The Anime Maker

Chapter 20: 20. Fiancée

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Yuya just looked the girl in front of him. The girl was beautiful with pitch black shiny hair tied up with a red ribbon, which he remembers giving her one day in past. The girl has a same red coloured jewel like eyes shining making her feel a bit more royal and noble.

All around she was releasing an aura of a noble woman which is making the rest four companions of his afraid to approach her.

Her chest is not too large, but it is also not that small. She was wearing a black suit, giving her a business lookout.

She is nobody other than Kaguya Shinomiya. The owner of the Shinomiya Consortium.

And she is also his fiancée or better to say, she is his fiancée according to her.

"Really your aura is scaring everyone, Kaguya."

Yuya just stepped forward to calm her down. Being in business for a long time, Kaguya has been wandering places and her demeanor has been refined, making her convenient to get upper hands dealing with companies.

"Oh. Sorry for the trouble."

Kaguya bowed down a bit and apologized the rest. With a bit disbelieving gaze, like they weren't expecting her to bow, all of then nodded with her.

"So, why are you here?"

"You are my fiancée. Can't I even come to see you?"

Kaguya then pouted a but after listening harsh remark from Yuya. She thought that Yuya would be happy with her surprise visit.

Looking at her, Yuya himself was very puzzled. He just didn't know what kind of magic he has done to make this girl fall in love with him.

Now, whenever he looks at her, he can remember the old Kaguya, the cold and rational girl who sees everyone as a tool for her use. Because of her position in her family, she was taught to be like this.

And that was the time he got in contact with her. And now, this Kaguya in front of him is totally different. This Kaguya Shinomiya is still cold and rational, but it is in the time of work.

She always puts up a very tough front, but always comes back to him and acts like a spoiled child.

'She has really grown up.'

Yuya, being one of the largest single shareholders of Shinomiya Consortium, have always been with Kaguya. And he is also the one who knows her best, after Hayasaka since she was her maid from the beginning.

Before Kaguya was just a sheet, a clean blank of paper but now it's full of colours. Then Yuya's sight went over her face which is a bit more mature than her high school. And slowly his sight went down and stopped at her chest.

'She is indeed grown up.'

Kaguya was a very perfect lady. But she had a one shortcoming. And of course, that was her chest. But now it seems to have grown, grown enough for him to see her cleavage.

'Maybe we can go to beach sometime.'

Thinking of Kaguya in bikini, a bit drool started to come from his mouth. Kaguya who kind of guessed what he was thinking of gave a very cold gaze making him shudder.

He quickly put away his dirty thoughts, and then wore his shoes to go out to have private talks with self-proclaimed fiancée.

"Well, I am going out for a bit. See you later."

Bidding farewell to the four, he came out with Kaguya and entered the black limousine, the car for rich.

The limousine booted up. Yuya was sitting easily inside with Kaguya beside him and Hayasaka in front of him with a business suit as well.

She can't wear a maid costume everywhere, so it's better to be in a suit.

"So, why did you come here? Did something happen at the company? Or your bastard brother is creating problems again?"


"Then, why did you—"

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"As I told you before, I am here to meet you."


"What are you sighing?"

Kaguya complained at him sighing even though she is here to meet him.

"No, I am just thinking of old you. If it had been your previous self, she would never admit that she came for a visit. She would be like: I n-never came here to visit you. I am here for business matters. Right, Hayasaka? And then Hayasaka would nod at your words."

Yuya just smiled imagining the old Kaguya coming to him and acting the way he described. Hayasaka nodded at his words, because she also agreed with him.

"Y-You're are bullying me."

Kaguya punched him in embarrassment. Yuya just didn't dodged thinking how much a girl's punch could hurt. But then he remembered, the person in front of him is not a normal girl. She is Kaguya Shinomiya.

He quickly started to move, but the punch was faster than it seemed. And it directly got hit on his face, making him fall down.

"Oh! Sorry. Are you alright?"

Kaguya quickly came to him and then shook him with worry, trying to wake him up. unknown to her, she made him worse.

"Kaguya-sama, I think you have made it worse."

"Huh? Hayasaka, help me!"

Kaguya got and then hugged her with tears. Out of all her habits, her reliance on Hayasaka have yet to decrease.


Hayasaka then came forward and then kept Yuya on the sofa and then poured the bottle of chilled water making him awake in an instant.


"Yuya, are you alright?"

Kaguya came forward and then asked him with a worried tone.

"You… who are you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean who are you? I don't remember you."

"Aaaaa… Hayasaka what should we do? Yuya have lost his memory."

Kaguya was shocked, and then blamed herself for making him lose his memory. She started to cry hugging Hayasaka.

'Maybe, I have done too much.'

Yuya was also feeling guilty acting like that. He just went near her and then patted her head making her turn behind.


And then he with his hands on his ears, apologized her. Thinking of her being happy, Yuya smiled. Kaguya looked at him and understood everything in a glance.

She smiled. But it was a smile, that demons give out.

"S-sorry. I was just…"

Looking at Kaguya full of black aura, Yuya stuttered.

"So, you were just trying to prank me. How cute~"

"W-wait! Kagu--- Oooo!"

And the limousine went on.

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