The Asgarth Chronicles

Chapter 4: Vol. 1 Chapter 3 – The History of Ransoir City

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POV: Arthur

Location: Monastery of St. Lumen

It’s been a month since I woke up but it’s been recently I was able to walk freely around monastery. Frankly, I still barely feel my legs but it’s likely a side-effect of not walking for a while. I should be glad I’m not crippled for rest of my life.

Since I was stuck to the bed, there wasn’t much going on aside few things. Miss Claire was checking on me every day while delivering a meal. Usually we exchanged few words but unfortunately since she is a busy person the conversations never lasted very long.

Also I was also occasionally visited by that cleric how was monitoring my condition but he wasn’t very talkative. He has a brown hair and similar to Miss Claire he was wearing light-green robe. I bet he’s a bit older than me but not that much.

Fortunately I managed to get hands on some books after asking Miss Claire about the world. She was slightly confused when I asked her about the location where monastery lies. 

“Huh? You never heard of Ransoir City before?”

“Forgive me for not telling earlier but I’m not from here. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was caught on some trouble while travelling. As you can see, I barely made out in one piece.”

I didn't know whenever to mention about what kind of trouble i was involved in but she didn't try to probe into details so i decided to not to yet.

During that time, I was also making sure to learn local language as it could be a serious issue in finding any sort of information. I still have long way to go but luckily I was good enough to read most of the text without much problems.

Currently I’m in Ransoir City which lies somewhere in the middle of continent called Umbra. Interesting enough, the monastery existed way before city was founded.

According to the source, around 500 years ealier there was a man known as Saint Lumen was a wandering priest who helped many unfortunate people along the way. Thanks to his incredible proficiency in both Light and Earth magic, it's been said that he was capable of renewing barren land, accelerating the growth of crops and getting rid of even the strongest of diseases. 

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Now as you can imagine a person like him had a lot of admirers and enemies. While the common folk were enthralled by him but the authorities not so much. I couldn't find the reason why exactly that was the case but if i would take a guess, he was considered as threat to their power and likely they were afraid of getting overthrown by the general population.

During his travels, he managed to convent a handful of people even some of them joined him in his quest until they decided to build a pernament place where they can fully commit to worship of their Goddess and thus the monastery was built that later was named after him. As for the one who was worshiped it was Ceres who is known as a Goddess of Life and Nature. 

After the monastery was build, Saint Lumen went travelling again claiming that his work is not done yet however it's been said that he never seen again. There were many attempts to find out about what happened to him afterwards but to no avail.

Now you probably wonder what this has to do anything with the Ransoir City. Now we get to the interesting part.

Over a century ago, there was a major event that not only permanetly changed the enviroment and climate of the whole continent but also it resulted in major outbreak of monsters that were never seen before. As a result, many settlements were brought to ruin and it forced people to leave their homes and look for safer place. The event is known as The Calamity. 

As time went on, the immigrants found their way into monastery but it didn't took long fot the archbishop to realise that they won't be able to provide nessesary help to all people who they accepted as their number kept increasing each day.

With the help of the Ceres believers, the immigrants managed to build the village which in time grown into place that is known as Ransoir City which was named after Norman Ransoir, the first mayor of the city.

To this day, the Church of Ceres is a major power which thanks to their economic and cultural prowess they serve as indisputable leader to the point of outranking the actual city authorities.

After reading all of this, I couldn't help but be curious about how the hierarchy is functioning in practice although right now I have to go to my training as thanks to Miss Claire, i managed to find a person who agreed to train me in ways of sword.

With the determined look, I went outside and I started to walking toward the courtyard where my training was about to continue.

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