The Anime Maker

Chapter 6: 6. Practical (1)

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Oonaka University of Arts. As usual it was brooming with students within their respective classes. And of course, Yuya was in his department for which he applied for.

There are several departments in a university and since Yuya was only interested in animation, he chose Film Department. The department under which animation is a sub department.

And today, this particular was different from the rest of the days. Because today their teacher - Misaki Kanou, the same red haired teacher who was pissed at him was not lecturing as usual.

Because today is the day to give the practical exams to students!

"The Theme is Time. Make a three minute film. That would make us feel the flow of time. Now split into groups of fours. Understood?"

Yuya was for a surprise, wasn't sleeping was surprised at the sudden practical task. After all he is busy with all his hands in his anime. And it is already in its last stages.

"So, suddenly. How can I get my time out and make one more anime? I have to talk to the Aka-sensei."

[Aka - It means red.]

The four next to him, Kyouya, Tsurayuki, Nanako and Shinoaki were looking at him seriously thinking.

"Yuya-san. What happened?"

Tsurayuki beside him asked Yuya who was immersed in his thoughts.

"Yeah. It's nothing. It's just I have no time to make a three minute anime film now. I am full with the current work I have."

"Then how about talking with Misaki-sensei? I think she will understand you."

Shinoaki from behind suggested him. Yuya also nodded with her opinion.

"Yeah. I thought so too. I will go and talk with her."

As soon the sensei left the classroom, he didn't waste his time and came out quickly to talk with her about him.


"So, you are telling that you can't do this practical?"

"Yes, Aka-Sensei."

"Don't call me that. Call me Misaki-sensei."


"So tell me. Why can't you do that?"

Misaki-sensei asked while looking Yuya in his eyes while he was standing in front of her. 

'Looking by her eyes it seems I can't lie my way out of here. Sigh!'

Yuya dropped his serious demeanor and lazily as usual told everything to her.

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"To tell truth, sensei I am making an anime from a year and it is in its last stages. And before the summer break it will be complete."

"Then why don't you stop for a while and after completing the practical you can resume your work."

"I knew you would say that. The thing I am fully is immersed in that work and it will problem if suddenly I start something. And I have promised my friend to complete it before ger debut."


"Yes. She is an aspiring singer and is my childhood friend. And she even sang for my short anime film."

"Is your short film is a kind of AMV?"

"Yeah! After all I basically made it for her. But don't think it is just bunch of random pictures with a good song. Whenever, I will make an anime it will my from my full effort."

Misaki who was looking at him somehow felt looking at someone who has the confidence to rule the world. The light in his eyes were shining like gems as he said that.

"Then if you are not convinced then, give me marks after watching my short film. How's that?"

Yuya who still saw her being hesitate told her. Misaki finally sighed and agreed then let him go. Yuya who was happy rushed out of room happily.

"Sigh! Being a teacher is more difficult then I thought. But... I am excited to see how good his short film is!"


"Kanzaki-san! What happened?"

As soon Yuya entered the house, Kyouya who was in living room asked him if his talk with the teacher went good.

"She didn't allow to me to skip the practical."

"D-Don't worry it will be alright."

Kyouya tried to calm down Yuya thinking he might to upset of because of teacher.

"Why are so worried? Even though she didn't let me skip the practical, she will give me scores upon my personal project!"

"That's means..."

"Yeah! I have to continue making my anime and complete it. I will definitely blow up everyone's mind in the exam day."

Yuya said confidently and then walked up to his room for his work. 

Meanwhile, the rest four of them who were in team were sitting in the living room to discuss how to make the three minutes short film for the practical film.

"So, what should we do for this test?"

Tsurayuki was the first one to ask all of them. 

Being in a team needs to classify work. And after Kanou-sensei's class all of them have already divided what they should do.

And Kyouya as a team leader of course should have a plan in his mind for this three minute short film.

"I have an idea."

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