The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 28: Chapter 18: The Vampire’s “Rocky” Start to her Adventure

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Hello, every~one, long time no see, it's your favorite cuddly and fluffy adventuring Vampire, Lily here! I am currently walking to the adventurer's guild with my beautiful wives, a maid, and my lovely daughter in my arms. As we are walking, I ask Iris…

“Honey, should I use my regular form and go by my real name when registering for the guild, or should I use my Rose form and name when registering? Given we are registering in our Kingdom’s capital.” (Lily)

“That is a good question, my Love. I would recommend going as you are, it is not uncommon for the members of the Royal family in this country to go on an adventure before they take over the country.” (Iris)

“That’s right, Darling. You shouldn’t hide who you or our lovey daughter really are, and if anyone wants to start trouble…” (Lucy)

“We will punish them.” (Yami, Mana, Iris)

I sense the fighting spirit in my wives' eyes, and the maid Klare’s as well… I should warn them not to go too crazy…

“Ehehe, don’t go too crazy okay, I know how overprotective you all can be with me, and I am a little scared of how you all will be when it comes to our darling daughter, Freya. I will go by my name and form, but we will not rely on my position in the country while on this adventure unless necessary.” (Lily)

“Very well, my Beloved.” (Yami)

“Fufufu, if you say so, Darling.” (Lucy)

“Yes, Dear” (Mana)

“I understand, my Love” (Iris)

“You need to promise as well Klare, I could sense the fighting spirit in your eyes.” (Lily)

After I tell my new maid Klare as such, she has a slightly surprised face and states…

“As you wish, I’m sorry, Master.” (Klare)

“It’s fine, I’m happy, you are willing to fight for and with us.” (Lily)

After I say such, I see Klare give a slight smile before my Wifey Lucy asks…

“So, Darling, have you decided what we are going to call our adventure team?” (Lucy)

“I haven’t decided Wifey. I wonder what we should call our group?” (Lily)

“Mommy, can Freya pick our name?” (Freya)

After my darling daughter asks me as such big puppy eyes, I look over at my wives who nod their heads with consent. I then give her a bright smile and ask…

“Hmm, that’s sounds like a great idea, can you think of name until we get there, sweetheart?” (Mommy Lily)

“Yaay! Freya will think of a good name, thank you Mommy, thank you Mamas, I loves you.” (Freya)

“We love you too, sweetie.” (Yami)

After we had our family moment we made it to the adventure’s guild, the moment we walked in…

“…” (Everyone in the guild)

“Uhm…my Dear, you were an adventurer for a while, do you know why they are staring at us?” (Lily)

“Well, Dear, I believe the reason is our adorable you, and our adorable daughter.” (Mana)

Mana stated as such while I was trying to get a feel of the place. During so my sweet daughter states…

“Mommy, Mommy, Freya thought of the perfect name for our adventures party. Can we go tell them?” (Freya)

“Yes, sweetheart we can go to tell them.” (Mommy Lily)

As I was about to walk to the guild’s reception corner, a hulking giant of a woman who doesn’t seem to be from the Kingdom, comes walking up to us stating…

“What the hell is this brat talking about, this isn’t a place to play! Hey, you shorty, why don’t you go take your brat and play pretend somewhere else? Otherwise, the Rocky Mountain Roxanne, will beat the reality into you.” (Rocky)

“Mo…mommy…” (Freya)

Freya says to me on the verge of tears. This giant ugly bitch is scaring my daughter and making her cry. Normally, I would let my wives take care of people like this, or I would ignore them, I can’t let this sasquatch get away with insulting my daughter. My wives would kill her instantly, but I don’t want to cause a scene like that, I will take care of her or should I say Rose will…

“Honey, will please take our daughter, and cover her eyes and ears?” (Lily)

“Sure, my Love” (Iris)

“What are going to do, Darling?” (Lucy)

“Let us take care of this simpleton, Dear.” (Mana)

“Yeah, you shouldn’t dirty your hands, my Beloved.” (Yami)

“Let me handle this, Master.” (Klare)

“No, you all would this giant bitch immediately, I don’t want to cause that kind of a scene, I know I wouldn’t be able to handle this as my normal self, so I won’t be doing anything, Rose will.” (Lily)

After I state as such, I turn my attention to “Rocky” and after making sure Iris has our daughter’s eyes and ears covered state…

You are reading story The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire at

“Ok, you sasquatch looking bitch, you have two seconds to me and my daughter.” (Angry-Lily)

“Why the hell, should I apologize to you, when all I said was the truth. Isn’t that right everyone?” (Rocky)

It seems she is the only foreigner in the guild right now, because everyone else is laughing at her and making comments about which of my wives will destroy her…

“I’m surprised, The Neko Witch Mana hasn’t attacked yet.” (Random Adventurer A)

“Are you kidding, normally The Dark Knight Yami would have already killed someone who spoke to or about the Princess like that.” (Random Adventurer B)

“The Wise Elf, Lucy, is normally patient and calculating so maybe she’s having them wait and see.” (Random Adventurer C)

“Maybe the other the Maid will attack.” (Guild Receptionist)

“What is with all of you there is no way any of these pipsqueaks could harm me!” (Rocky)

I ignore the adventurers, and the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch and state…

“Times up.” (Lily)

“What the hell are you going on about shorty…huh?” (Rocky)

Before big and hairy finishes her question I transform into Rose, there is a reason I asked Iris to cover our sweet daughters’ eyes and ears, I don’t like this form because my personality and aura completely changes, to protect my other self’s mentality…

“Ara, who do you think you are talking to you ugly, hairy Rocky Mountain Sasquatch of a woman?” (Rose)

“What the hell did you say to me, I will fucking kill you!” (Rocky)

Big, Hairy, and not so scary tried to attack me with her mallet…

“So slow.” (Rose)

“Shut up!” (Rocky)

This fight isn’t even worth prolonging…

“I’ll end it here.” (Rose)

After I state as such, I punch big and hairy in the face while holding back enough I wouldn’t kill her…

“Gaaah!” (Rocky)

“The Rocky Mountain crumbles, the bigger they are the harder they fall. You are pathetic, leave and don’t show up in this country again.” (Rose)

“Yess!” (Rocky)

As Rocky was about to run off, I stopped and stated…

“Wait, first you will apologize, not to me I couldn’t care less what you think, you will apologize to my sweet daughter. Now!” (Rose)

After I state as such, I switch back to my Lily form, and grab Freya out of Iris’s arms, and say…

“Come here, sweetheart this lady is going to apologize to you okies.” (Mommy Lily)

“Okies, Mommy, but whys?” (Freya)

“Because she hurt your feelings and was rude to you, when you are rude to someone you should apologize, remember this okies.” (Mommy Lily)

“Okies, Freya understands, Freya will remember Mommy.” (Freya)

“Now apologize please.” (Mommy Lily)

“I’m sorry for calling you names, and yelling at you, young lady.” (Rocky)

“Okies, Freya forgives you, but Freya won’t forgive you for being mean to mommy.” (Freya)

“My, my, Freya sure loves her Mommy. You should let that woman leave, my Love.” (Iris)

“Ehehe, I guess she does. Your right, Honey. You may leave but don’t let this happen again if we meet anywhere in the future.” (Lily)

After Roxanne runs off and leaves the guild, I turn to my wives and daughter and say…

“With that “Rocky” start to our adventure out of our way, let’s register and hear what our sweet daughter decided to name our adventure party…” (Lily)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the 2nd arc. I know I said I would be taking a couple of days break from uploading, to get some chapters written ahead of time, but I wanted to at least upload the first chapter of the new arc. Thank you all for your continued support. Lily and Freya wants to say something so Ciao for now. “Thank you everyone for enjoying my story, I hope you all the warm and fluffy in the new arc, take it away, Sweetheart.” (Lily) “Freya thanks you, and Freya wants to give you all hugs. Have a Great Day!” (Freya)

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