am crying as well…

“I…promise…I…love you…too…Mommy.” (Lily)

“I loves you too, Nana.” (Freya)

After Freya and I say such, we hug my Mommy and her Nana. Before I turn around and walk to the adventures guild with my maid and wives…

“Are you sad, Mommy? Here I will give you hugs.” (Freya)

After my sweet daughter says such, she gives me a big hug, and I tell her after taking Lucy’s hand in mine and giving my daughter a bright smile…

“Thank you, sweetheart; I feel better now. It is time for the Vampire to start her adventure….” (Lily)


1st Arc: ~Fin~

Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello again, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this arc and chapter; I will be completely honest: I cried while writing Lily’s goodbyes to her mothers. There is 1 more extra .5 chapter of this arc. Thank you for your continued support, and here's to many more arcs to come. Ciao for now.

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