The Aura-Verse

Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Duel of Two Sides Pt. VII

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March 22nd, 2000 [1:00 PM, Courtyard]

Hyuri sat at one of the tables in the courtyard. His arms were still healing from his fight with Yajitaka a few days ago. The wind blew against his black hair. He just stared at the sky. Light blue. No clouds in sight.

"Yo! How are your arms?"

Hyuri turned around. It was his roommate, Rei Shojin.

"They still hurt, but it's getting better," Hyuri assured him.

Rei sat down next to him. Kensho was inside playing video games. The two just sat in silence for a while. They enjoyed the nice weather.

"You've been looking more depressed lately. Are you doing okay?" Rei asked, concerned.

Hyuri just stared at the grass. The events of the past few days flashed through his head.

"Y-yeah. I'm doing fine just been getting less sleep," he lied.

"If you say so."

Hyuri didn't want to worry Rei. He knew Rei would try and help. Instead, he'd just get hurt.

"Say, I'll buy you some lunch at the food court. You haven't eaten."

"Sure," he nodded.


The two were sitting at the usual four-chair round table. Sitting across from each other. Rei's choice of food was two cheeseburgers and some french fries along with soda. Hyuri had a cheeseburger with a bottle of fruit juice. Although his arms hurt he could still use them.

Rei looked at Hyuri. It looked like bags were starting to form under his eyes.

"You should really get more sleep, you know."

"I've been trying my best. Believe me."

Hyuri continued to eat his cheeseburger. He hadn't eaten all day. The cheeseburger felt like a feast to him. He took a few more bites and finished it.

"Hey! Hyuri! Rei!" A girl yelled.

Both of them turned to see who it was. It was Haruka and Hikari. Their neighbors.

"Haruka, Hikari over here!" Rei shouted back.

The girls sat at the two unoccupied seats.

They hadn't seen each other for a while now. Recently, all of them have had tons of homework from each class.

"The amount of homework lately is ridiculous. We haven't seen each other in days!" Hikari said sipping on lemonade. "Speaking of which. Hyuri you seem so tired."

"I know."

He slumped over the table. His hand holding his head. Hyuri was just glad the whole "Drew thing" is over.

Or was it?


Drew was standing by the window. He looked outside. He stared at the sky still thinking about when the tides were turned. He still had one thing left in his arsenal. This final thing would show if this war could be won.

"Come in, Hijame."

The 6th-ranked student walked into the room. A smirk on his face. He leaned against a wall.

"You heard me?"

"Yeah. Since you're here I might as well tell you the plan."

"This school really isn't a normal one, huh?" He asked.

"Get Katsuyo alone as soon as possible. Tell me when you do."

Akiro chuckled. The chuckle turned into a laugh.

"Do I have permission to attack?" Akiro asked as he turned to walk away.

"Not until I get there."


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Akiro walked through the halls of the Northern Domain. He was on his way to get Hyuri alone. But...

"What're you up to, Akiro?"

It was him. Kaizu Kirigashi. Akiro paused. He faced Kaizu. He knew where this was going. Kaizu stopped leaning against the wall and stood up. Akiro jumped back.

"You read my mind, huh?" Kaizu asked.

"I did. Let's get it over with."

Kaizu unsheathed his sword. Akiro conjured his stone katana. They both had a cold look on their faces.

"Guess I have to take you down again," Kaizu sighed.

"You can try."


Kazama sat in silence at his desk eating a cup of ramen. He scrolled through the school forums. It was the usual topic "North and East war". He was tired of it. It should've died down. The dorm door was slammed open. The loud noise caused Kazama to almost choke on the noodles.

"What is it, Kai?" Kazama asked angrily.

"A message."

"Message? From who?" Kazama was curious.

"Kaizu Kirigashi from the Eastern Domain."

"Kirigashi? What does he want?"

Kazama would have never expected a message from him.

"Hyuri's in danger. Again."

Kazama's face filled with worry.

"He said Akiro Hijame and Drew Casey planned on ambushing him," Kai continued. "Kaizu is currently stalling Akiro."

Kazama quickly ate his noodles. He put his shoes on and ran out the door.

"This damn school isn't normal!"


Kaizu picked up Akiro by his neck. Akiro struggled and struggled to get loose.

"You will not touch Hyuri..."

"Why? It's not like you're still friends with him!"

Kaizu threw Akiro against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.


He punched Akiro in his throat. Akiro collapsed. He coughed as he grasped his throat with his hand. Kaizu lifted him by his neck again.

"Do you understand?"

Akiro chuckled and tried to make a sarcastic remark, but Kaizu wasn't having it. He threw open one of the windows in the hallway. They were on the second floor. If Akiro were to be dropped he'd be severely injured.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Kaizu yelled again.

Before Akiro could speak Kaizu threw him out the window. He yelled until he hit the grass. He was lucky there was grass. Kaizu calmed down.

"Hey! Kirigashi!"

"Kazama, you're a bit late."

He glanced and saw the window open. He peered out of it and saw Akiro lay there grabbing his knee.

"I took care of Akiro. All you need to do is handle Drew and this war should be over."

Kazama nodded and ran off to Drew's dorm.

To Be Continued...

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