The Asgarth Chronicles

Chapter 3: Vol. 1 Chapter 2 – The Aftermath & Retrospective

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POV: Arthur

Location: Monastery of St. Lumen

“Ugh…where am I?”

I woke up somewhere around morning as sun was shining through the windows. I had trouble in recollecting what happened that time at the fort, the last thing I remembered was me falling down the cliff.

I managed to get up but my body felt really sluggish to the point I couldn’t move without feeling a bit of pain. As I looked around, I noticed I’m in very fancy room.

There was a bookshelf, a table with chairs, a big chest and everything looks like is made of the most expensive materials. Even the bed was surprisingly comfortable, despite the pain I couldn’t help but to cuddle for a bit before getting up. Honestly I was feeling out of place. This is a more of a room for VIP’s rather than for someone like me.

Fortunately both my clothes and the sword are here, right there on the table. While I had many questions in my head luckily there were going to be answered very soon.

“Oh my goodness! You’re finally awake!”

The door opened and a woman in her mid-20’s appeared with a wooden bucket. She was wearing something a kin to nun outfit but with more light green color scheme. She has a blond hair, light blue eyes, a slim body and moderate bust. She certainly does plays into my imagination how the nuns would look like. Unfortunately, I couldn’t appreciate her beauty for very long before I again felt pain as tried to move my right arm.

“Ouch, it hurts like hell…”

“Oh my! Please refrain from moving too much. Your body is not healed up yet.”

The lady didn’t waste any moment as she run fast toward my bed and pleaded me while looking at me as if she is about to cry. I couldn’t help but to look away with embarrassment. After all, who would be able to say no to someone with such cute expression?

“….May I ask you something? Where am I?”

“Ah yes! Of course! You just woken up so you must have many questions.”

She was a bit agitated by my question but likely she was focusing on something else. At long as I get any information, I will be happy.

“Right now we are in the Monastery of St. Lumen. When you were found, you were gravely wounded but fortunately your condition was stable enough there weren’t many issues.”

“Uh, how long I was asleep?”                           

“I don’t know but once you have been taken here it’s been 5 days.”

5 Days!? Actually it’s very likely I was unconscious for possibly a week or so. Now to think about it, how did I end up here in the first place?

“How did you find me?”

“Let’s see…”

According to her I was found lying right next to the gate that was leading toward monastery. It happened during an evening, she was returning from some business along with acquaintance and soon as they saw me, they made haste to check out my condition. When they found me, I was already full of bandages.

Later, she told her acquaintance to look after me as she went to monastery in order to get some help. Fortunately, they were a couple of people patrolling around the place so getting the help wasn’t very difficult. After they transported me into this room, the cleric used some kind of light magic spell to see whenever they were any internal injuries. Luckily, he find out I wasn’t in critical condition, the only thing they needed was to ensure is someone looking after me during my recovery. During this conversation, I found out that Miss Claire AKA the lady that is right in front of me volunteered herself, arguing  that because she was the one that found me she should watch over me. There were no objections and after some arrangements, she was taking of me since then.

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“Miss Claire, I would like to thank you from bottom of my heart for looking after me for all this time.”

“Please don’t think too much about it! I only did something natural! I mean everyone would do same thing if they find someone in need! He he he….”

Aww, she is flustered. I wonder if she is not used to getting complements or something. Either way, seeing her like that really want me to tease her more in the future.

“Ah yes! You must be hungry! Do not worry, I will deliver food as soon as possible!”

As she tried to cover her embarrassment by leaving the room, I needed to confirm something before she leaves.

“Miss Claire?”

“AHHH! Y-Yes?”

She turned back with startled face and then I ask with serious tone.

“It is fine to keep me here? I’m afraid I won’t be able to repay debt in any way for a while. I don’t have any wealth to speak of neither I’m not anyone important. You surely know this, considering my belongings are right here. So why would the people from monastery go that far to help out a complete stranger?“

“…..I think there is some kind of misunderstanding, Mister uhhh…” 


“Mister Arthur, we didn’t help you because we wanted to gain something from you or force a debt upon you.”


“It is our duty as servant of the Goddess Ceres to help those in need. If we turned back on them, not only we committed a great sin but also in process the good name of the Goddess would be forever tarnished which is unacceptable for us believers.”

“….I see. Please forgive me for asking such a question.”

”As long as you understand. But please don’t be sad! There would be a delicious meal coming for you very soon. Now if you excuse me.”

Once she left, I immediately lay down while thinking about whole situation. I felt really bad about doubting Miss Claire’s intentions even if my concern was understandable from logical standpoint.

There is one thing that is crystal clear is it fact not a dream. Meaning I died and was reborn in different world, thanks to that mysterious figure. Honestly, even now I don’t know what to think of this.

I don’t remember how I died previously but I do recall the moment when I appeared right before that guy. What was the point of that card game? And why I knew the ruleset? Man my brain hurts…too many enigmas and I have no idea where to start.

For starters, once I will able to move freely I should make an extensive research about this world, learning swordsmanship also would be nice. Not only I have to take revenge on those stupid bandits but also retrieve that book from that tomb. I won’t be surprised if those guys took it once I fall off the cliff. I don’t know if karma is a thing but I didn’t commit to tomb pillaging only to lose any of the items few moments later! I owe the dead to at least look after them.

Ah, there is a matter of that big bad with a metal arm but no worries. Next time, I will show him how’s the boss!

Heh, after all that thinking I was feeling much better. Just you all wait, I may lost that time but eventually… I will have my redemption.

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