The Anime Maker

Chapter 12: 12. Cliché Accident

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"Yuya-san! It's time for lunch."

Kyouya came and knocked his door. Yuya was under his futon was a bit uncomfortable because if sudden noise but after a while he woke up.

"Yawn! Yesterday night was too taxing. That director... Don't think too much, Yuya."

Yuya slapped himself to stop think about bullshit things and he came out of his futon.

"Time...1.00pm. Very good! It's been a while I had a good sleep."

In the land of rising sun, a person that wakes at noon is nobody other than our protagonist - Yuya Kanzaki.

"I haven't even brushed. How could I eat?"

He took his toothbrush and mint flavoured toothpaste and entered the bathroom.

"Hmm... It's good that I don't have any pimples in my face. By the way what that sound is..."

Yuya who was brushing his teeth turned only see the fantastic boing boing in front of him.

"W-Wait, Nanako! It's not my f---"



And our blonde haired girl ran out of the bathroom giving a perfect handprint on Yuya's pimple less face.

A nosebleed started to come from his nose. Yuya quickly wiped it.

"Oh! It's a perfect waking slap."


"Nanako! Why did you slapped me?!"

In this share house Kitayama, there is never a days where the lunches and dinners go silently. But today it was a bit more loud than the rest of the days.

"Wha? You are asking me that?! Pervert!"

Nanako who was eating stopped eating and replied him with a mixer of anger and embarrassment.

"What pervert?!! It's your fault for taking shower at noon!! Who takes shower at the middle of the day?"

"I do. I was feeling too hot and sticky that's why I taking a shower. Do you have a problem?"

"No. But the point is that you shouldn't have slapped me. Don't you know that if you live in share house, this things are common. Even in anime, it happens once in a while. So, what's the problem with you?"


This time all of them were looking at him silently. Nanako was full angry while other three of them - Shinoaki, Kyouya and Tsurayuki were trying to hold their laugh.

"*Cough* But Yuya-san. Isn't in anime the protagonist get slapped after the event."

"Yeah, but... Wait! Don't tell me... No! Nanako! Wait...!"

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*Loud Laughter*

Nanako angrily slapped him in other cheek and silently started eating her portion.

And Yuya was holding his pain because he was defeated in his argument. He lost in an anime debate! How can he lose in such a precious debate?!!

"Nanako. See how bad you made my flawless face look?"

Yuya showed his face where two clear prints of slaps were on his cheeks. Nanako glared him and he didn't said her anything more in fear and started eating his food.

And for the rest three, it was a good drama to watch during lunch.


"So, I heard from Kyouya that you all are full ready to make your three minute movie."

Yuya who was totally free from his work since he finished it, he was lazily sitting in the living room and chatting with rest of them.

While the rest of them are discussing still about the practical.

"Yeah! Kyouya-kun is amazing, you know. Since he came up with that amazing idea."

Shinoaki was smiling as usual while eating a bun. Who knows where she get it from?

"Whoa! Really, Kyouya you are amazing."

"Haha! It's nothing that much."

Kyouya laughed sheepishly while scratching his cheek.

"So, what is your idea for this time themed movie?"

"It's like this. Their is a girl in the station and then---"

Tsurayuki was telling the concept to him, but Yuya interrupted in middle because he figured out what Tsurayuki was going to say.

"Stop. I figured it out."

"Really, Yuya-kun?"

Shinoaki looked him with interesting eyes while others are very curious how he figured out their idea from just one line.

"Let me guess. Your idea is probably of depicting the life of the high school girl in the railway platform. Since the theme is time is not too hard to predict your film. And you probably chose railway because it a place is to shoot and many people have the memories of spending time in station from their childhood to their old age."


*Clap!* *Clap!*

Shinoaki clapped because Yuya told the idea they have perfectly.

"Yuya, you're amazing!"

Even Nanako who was angry over him was indeed surprised by Yuya's talent in films.

"It's nothing that surprising. You know, using the concept time in anime can create many masterpieces. I have several in my mind which I intend to make in future."

Tsurayuki was looking at him with some fierce gaze in his eyes like of a rival and Kyouya himself was thinking something in his mind.

'As expected of future most popular anime director of all time - Yuya Kanzaki!'

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