The Anime Maker

Chapter 19: 19. The Hate for Summer

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Summer. A season Yuya hated the most. There is no way, he would go out in this scorching heat. So, he was cooped inside his room, drawing frames for his next project.

After his success with his short film, though he was not world class famous, still he made his presence known to the anime community.

Shelter – the short film, was with a fantastic soundtrack and story. And not only he got fame, but his friend for whom he made it got it more than him.

Eiko got an uplift to her singing career. Yuya was indeed a bit worried about it, but still thinking of her having Kongming, he relaxed a lot.

And he finally opened his studio for his works. Studio Kitayama.

He wanted to remember his first work which was born in this share house, so he named it after it. And for the logo, he used a mountain with the label of Kitayama under it.

After all Kitayama literally means north mountain.

But unfortunately, he is the only sole employee of this studio. He wanted the rest – Kyouya, Tsurayuki, Nanako and Shiroaki to join with him as well. But he didn't want to force them. He could all of them of having different ambitions. So, he didn't ask them about it.

Though he won't shy from borrowing their help.

"Aaah~ So hot!"

Yuya stood up and opened the window making the dark room brighten instantly making him close his eyes of sudden light.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked outside in search of some cool wind, but sorry to his luck he found only heat fuming around him.

He was about to close it back but saw Kyouya coming back from somewhere. It was normal, but what caught his eyes was the bag on Kyouya's hands.

And he could see the things in it. It was summer, so what could he bring?

"Ice cream!"

He quickly saved all his documents, and then changed his sweaty clothes and quickly came downstairs, to wait for Kyouya to come and give him an ice cream.

"I am back."

Kyouya took off his shoes and was about to enter but Yuya stopped him as soon he took a step inside.

"Kyouya, have you bought it?"

Yuya asked Kyouya. He just assumed himself, that Kyouya was bringing ice cream. And if he didn't bring it…


"I am talking about ice cream."

"Ice cream? I haven't bought it."

Kyouya's straight lines broke all his defense. He just came down, only for ice cream. But now, it was all for naught.

He gloomily turned to return back to his room. But then Kyouya called him.


"What is it?"

Yuya turned back and looked at him.

"I haven't bought ice cream, but I have these."

And then Kyouya took out long wrapped popsicles from the bag. Yuya's eyes shined and like a dog he quickly reacted and took the orange flavoured one from his hands.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!"

Yuya laughed happily as he sucked on the popsicle happily. Hearing the sounds, the rest came out to see him and Kyouya laughing and sucking popsicles.

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"No fair! Kyouya-kun, give me one as well."

Shiroaki quickly came forward to get one from him. Kyouya just smiled as if he expected this situation.

"I have bought for all of us."

And then took out some more popsicles from the bag. All of them took one of them with full of happiness. The heat really did a number to all of them and not one really dared to go outside. At this moment, everyone looked Kyouya like some kind of God.

"Kyouya-kun. I love you!"

Yuya jumped up one him and hugged him with happiness. While Kyouya's mouth twitched, being not happy after listening to a boy's confession.

Who would want a boy to confess to him?

Well, there might be someone since the modern days are here, but he is not like that.

Looking at Kyouya's face, all of them laughed, eating the popsicle making the heat more joyous.


"I have to consider the future from now."

The sun was down, making the heat disappear. Yuya was sitting on his chair thinking about his future. In anime industry, no matter how much one boasts, it exists to make money.

And he also wants to make money. But with the supports with excellent works. With his short film, he finally has a considerable amount of fame but still it's not enough to make an official debut.

"I will make a film and after that I will make series."

He was very sure about his next step. And that's why he was sketching since the start of the summer break. Because this time, it's not a 5-minute film, but it is a full-fledged 30-minute film.

"I will ask Nanami to help me in voice acting this time as well."

Previously, "Shelter" was more like an AMV than an anime film. And that's why he didn't required too much voice acting for the it. But this time, his 30 minutes anime film will require it.

Since he doesn't know anyone except Aoyama Nanami, who attends the acting department in this university.

"She will be best choice."

Just he was about to continue his work, his door opened. Yuya looked the one who opened it. It's quite rude to not knock before opening, but he thought it must be urgent since he could see Kyouya sweating bucks.

"What happened Kyouya?"

He turned with his chair and looked at him. Kyouya stuttered and then pointed downstairs.


"It's… what?"

"It's your fiancé!"

"Oh! It's my fiancé…. What?!"

Yuya's pen fell down and he was in panic.

"I don't have a fiancé. Who the hell is downstairs? Wait… don't tell me…"

Yuya quickly saved the files and came downstairs running behind Kyouya.

'Please god, don't tell me I am right.'

But God is unfortunately busy. Yuya came down and then saw the figure and sighed.

"To think Yuya-san would sigh after looking me. You haven't come to see your fiancé for so many months."

The girl pouted a bit which made her cold impression diminish to large extent.

"To think you would come to here to meet me, Kaguya."

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