The Asgarth Chronicles

Chapter 5: Vol. 1 Chapter 4 – Sword Training & Meeting with Archbishop

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Location: Courtyard (Monastery of St. Lumen)

There were loud noises coming from the courtyard. As people were going to do their assigned tasks, two men were fighting in a middle to their mild annoyance considering it's early in the morning.

One of them was Arthur and the other was a burly guy with a brown hair, wearing an expectional armor. Despite the young age, he was proven to be a quite skilled commander and a fighter which is shown thanks to their cape with the emblem of the Randoir City. 

"Is that all you got? If it weren't for my eyes, I would think I was bitten by a mosquito!"

"Sigh...Sigh... Forgive me sir. I have to yet get use to everyday exercise."

"Ha! It's surprising how easily you get tired and we didn't even reach the intermediate course!"

"Please spare me...."

Arthur still didn't fully recover from that incident and because his body isn't used to constant physical activity, the amount of training he can do is limiting to his misfortune. Even so, the last days gave him opportunity to get basics down in sword. As these two were exchanging words, someone was coming from the Cathedral and approached them. 

"Rufus! What did I told you!? You can't overwork him like that, he will be sick again if you keep pushing him!"

"Now now, I have to push my students over their limits sometimes or else how can they ever improve?" 

"Please don't get mad at him Miss Claire. I asked him to that myself. I have to step up my game if I don't want my training to last forever."

Sister Claire couldn't help but to be worried even after hearing Arthur's reassuring words. After all, she was ordered to look after him and she cannot allowed herself for any mistakes.

"By the way Miss Claire did something happened? I've seen you came from Cathedral."

"Funny for you to ask, I'm here to deliver a message to you. His Excellency has requested your presence."

Arthur squinted his eyes a bit after hearing the news. The Archbishop of Church of Ceres. During his stay, he didn't had any opportunities to meet him nor he wasn't aware of that they even existed. That was until his talk with Sister Claire that informed such a person existed. He couldn't help but wonder what's the reason behind summoning him after all this time.

"...Do you know the reason?"

"I'm just a messenger. It isn't my place to question His Excellency."

"Okay. It would be rude to keep him waiting. I will go right now if that's alright."

Once Arthur put his sword into the sheath, he looked at Sir Rufus and awaited his call.

"Yeah yeah I hear you. But don't you think you will get away from your training!"

After he waved his hand, Arthur slightly smiled and asked Sister Claire to lead the way. Afterwards, both of them went to the Cathedral, to place where the Archbishop awaits them.


Location: Cathedral (Monastery of St. Lumen)

"Damn, it's not even my first time here and still I cannot fathom how spacious this place is."

"*Giggle it pleases me to hear the compliment. Not many people pay heed toward architecture nowadays."

Once Arthur and Sister Claire entered the Cathedral, he briefly look over the interior while being overwhelmed by it's sheer size. It did remind him of Cathedrals from his old world but none of them had that mystical vibe. However he knew he didn't come here to appreciate the interior design so it didn't took much longer for him to follow Sister Claire upstairs. 

After few minutes they reached the Audience Room, where the Archbishop is waiting.

"This is the Audience Room. His Excellency has requested you specifically so I will await here."

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"Alright but is it okay for him to be all alone with me without any guards?"

"Do not worry, there are a bunch of measures installed in case of extreme situations."

After getting reassured by Sister Claire, he entered the Audience Room with his trusty sword on the side. Once he was inside, he noticed a figure that standing right before stained glass looking over the horizon but before Arthur could say anything, the Archbishop spoke.

"Pardon me for summoning you abruptly at this time of day. In fact, I wanted to speak with you for some time now but alas the Goddess had different plans for me."

After ending the sentence, the Archbishop turned around and started observing Arthur with his eyes. As you would expect, he wears light-green robes like others but as his standing suggests his robes are much more grandiose in comparison along with special Mitre that only Archibishops wear and a special looking staff. The man himself is a bit taller compare to Arthur and yet he exudes gentleness and wisdom thanks to his old age and long beard.

"Ah yes, where are my manners. My name is Archibald, I serve Goddess as Archbishop of this very monastery. I welcome you, young one in this sacred place. I pray your recovery goes smoothly as we speak."

"Yes I feel much better thanks to your people. I owe them my own life. I'm Arthur although that much Your Excellency already knows."

Arthur wasn't well versed in term of etiquette so he made a slight bow toward Archbishop while exchanging pleasantries. Despite that, the atmosphere was still a bit tense. It wasn't long until the silence was broken by Archbishop once again.

"You probably wonder what's the reason behind calling you here so I will be straightforward. Are you perhaps an Overworlder?"

".....What if I am?"

After he heard the words coming from Archbishop, Arthur squinted his eyes and reflexively put his hand on the hilt, closely observing the figure before him.

"Please be at ease young one, I do not wish to bring harm upon you. However I would like to give you a warning."

"...A Warning?"

"You may find yourself in different kind of situations but be aware of your status. The Overworlders.....are rather infamous in these parts and depending on situation their attidute may change quite heavily if they know that information. I would recommend to share the secret only to those you're close to."

".....I will keep that in mind. Is that all?"

"I sense you want to ask me something, young one. I won't insist if you don't feel like to ask right now."

During the conversation, Arthur withdrawn his hand from the hilt however he still remained in high alert while wondering about the Archbishop's intentions.

".....How did you get that information? Or rather did the one who brought me here in the first place shared that information?"

"...Quite an accurate assessment, I was informed in fact by the person you speak of. But if you want to ask who is that person, I'm afraid I was sworn to secrecy.I pray for your understanding."

The Archbishop was quite impressed by Arthur's deduction. Even so, he was not allowed to share the identity of a person who bring him to the monastery. After the talk, Arthur thanked Archbishop for his advice and was about to leave the Audience Room. But before he could leave, the Archbishop briefly stopped him for last time.

"One more thing, young one. Few weeks prior, while you were asleep there was an Overworlder visiting the monastery. In case you ran into her, she may provide a much bigger help in providing knowlegde about this world than books will ever do. Their outfit is rather...interesting so it shouldn't be an issue in finding her."

".....I see. I will be going now, please excuse me."


Afterwards he finally left the room however now he's in much more distressed state in comparison to before. His state so much obvious to point even Sister Claire had to question him about it.

"Huh? What happened? Your face is much grimmer than before. Awwww, don't tell me you get into fight with His Excellency..."

"Ah Miss Claire. I'm sorry I just have to think about some things. Nothing bad happened so please don't worry."

Arthur, not realizing soon enough that his face shown an obvious distrest he made sure to explain the situation to Sister Claire in order to calm her down. Afterwards, he returned back to Sir Rufus where he continued his training until the noon but it will take a while until the unease will finally fade.

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