The Asgarth Chronicles

Chapter 6: Vol. 1 Chapter 5 – Application for Adventurer Job

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POV: Arthur 

Location: Stall District (Ransoir City)

It's been few days since I had a meeting with an Archbishop and frankly I'm already fed up with that "another world" crap. I don't know which is worse: a high authority figure that is interested in me or a guy who brought me here who happened to know about my identity? Either way as much I wish nothing bad would come of it, unfortunately I'm not that much of optimistic to believe that.

As I was on my way toward Adventure's Guild, a place I heard you can earn good amount of money and they accept literally everyone. Although beforehand, I had to confirm something about application process. So I talked to Sir Rufus, who was leading me toward the destination.

"Say...If an applicant happened to be from unknown origin, would they still accept them anyway?"

"Huh? As far as I know the guild are only checking your capabilities as fighter y'know like your strength, skills, current profession. Afterwards they will assign a rank adequate to your usefulness. At least I think that's how it is, I'm not a part of guild staff so you have to find out yourself about details if you want to know more."

"I see. That's a relief."

While both of us were chitchatting on our way toward Adventurers Guild sometimes we were briefly stopped by some people that approached us. From what I gathered, Sir Rufus is quite popular among common people. They were usually expressing gratitude for his good deeds as for me they didn't talk to me that much. Or rather they didn't seem to acknowledge my existence at all although there was an exception in form of kind old grandma who was part of a stall which was selling all kinds of flowers.

"Young man, are you perchance a student of esteemed Sir Rufus?"

"Uh...yes ma'am. That happened to be the case."

"I see, I see! You seem to be a fine lad. I didn't think I would to live long enough to see someone will finally take on Sir Rufus's legacy. *Sobbs Truly a historical moment." 

"Ha ha ha! That's right, Miss Lemon! This boy right here is a quite talented. He's still green but with once he's done with training, he will undoubtedly many great feats perhaps even surpassing myself one day."

While Sir Rufus was praising me, he kept enthusiangly clapping me on my shoulder.

"Ooh! I'm looking forward to it. Please pay me a visit if you would be looking for a nice flower, I would even give one for free!"

"I don't need a flower right now but I appreciate your offer. I will do my best to live up toward Sir Rufus's high standards."

I didn't plan to become a City Guard just like him but I couldn't help but to smile after hearing praise. As we were continuing forward down the path, after few minutes we finally reached an Adventure's Guild and there was a beginning of a journey that will last for who knows long even so I was looking forward to what fate has store in for me.


POV: Arthur 

Location: Adventure's Guild (Ransoir City)

"*Tap *Tap See this clerk? This is where you apply for the job. Now don't just stand here, let's go!

Once me and Sir Rufus entered the establishment, I wanted to look around the place as it is my first time afterall but Sir Rufus didn't give me much time and pinpoint the location that was right at opposite side of the room.

Now the room itself isn't very big but it's surprisingly clean. The tables are put nicely in between each other, the billboards are on the left not blocking anything and there are quite a lot of people inside. I was impressed of variety in weapons these Adventurers have. From classic swords, spears, axes to crossbows, staffs and there was even one guy with a gun! Granted, it looked kinda old school but if they are guns in this world why there aren't more common? Also what's the point of having a melee weapon if anyone can just use guns to shoot anything before they get too close? 

However that's a problem for future me, now we finally reach the desk where we were greeted by a guild receptionist with a smile. She has a blonde hair with a ponytail, she looks as she's in her early 30's. 

"Greetings. What I can i do for you today?"

"This young men wishes to become an Adventurer. I don't think there should be any issues."

"Understood Sir Rufus. Please stand by."

The guild receptionist went under the desk and soon after placed a black crystal ball. Inside it, there could be seen some kind white particles swimming around.

"Mister, please place your hand on this device for measuring your capabilities."

"Ah yes, understood."

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Once I placed my right hand on the crystal, suddenly those white particles started making some erratic moves until they shaped some kind of inscryption. Whatever it is, I couldn't read it but it seems the guild lady can as she gestured to remove my hand and soon after she placed her own hands and seemed to be focused on the crystal ball.

But few moments later, something weird happened. Her smile was long gone and she kept looking in between me and crystal ball. I couldn't stand a tension so I asked her about it.

"Is something the matter?"

"...It appears you do not possess any class. According to guild procedures, only people with classes can become Adventurers so I'm afraid we cannot accept your application."

"I see...That was a mistake on my part. Thank you for your time, I will be going t------"

"Now hold on!"

Before I could excuse myself, Sir Rufus injected himself into the conversation. His voice was so loud to the point, surrounding people stopped talking and now were looking at us with curiosity.

"This is the first time I heard of this. There aren't any barriers of entry as far is I know."

"Yes but recently there were some changes in rules regarding recruitment of new Adventurers. Only those with classes will be accepted."

The clerk tried to make a compelling argument however Sir Rufus remained unconvinced.

"Even if it's true, the guild has special job crystals to accommodate for such situations so why won't we use it right now?"

"That's true but it's only for emergency purposes and there have to make special arrangements first s----"

"We're in emergency right now. Besides the arrangements can be made later, can we just do it already!?"

Wow, this is the first time I see Sir Rufus in such state. Now I wouldn't call him an exemplary gentleman but he didn't push people around like that. The poor clerk is now all white because of it, I guess that's what happens when you're in a position of power. You can do things normally wouldn't be possible by average person.

"I...I understand! Pardon me for rudeness, I shall bring the stone immediately!"

Once the guild lady brought the stone, I took closer look. The stone itself is pretty small but it's quite beautiful thanks to its blue colors and it seems to be somewhat transparent. There is a symbol inscrypted which I'm assuming is an Adventurer's Guild mark, the sword and axe on top of a shield. The sign can be seen right before you enter the building.

After I took the Job Stone, I got a mesmerizing feeling which soon dissappeared along with the stone. I didn't feel anything aside getting that annoying notification noice which means something changed in my stats.

Once I finally became an Adventurer, I bid farewell to the clerk and left. Only me because Sir Rufus apparently has matter to discuss with the Guild so I awaited him outside. I can only guess what was the matter he was speaking of....


POV: Arthur 

After a short wait, Sir Rufus left the building and we were going back toward monastery. He seemed not in very good mood so we were awkwardly walking alongside eachother in silence. I couldn't stand that silence for long so I decided to break the mold and speak to him regardless.

"Sir Rufus....Is it ok it turned out like that? We could just return later once I get my class. I don't think it was worth it t------"

"Not another word. It's not a big deal okay? What's been done been done."

Soon after shouting those words to me, he suddenly stopped moving. He turned around and looked at my eyes.

"Arthur, It's about time to put your skills into use. There is only that much can be done with sparring sessions. You becoming an Adventurer is an opportunity to hone your skills you earned thus far. Of course you have much to learn but practice makes perfect. So please...don't worry about it."

"...Yes I feel better now. Thank you sir."

"Don't thank me yet boy! There is much to be done. Now come."

After exchanging our true feelings, we started walking again but this time in much better mood than before. I don't know what it is but somehow we became a bit closer.

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