The Aura-Verse

Chapter 18: Chapter 16: Duel of Two Sides Pt. VI

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Valerie ran through the halls of the South Dormitory. She looked in both directions for a specific dorm. Fortunately, he didn't have to run any longer. He stood at the door. Iker Kazama.

"Not the athletic type I see. I'll remember that," said Kazama.

"Shut up! I got what you needed! At least be somewhat nice to me!" she shouted.

Valerie handed him the notebook. She leaned against the wall next to him.

"Look through it. Maybe you'll find out why the guy's so Bipolar," she said sarcastically.

He nodded and opened it. He flipped through it reading small parts of the text written inside.

"These are plans. Why would a fifteen-year-old student need plans?"

They both thought about it for a second. Valerie remembered something Drew had told her. On the last page, you'll see my true intentions, his words popped into her head.

"Kazama check the last page!"

He rushed through the notebook until he reached the last page. Their eyes widened at what they saw.

I have to kill Hyuri Katsuyo...


Drew walked the halls of the school building looking for the arena. He walked at a slow pace.

"Well, Commander it seems like it's finally time to do my part of this operation," he said to himself.

He pulled out a dagger from his pocket. He stood in front of the doors to the arena.

"Found you, Katsuyo..."


Valerie and Kazama ran through the halls fast. They needed to be quick to stop him.

"That must be the reason he even started this thing, but why?!" Kazama shouted.

"Look, all I know is he's been very weird lately," Valerie told him. "Some times bossy and wants to fight and other times he's calm."

Not even a month of school and someone's attempting murder. Kazama and Valerie couldn't believe it.

"Katsuyo isn't aware of this so we have to run faster!"

Kazama stopped.

"Wh-what are you doing?! We have to-"

Kazama crouched down.

"Get on! Trust me we'll be there sooner!"

She hesitated for a second.

"Come on!"


She climbed onto his back. Her face turned hot and red. She was blushing

"Hang on tight!" Kazama shouted.


Hyuri was still in battle with Yajitaka. They've been at it for a while now. Neither of them showing signs of exhaustion yet. The crowd of at least thirty students was yelling. The doors opened and Drew walked in. Of course, Hyuri hadn't noticed. He was still fighting.

Drew walked to the top of the stands. He sat down to watch the match. His face filled with a wide grin.

Hyuri kept on striking at his opponent but that did no good. His hits were just deflected by Yajitaka's swords. It had been that way for a while.

"Sword fighting isn't gonna get us anywhere! Lightning Resonance: Spark Kick!" Hyuri yelled

He jumped in the air and stuck one leg out. Yajitaka threw his swords away.

"This is fun," he said. "Water Resonance: Aquatic Shield!"

A dark blue-ish dome covered Yajitaka. It seemed to be made of water. Hyuri made contact with the dome. Electricity was sent all around the dome, then eventually back to Hyuri. Of course, this didn't affect him. He simply jumped back.

"Water conducts electricity. You tried to shock me," Hyuri stated. "That doesn't work on me."

"I can see that. Water Resonance: Aqua Vortex!"

He stuck his arm out with his palm open. The water rushed toward Hyuri. He'd drown if he were to be trapped.

"Lightning Resonance: Electrical Rotation!" Hyuri shouted.

He summoned electricity and it spun around him like Yajitaka's dome. It protected him from the water.

"Impressive. Just not impressive enough," Yajitaka muttered.

He crouched down and place his palms wide open on the ground. He looked up and smirked.

"Earth Resonance: Rising Edge!"

No one could see what was happening, but Yajitaka knew. He began laughing.

"Won't be able to hide forever!"

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He was right. Two spikes emerged and stabbed right through Hyuri's arms.

"Kuh!" He grunted.

Both the water and electricity disappeared. Blood fell down the spikes. His arms trembling.

"Got ya now!!" Yajitaka said charging at him.

"Maybe that kid will do the job for me," Drew chuckled.

Hyuri thought about what he could do. As he was thinking Yajitaka got closer. He just smirked and let it happen. Yajitaka was right in front of him. He threw a punch. The moment it touched Hyuri he got shocked. Yajitaka collapsed.

"Discharge," Hyuri whispered. "Guess I win."

The spikes broke. His arms were free. He couldn't really use them so he left. Drew followed unnoticed.


The halls were empty. Hyuri was alone or so he thought. Drew came up from behind and stabbed him in the back.


Then, stabbed again. Hyuri turned around before eventually collapsing on his back. He looked at Drew in shock.


"Yes me! Now just stay still!"

He got on top of Hyuri. He went for another attempt. Hyuri grabbed his arm. Trying to get the dagger as far away from his body as possible.

"What're you doing?!"

"What does it look like?!"

Drew used more force. The dagger slowly grew closer to Hyuri's chest. Hyuri applied even more force.

"Would you mind giving up?! I'm trying to kill you!"

Eventually, Hyuri gave in and the dagger went through his chest. He didn't hit a vital spot. Hyuri was safe.

"That hurt you know," Hyuri said jokingly.

Hyuri heard footsteps coming. It was Valerie and Kazama.

Kazama hurried and kicked Drew off him while Valerie caught her breath.


Kazama got on top of Drew and began punching him in the face. He hit him harder each time.

"Stop! Stop it!" He screamed.

Kazama didn't listen. He continued with the punches. Drew's face was messed up, but he kept going. It was only until Valerie pulled him off.

"WHY'D YOU STOP ME?!" Kazama yelled, his voice filled with rage.

Valerie let go of him. He realized he just shouted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

Drew got up and ran off screaming. Kazama got Hyuri on his back.

"We should take him to the nurse," Kazama said softly.

Valerie nodded in agreement. The three made their way to the nurse's office.


Kazama and Valerie sat outside the room while Hyuri was getting healed. Kazama stared at the floor not knowing how to start a conversation. Valerie was the first to break the ice.

"Why did you yell like that earlier, Kazama?" She asked him.

Kazama stayed silent for a few seconds. Thinking about how to explain it.

"It's because... a while back my mother got beat up in a similar way."

Valerie covered her mouth and gasped.

"It was when I was seven. My mother and I were walking home after shopping. A few thieves found us and mugged us in an alley. They took my mother's purse and started to beat her up badly. I tried to fight them off. That didn't work..."

He paused briefly. He looked as if he was going to cry

He continued," Eventually the thieves shot her twice. Once in the forehead. Then, in her mouth. I was terrified. I ran as fast as I could all the way home. To my knowledge, those motherfuckers haven't been caught."

Valerie was shocked. She didn't know what to say. She felt extremely bad for him. Without thinking she hugged him tightly. Kazama was surprised but he didn't say anything. Valerie felt liquid falling onto her thighs. Tears. His tears. Iker Kazama was crying.

"That's why you jumped attacked him? You just wanted to redeem yourself."

He nodded his head. He started crying more after remembering the event.

"Everything will be okay, Kazama. I'll be here."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: The "Duel of Two Sides" arc isn't over just yet. There are still a few more chapters left in the arc. Stick around to see what happens next.

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