The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 27: Extra Chapter 17.5: The Fluffy Hot Spring Break

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Hi, hi, your favorite cuddly and fluffy Vampire Princess, Lily, is here! I am heading to a hotel close to the capital with my wives for a well-earned hot spring break. We are riding in the carriage after stopping by the sweet shop to get my favorite butterscotch pudding cake, and I am sitting in my Wifey Lucy's lap…

"Are you excited, Darling?" (Lucy)

"Very much so; thank you for organizing this. I love you, my Wifey." (Lily)

I thank my Wifey as such before giving her a tight hug…

"Fufufu, you are very welcome, and I love you too, Darling. However, I think your other wives are getting a little jealous; you might also want to give them some cuddles, Darling." (Lucy)

After I hear my Wifey state as such, I turn and notice my Darling Yami and my Dear Mana mumbling under their breath…

“…I…want…a…hug…to.” (Yami)

"Mumu…I..want…dear to sit on my lap…and play with my ears." (Mana)

After I hear my slightly jealous wives, I get off my Wifey's lap, move to Yami and give her a hug and kiss and say…

"I’m sorry, my Darling; I promise I will give you as much love and attention as Lucy and Mana during this 3-day break and from now on. I love you, my Darling.” (Lily)

“Thank you, but you don’t have to worry; I know you try to treat us all; equally; I was just feeling a little jealous since I haven’t got to spend a lot of time with you due to training with Mana and Lucy. I love you too, my Beloved.” (Yami)

After Yami responds as such, she gives me another hug and kiss before I move to Mana and sit on her lap…

“I'm sorry, my Dear. I promise I will give you the same amount of attention as Yami and Lucy, during this break and from now on. I love you, my Dear.” (Lily)

“It’s okay, Dear. You don’t have to apologize; I know I can sometimes be extra needy. I love you too, Dear.” (Mana)

“I love that side of you, though. Can I mofu-mofu your ears, my Dear?” (Lily)

“Hehehe, of course, you can; my ears are only for you, Dear.” (Mana)

“Yaata…I love your cute and fluffy ears, and I love you, my Dear.” (Lily)

After I tell Mana as such and give kiss and hug, I start mofu-mofuing her ears, her ears so warm and soft, I’m starting to get sleepy. I’m still tired from my magic training…

“I love you too, Dear; I know you must still be tired from our training; you can take a nap while playing with my ears.” (Mana)

“mmm…Good night…my lovely wives…szz.” (Lily)

After I fell asleep, I soon woke up to 2 soft and warm sensations on each of my cheeks and 1 soft and sweet feeling on my lips. As I open my eyes, I see my lovely wives, Yami and Mana, kissing my cheek and Lucy kissing my lips. After I wake up, I give my wives a bright smile and say…

“Eheheh…good morning, my Loves” (Lily)

“Good morning, Dear, though it's not actually morning…hahaha” (Mana)

“It’s great to see your smile when you first wake up, my Beloved.” (Yami)

“Fufufu, you are too cute; we arrived at the hotel, Darling.” (Lucy)

“We made it! Yatta! Let’s go, let’s go it’s time for some fluffy hot spring skinship!” (Lily)

“Fufu, I'm glad you are excited, Darling, but we still need to check in and decide on the order for washing your back and whose back you will wash…” (Lucy)

After Lucy says as such, we soon check into our room, and I ask my lovely wives…

“Ehehe, so how are you going to decide My Loves.” (Lily)

“RoShamBo! The first one to win gets to wash your back first and gets to have you wash their back last. The second to win gets to have you wash their back first and gets to wash your back second. The last place gets to wash your back last and gets to have you wash their back second. Wish us luck, Dear.” (Mana)

“Good luck, my Loves.” (Lily)

After I state as such, my lovely wives start their games of RoShamBo…

“Thank you, my Beloved. Ready Lucy, Mana.” (Yami)

“Ro, Sham, Bo!” (Mana, Yami, Lucy)

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“Yataa! I got first place my paper beat both of your rocks. ~I get to wash Dear’s back first.” (Mana)

After Mana happily sings as such, she runs over to me and gives me a hug…

“Ehehe, congrats, my Dear.” (Lily)  

“Thank you, Dear.” (Mana)

“Yeah, congrats, Mana. Okay, Lucy, let’s go again.” (Yami)

“Okay, Yami.” (Lucy)

“Ro, Sham, Bo!” (Yami, Lucy)

“Yes, I won my scissors beat your paper. Good game, Lucy.” (Yami)

“Fufufu, Good game, congratulations, Yami.” (Lucy)

“Congrats, my Darling.” (Lily)

“Thank you, Lucy. Thank you, my Beloved.” (Yami)

“Now that we got the order sitchamated let’s get in the hot spring, my Loves!” (Lily)

“Let’s gooo!” (Mana, Yami, Lucy)

In the Washing Area by the Hot Spring

“Dear, you have such soft and lovely skin; I promise I will be gentle while washing your back.” (Mana)

“Thank you, my Dear. Wifey, your skin is soft and smooth as well…; wait… did your breasts get bigger again?” (Lily)

“…Ye…yes they have, Darling.” (Lucy)

After my Wifey responds as such, I have a little bit of jealousy, so I grab her breasts and state…

“It’s unfair that you only get to have these lovely breasts.” (Lily)

“aah…Dar…Darling, not so rough, you don’t need to be jealous, your breasts are perfect the way they are, and these breasts are only for you; I wish they were smaller so people wouldn’t stare at me when I’m walking around town.” (Lucy)

“Thank you, Wifey; sorry for getting a little rough; I will do it gently next time. I sometimes worry that since my body and mind won’t mature much more, I won’t remain attractive to all of you; I know I shouldn’t have any reason to worry; it’s just sometimes I do.” (Lily)

“I know it’s a worry you have no control over at times; it just shows how you love us, but I will tell you this, and I know Mana and Yami agree, we would love you no matter how mature you act, and no matter how you look like. So please don’t feel like you ever have to try to act more maturely or feel jealous about other things. We love you for you, Darling.” (Lucy)

“Thank you, Wifey. I love you too.” (Lily)

“Yeah, Dear, you shouldn’t worry about your breast or anything else; I would love you matter. With that said, your breasts are soft, petite, and cute. Eeehh!” (Mana)

After Mana states as such grabs my breasts, after which I state while trying to hold in my voice…

“Aaah…mm…my…Dear, please be a little… Aaah…gentler…”. (Lily)

“Umm, My Beloved, Lucy, Mana, I am starting to get cold; can we get in the hot spring now?” (Yami)

“We’re sorry, my Beloved; let’s get in the hot spring.” (Lily)

After I stated such, we got into the wonderful hot spring, and the 3-day break soon passed, with events happening like with Mana and Lucy all three days we got into the hot spring. As we headed back to the castle, I took turns sitting on each of my wives’ laps before I was sitting in Lucy’s lap and stated…

“Thank you for this wonderful break; I love you, my Wifey; now it is time to start my bow combat training.” (Lily)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello, everyone; this is the final extra .5 chapter of the first arc; sorry for the delay in this chapter. I do have an announcement; I will be taking a break from posting for a couple of days so I can get several chapters written for the second arc ahead of time due to my having to get ready to move soon. Thank you all for the continued support, have a great day/night. Ciao for now.

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