The Anime Maker

Chapter 13: 13. Practical(2)

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"By the way, what today that Aka-sensei is going to teach?"

Yuya was sitting in living room as he was sketching some paintings in his note. His note was full of scribbles which could only be understood by him.

"Kanou-sensei, told that today's class is for the ones who didn't knew the way of filming."

Kyouya near him who was sneakily peeping into his note said to him.

"But didn't she taught that in her previous class to make everyone understand about that?"

"Yeah! But still she added one more class for the ones with doubts."

'What happened that day... I only remember it hazily. Probably because I was asleep.'

"Kyouya I don't remember what she said. Do you remember perfectly?"

"I remember but I don't know if it's perfect."

"It's okay. Just narrate it to me. I don't think I can go once again just to listen her scoldings."

"Hahaha! Well okay. What happened that day was...."


Some days ago, in Oonaka University of Arts - Film Department...

Misaki Kanou, the teacher of the class was giving the lecture about how to make film and it's basics. After all not everyone knows about that.

"So, is everyone is in class? Good. Hmm... Is Yuya is here?"

"Yes, Sensei. Though he is asleep."

"Wake him up."

"Kanzaki-san. Wake up or else Kanou-sensei will come here."

"What?! That old hag..."

"What. Did. You. Say?!!"

Yuya turned just to see Aka-sensei beside him exerting a very fierce aura.

"S-Sorry. What I was saying? Yes. I was saying, Misaki-sensei is so beautiful and so loving because of which--"


A huge fist directly fell on him which made him once again sleep on bench.

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"Now let's start."

Everyone gulped after that and also Yuya somehow got a bit respect in everyone's respect in hearts for being brave enough to taunt such strong woman.

"Before everyone's summer break we will be having practical exam or Practicum 1. I told you before about it but many of you don't know what to do, so I will teach you.

Practicum 1 is all about producing your own film. It's the most effective way of learning what matters the most in the industry.

Now, filming is divided into several categories. 'Direction'. 'Technique'. 'Casting'. 'Production'.

There are varying opinions on this matter but I believe that these are four tenets of film production.

Now the first, Direction. The director is the overall supervisor of the film, he stands as the face and the backbone of the film. Whether the film receives praise or criticism is largely attributed to the director. Assistant director and screenwriters also fall into this category.

Next, Technique. Cinematography, lighting, sound recording... In order to create a good film, your team must have the skill to make all of these come together. If even one of these is missing, it greatly affects the quality of the film. You will suffer consequences if you sleep through your classes.

Casting. In order words the actors. From selecting cast to the actual performance. Their ability to display emotion through their face and their voice... Skill is important. Yes, but this is a part that requires you to delve within the depth of human emotions. The high you get when you become one with character is something special.

And lastly, Production. This is the mostly likely part you never heard about. "Seisaku" or "Shinkou" are the terms that may be used interchangeably with it, but it can also be called this - Ass wiping.

As the term implies, production pertains to the most of the dirty work.

Scheduling shoots, reserving locations, and then you find actors coming late, the crew is not coming... And when they finally get there, you scream at them and you get into an argument... So, everyone's in a bad mood and no one is doing their job right... And just when you think you can finally start filming... Your bright sunny scene is suddenly ruined by an onslaught of rain... And that's just the tip of iceberg.

Now for the Practicum 1, each one of you will be assigned to one of those four tenets. Now split up into groups and each group must have four people. Understood?

By the way, don't include Yuya in your groups. He has been exemption from this group practicum. He is going to have his practical exam different.

Your deadline is until summer break. The expected output is a three minute short film from each team.

I will give you time to decide on your teams. When you are done, the team leaders must report me within a day, got it?


"That's what happened. And we all got into team since we all know each other. After Kanou-sensei's class, Kawasegawa-san, went full charts for being leader in her team."

"Kawasegawa... Who is she?"

"Huh? You don't know her, Kanzaki-san?"

"I seriously don't know her."

"She is the only with long red hair. And she was the one because of which you had to answer in scenario writing class."

"Oh! I remember now. She is only that looks similar to Aka-sensei. I think both of them must cousin sisters."

"I also thought that too."

Both Kyouya and Yuya talked about all other things and just like this one more day went by.

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