The Anime Maker

Chapter 11: 11. Director

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"This van... Isn't it going towards Kei's house."

Yuya who was walking saw a van rushing towards Kei's house.

"What.... Is it some type of problem?"

Without thinking much, Yuya ran back to see if everything is okay.


"To make one film, we search for that one is seven billion. That kind of fool is called a movie director. And I am one of them. I've been struggling. There is a movie I want to make. I've been looking for collaborators. I've waited a long time for someone like you to come my way.

Sumiji Kuroyama, director. And who ar-- poof!"

A tall semi muscular tanned man with spiky neck length hair brown hair said as he came out of a van.

Studio Daikokuten.

That's what was written on it.

Yuya was running back and when he saw the man who fully looked like a mafia, speaking with Kei he without waiting jumped and kicked him.

"You!! Who are you?"

"That's my line, mafia man. Don't you dare to harm them."

Yuya stood in front of Kei to protect from the tanned man who was down with his face which was twitching as soon he heard Yuya's words.

He stood up caressing his stomach to relieve the pain and he shouted.

"I am Director!! How can you mistake me as a mafia!!?"

"How I couldn't? You have tanned skin and haven't shaved for a long time. The eyes are sharp and who will know if you are after girls. Scum."


"What? I am not afraid of you!!"

And thus the fights begins!!


"I am sorry. I am very much sorry about that."

Yuya was bowing down continuously to the guy he just beat up. But still he didn't said that all was his fault.

"I am very sorry but it's your fault as well. How could somebody believe that you're a director with a glance?"

"You!! Sigh! I am wasted to fight more with you."

The hot headed director was tired of talking to this unknown guy in front of him. He just came here to recruit Kei Yonagi for his movie and somehow he got beaten.

How bitch the life is.

Kei and the children were laughing at their modern fistfight which didn't did much damage except the emotional damage.

The words hurt more than people think.

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"I am Sumiji Kuroyama. And as I said before I am a Director."

"I am Yuya Kanzaki. I am also a director."

"W-What? You're also a director?!!"

"Yeah. But of animation. Now why are you here?"

"I am here to cast your little girlfriend for my movie."

"G-Girlfriend!! We are not like that!!"

"Oooo Ho! Don't be so shy!!"

Kei and others were looking from far away and wondering what both of them were talking about.

"So, you are casting because of her talent?"


Yuya looked at him directly to read his eyes. It is said a person's personality can be identified just by looking at his eyes.

"I will agree. You can get her into your movie."

"Really? I thought you were going to decline directly."

" I want to. Because I can see the selfishness inside you. You just want to use her for your movie."


The air became a bit tense as Yuya said to Kuroyama. But what he said was absolutely true. Yuya could see the selfishness hidden in his eyes.

"But still I said yes because I know she isn't going to quit acting even though it's dangerous. She will go mad if this keeps up. But she won't stop with my words."

"Yeah. Once someone tastes the joy of acting they won't quit it."

"That's why if she agrees you can take her. But if by chance anything happens to her..."

Yuya grabbed Kuroyama's collar to make him face to face.

"I know, I know. Don't worry too much, Kanzaki-kun."

He removed Yuya's hands and dusted off his shirt. Yuya also didn't cared much and let her go with him if she agrees.

For a long time, Yuya has been persuading Kei to not do acting. Her talent is terrifying. But that doesn't mean that she should do acting.

Method Acting.

It is a form of acting that involves recalling events from one's past to evoke the required for a role.

And Kei has mastered this acting to a terrifying degree. When for the first time, Yuya saw her acting, he was very shocked and worried.

It's was like she became a totally different person.

Now it is in a controllable degree but if this keeps she will go crazy. And that's what he fears.

But what could do more than persuading? Dreams are something that can't be stopped by anyone.

He himself is chasing such a dream. So he is not qualified to stop someone else.

All he can do is to take care of her so that she can become a good actress.

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