The Anime Maker

Chapter 5: 5. Return

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"Steave Kido..."

Eiko was a bit lost as soon heard the name of the person.

"Eiko, do you know him?"

"Steave Kido... The Japanese artist who has DJ'ed in LA and Ibiza? He threw cakes towards the crowd in summer sonia."

"Who the hell he is?"

Yuya who obviously didn't put much his mind in music didn't knew him.

"Call me Kid. Everyone calls me that."

"Kid... Are you that 'KID'?"

Eiko couldn't help and ask the person who was sitting and eating noodles.

"Which Kid? There are many kids, you know. Like Kaito Kid, Medical kit and more like that."


"Oh! Go ahead and quip back."

'What a pain in the butt...'


Eiko was inside the studio in the front of the mic with the lyrics with her and the rest three were just in the outside watching her.

"This song is pretty good. So, who made it?"

"I made the beats. Though it is still incomplete and needs more modifications."

"You are right. For a while, I met an interesting work... I will help you."

"Oh! Steave-san. Thank you very much."

"Call me Kid."

"Oh! Okay."

And then the recording for the song started. At first there were very mistakes but as slowly time passed Yuya told how he needed the song and Kid helped him to make it.

A professional is after all thousand times better than an amateur. Eiko also came in and told her suggestions.

And with a final one the recording came to an end.

"Finally, it's over."

Eiko said as soon she gulped a bottle full of water.

"Yeah. I am tired."

Yuya didn't knew that just recording of the sing would made him that tired.

"Good work, Eiko-san. You sand very well."

"Oh! Thank you, Kongming."

All of them packed everything and paid Kid and finally left the studio and went to the BB lounge for a drink.

The sun was about to set. Before they knew the recording of a song took whole day.

"Thank you, Eiko. For your help."

"Hahahah! Don't worry. We are friends after all."

Yuya smiled and sipped the juice in front of him. Then he took a look on his watch and decided to leave to complete his anime.

"It is evening. If I don't go now it will be too late. I am going then, Eiko."

"Oh! Okay. Bye. And make sure to go properly."


Yuya came out of the club and finally decided to leave. But soon he found a person near him.

"Kongming-san. What happened?"

"Nothing. I am just curious about the thing you were going to say today morning?"

"Oh! That. The reason why I didn't give up in anime?"


"... Making an anime is very hard. It takes too effort. And it needs various skills. So, I was very annoyed to learn everything just to make an anime. If I look my past self, you could say I underestimated the anime that time. And when I saw the real effort I was about to give it up. But then I saw Eiko working so hard towards her dream even though she is still in last. And after looking at her I was ashamed and resolved myself to make the best anime in the world."

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"Oh! Yuya-san. That's why you..."

"Yeah! That's why the first anime I am making is a short film or in a way it is a music video for Eiko. I made it as a gift from me for that time. Kongming-san. Eiko believes you very much. I hope you can take care of her."

"Don't worry, Yuya-san. I am also like you. As her manager, I will make her the greatest singer with my stratagems."


"Well then I will see you later."



"Finally, I have returned."

Yuya opened the door and entered the house. 

"Oh! You all still awake."

Yuya saw all Shinoaki and Tsurayuki sitting and arguing about something.



Then he saw Kyouya cooking dinner for the rest.

"Kyouya, I am not going to eat today. I bought my dinner from convience store."

"Oh! Okay."

"By the way, Yuya-san is the song for your anime is complete?"

Tsurayuki who was curious about his anime from the day one asked him.

"Yeah. I finally with a help of my childhood friend completed it."

"Can I see it?"

"No! I am keeping it a surprise. I will let you see it with anime I made. I am sure you will be surprised. By the way, what are you arguing about?"

"Kanzaki-kun! Listen Tsurayuki-kun ate my Umakatoyo."

Shinoaki complained Yuya about how her umakatoyo got eaten by Tsurayuki.

[Umakatoyo - A type of instant ramen.]

"Sorry, Shinoaki. But I gave some Sukiyaken in exchange. Didn't I?"

"But that is Soy flavour. It's completely different!"

"It's fine, isn't it? Both are staple of bar foods!"

"No it's not!"

"Wait. Both of yo..."

Kyouya quickly came from kitchen to mediate between them.

"Apologise, Tsurayuki!"

And the last member of the share house, Nanako came out of her room to judge them.

"Eating someone else's food with permission is something you can't do when you're living together."

And she said with a very strict manner. 

"Nanako... Your chest..."

Only to realise that she was in her bra!

"Chest... Hyaaah!"

And with embarrassment she punched Kyouya in front of her.

"Why me?"

And Kyouya who took the hit was literally on the floor.

"Hahahah! A real anime event, isn't it?"

The rest with him also laughed as they saw it.

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